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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 14 Father and Son

Harry Osborn returned to his mansion in Manhattan, New York. Since graduating from high school, he has moved out of home independently and lived in the university dormitory with his best friend Peter. However, due to the recent easing of the cold relationship with his father, he is no longer the same as before. He was so nervous, so he went home more often.

Harry put down his backpack and walked into the house. Since he traveled to the West Coast, his relationship with his new girlfriend Mary-Jane has developed by leaps and bounds. The two quickly fell in love and lived a sweet and happy life every day. This made the whole family Peter, who was slapped on the face with cold dog food every day, felt very distressed and depressed.

“Why do you have time to go home today?”

Harry’s father was sitting in the living room. The helmsman of Osborne Industries was tall, with thin cheeks and sharp eyes like a hawk. He exuded a majestic aura that made people afraid to look at him.

He is Norman Osborne, a well-known business tycoon in New York. He founded Osborne Industries from scratch more than ten years ago. From a fledgling unknown to now having astonishing wealth and respected status, he can be said to be quite a legend. Big shot of color.

“School is on vacation, I’ll come back to get some things.” Harry said calmly. He had been sent to boarding school since he was a child, and his relationship with his father was very alienated. The two of them rarely had tender moments of communication and heart-to-heart conversations.

“I heard that you have a girlfriend?”

Norman Osborne leaned on the sofa and looked at his son who was a little embarrassed in front of him. He couldn’t help but be very disappointed. He had always hoped to train Harry to be a decisive and courageous man who could take over Osborne’s job in the future. Industry – this is his life’s efforts and hard work, and of course it needs someone to inherit and carry forward it.

But the results were disappointing. Harry’s abilities were mediocre. Although he had excellent qualities, he only wanted to have fun and have fun, and had no business talent at all. So over time, Norman gave up on the idea of ​​training his son to be his successor. Anyway, he will be in charge of Osborn Industries for a long time, leading the company to a higher peak and completely building it into a family giant like Stark Industries.

“Well, I’m going to bring her to you in a few days. She’s a very good girl!” Harry said good things about his girlfriend in front of his father. This young master Osborne had already fallen in love and couldn’t extricate himself. .

“I know some information about her – that girl named Mary Jane is not worthy of you, Harry.” Norman objected directly and decisively: “She came from such a family, never went to college, and did The dream of a big star, but she doesn’t understand the etiquette and upbringing of the upper class at all, how can such a girl enter the Osborne family?!”

Ignoring his son’s livid face, Norman Osborne showed his strong side as a father. The Osborne family finally took off their nouveau riche hat and entered New York’s upper class society. If his son married a girl from a humble background, , this will make the outside world laugh.

“I’ve seen a lot of girls who love vanity, Harry. They only care about your status and wealth.”

Norman Osborn was serious and thoughtful. When Harry was young, he put all his energy into his heavy career and was often too busy to go home. Later, he even sent his son to boarding school. This created the relationship between father and son. Now that the operation of Osborne Industries is gradually getting on the right track, Norman is also trying to mend his relationship with Harry, but he is not very good at expressing his feelings, so he always does it by facing the subordinates of the company. The conversation actually intensified the conflict between father and son!

“I have something else to do, so I won’t be eating at home.”

Harry picked up his backpack and was about to leave. He didn’t want to argue with his father. Anyway, he had heard this type of parental power dialogue many times.

“By the way, the day after tomorrow is the carnival. I invited Peter and some friends. I hope you can come then.” After hesitating, Harry sent an invitation to his father and walked out of the house.

The empty and luxurious mansion returned to tranquility. Norman Osborn leaned on the sofa tiredly, looking a little disappointed. Harry just mentioned Peter, and that young man was quite good. Compared to Harry, who has mediocre abilities, Norman admires his son’s best friend Peter Parker more. He knows that shy young man, who has an unusual interest in scientific research and has excellent grades in school.

Norman even had the idea of ​​arranging Peter to work at Osborne Industries after graduation, so that he could train a trustworthy helper for Harry in the company. The old guys on the board of directors were all hungry people who could eat people without spitting out their bones. Wolf, if he hadn’t been deliberately suppressing their power, Osborne Industries would have been sold to the vampires on Wall Street by these people!

Rubbing his slightly aching head, Norman closed his eyes. Osborne Industries was about to undergo a huge transformation recently. He was preparing to launch an impact on the military industry, establish a friendly relationship with the Ministry of Defense, and then become Star Overcome behemoths like industry and gain respectable status and power.

For this reason, Norman has invested almost all of his wealth in the research and development of human enhancement agents, and is now at the stage of almost producing results. This project came from the super soldier project to create Captain America during the Second World War of the last century. The military developed a serum at that time that could make people become powerful super soldiers. Unfortunately, the inventor was later assassinated. The formula of the serum has also become a secret that no one knows.

For many years, the military has never given up on the pursuit and research of “super soldiers”. Norman saw a huge opportunity in this, so he took over the research project on human enhancement agents, which will allow Osborne Industries to complete a leap. It is the best springboard for rapid development and becomes a defense contractor for the military in one fell swoop.

If he completes this project and gains the favor of several military officials, he may also be able to set his sights on the political arena and have the opportunity to become a member of Parliament Hill.

Norman’s imagination was running wild, and he couldn’t wait to see the dreamed-up situation become a reality. During World War II, Howard Stark, the founder of Stark Industries, relied on his extraordinary mind and means to become the leader of American military weapons. A powerful provider, this is why Stark Industries, now known as the leader in the military industry, has emerged.

It was precisely because Howard Stark seized the opportunity in life that he achieved the brilliant achievements of Stark Industries. If he can do it, why can’t he succeed? !

Norman is full of confidence. As long as the human enhancement agent is successfully developed, Osborne Industries can be promoted to a guest of the Ministry of Defense. The large number of orders and the soaring stock price are enough for him to lead the Osborne family into a new future. !

“As long as the people in the Ministry of Defense are satisfied tomorrow, everything will be perfect.”

A proud smile appeared on Norman’s face. He had been waiting for this day for too long. With excitement, he slowly closed his eyes and fell into a wonderful dream.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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