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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 143 Arrest

The cool autumn wind swept through the tall trees on both sides of the road, and the yellow leaves swirled, turning in the wind for a while, falling to the ground, or falling into the lake.

Sean got out of the car as he drove into Washington, D.C., wearing a black windbreaker. He stood under the Lincoln Memorial. Not far away were the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument. Even from a distance, he could still clearly see the top of the statue. The inscription: “Lincoln will be immortal and remain in the hearts of the people forever.” The most famous president in the history of the United States has a solemn expression, with his hands placed on both sides of the armrests of the chair, and his lifelike eyes seem to reveal a little compassion.

Next to the young man was an Asian woman dressed in OL fashion. Her black ponytail was tied behind her head. Her smart and capable clothing style, paired with her cold and weak face, looked quite attractive. This is the young man’s first secretary, named Yuriko, who was once Stryker’s right-hand man. He is a genetically modified mutant whose abilities and talents are almost the same as those of Wolverine.

Since Stryker died at the dam base, the mutant gene pool and research information have been recovered by Sean and stored in Umbrella’s secret area. As for the Colonel’s Weapon X team, they have also been reduced to young Human thugs, they are all genetically modified experimental subjects, implanted with the innate abilities of mutants, and can be called top-notch killing weapons.

These people are elite soldiers selected by Stryker from the army. Many of them are ruthless mercenaries or highly skilled thieves. There is no good or evil morality or patriotic sentiment in their minds. To put it simply, they are A bunch of guys who can be easily bribed.

After seeing Sean’s ruthless methods in dealing with his former boss, these test subjects who were used as weapons did not dare to have any thoughts of resistance or betrayal. After a mercenary relied on his tough skin and invulnerability to challenge the young people, They were torn into pieces by a crimson beam, and their bloody and terrifying strength turned them into a group of obedient babies.

“At three o’clock, you and Mr. Osborne will meet with Vice President Francis Underwood near the Capitol in Washington.”

Yuriko quickly adapted to her role as secretary. Compared to the dark experience of staying with Stryker, she currently prefers her life at Umbrella, at least she no longer has to be used as a weapon or tool.

“Do you have any other itinerary?” Sean looked at the continuous buildings along the Potomac River, his slender body standing next to the black car.

The indulgent Mr. Osborne seems to have never known the importance of punctuality. I hope he is not lying on a supermodel and unable to get up.

“I’ll have dinner with Miss Gwen at River Park tonight. I’ve reserved the best seat. You can see the beautiful scenery of the East Hudson River. The chef, Mr. Evans, will be happy to serve you.”

Yuriko paused and continued: “Tomorrow at noon, Mr. Reed-Richards invites you to their cruise party.”

After hearing the orderly schedule, Sean nodded slightly. Since he had a smart and capable secretary, he finally no longer needed to spend energy on these trivial things.

As Umbrella develops and expands, the biomedical market is expanded and promoted by Osborne Industries. Sean only needs An Xin to be the top provider, controlling the upstream supply of raw materials and drug distribution, while the energy industry is Judging from the strength of Stark Industries’ promotion, as for the military procurement field that is about to enter, relying on the support of General Ross alone, at most it will barely enter the Ministry of Defense’s procurement list.

There are countless people vying to share this huge piece of cake. Umbrella, who lacks connections and connections, will not be able to compete with the rest of the military industry if he can’t come up with anything that impresses those military bosses. enterprise.

However, Sean has already prepared for these problems. When Ivan Vanke completes the copy of the Ark reactor, someone will naturally come to his door with a large number of orders.

While his thoughts were wandering, six or seven black Hummers stopped hurriedly, forming a semi-encirclement. Dozens of agents in black stepped out of the vehicles. The leader was a middle-aged man with a kind face, followed by powerful and strong agents. personnel.

“Introduce yourself, Phil Coulson.” The middle-aged man with a worrying hairline stretched out his hand, his attitude was quite friendly, “I belong to SHIELD, and I would like to ask Mr. Sean Sipers to go back and assist in the investigation. Many vicious cases.”

Before Sean could speak, Yuriko’s eyes suddenly turned sharp, her delicate temperament gone, like a stimulated beast, ready to show off its sharp claws at any time.

“It’s okay.” The young man comforted the secretary who seemed to be violent and hurtful immediately, and said softly: “If you want me to go with you, you must at least produce an arrest warrant or some other documents. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be contrary to the legal spirit of this country? Trampled?”

Coulson looked at Sean who was calm and composed. He had met this kind of person more than once. He was unfazed when facing the arrest and detention he was about to suffer. Before the defense line is broken, they will not admit defeat or bow their heads. Instead, they will smile, as if they are really good citizens who abide by the law.

“SHIELD never needs to sign any documents when arresting criminals.” A tall and tough young man next to Coulson laughed, with a chill in his voice: “Instead of relying on money and status to escape sanctions, it is better to prepare first A lot of paper towels, it won’t look good if your face is covered in snot from crying.”

Coulson stopped the threatening words of Grant Ward. With his cautious style, he never allowed anyone to grasp any criticism. With Sean’s status and wealth, he can hire a whole team of lawyers to defend himself, but unfortunately, SHIELD is not a court, nor is it the New York Police Department. As a completely violent and intelligence agency, they do not need to comply Those laws on the surface.

“It looks like I have to make a trip.” Sean shrugged. He looked back at his secretary Yuriko, “Tell Harry and that distinguished guest that I may have to miss the appointment.”

There was no trace of annoyance on the young man’s face. He stretched out his hands and said, “Want to put handcuffs on me, Agent Coulson?”

The kind-hearted middle-aged man did not refuse this request. If Director Fury guessed correctly, as a fellow participant in outer space experiments, Sean may also have some unknown special abilities.

The tough-faced Agent Grant stepped forward, put a pair of alloy handcuffs on him, and then covered him with a black suit to preserve the last bit of dignity for this New York genius.

“You will fall in love with SHIELD. There are many villains like you who are hypocritical and full of lies.” The young agent lowered his voice and said in Sean’s ear.

Coulson shook his head helplessly and put the extremely cooperative Sean into a specially modified bulletproof vehicle. Not far away was the SHIELD headquarters. This made the middle-aged man almost feel that the other party had known about the arrest for a long time. It’s like it’s delivered to your door automatically.

Yuriko, who stayed where she was, followed the boss’s instructions and dialed Mr. Osborne’s number.

All this is like throwing a stone into a calm lake. As the ripples continue to spread, it may roll up a huge wave with astonishing power.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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