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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 145 Three Phone Calls

As night fell, Nick Fury stood in front of the window, looking at the surging Potomac River. In the dim light, a marble obelisk pierced the sky like a sword. It was the first president of the United States. The monument built by President George Washington is often visited by an endless stream of tourists. After climbing to the top via the high-speed elevator, you can have a panoramic view of the entire city from the small window.

Directly south of the Washington Monument is the green grassy White House, the presidential residence. Twenty minutes ago, the black director received a private phone call from the vice president’s staff. There was no strong condemnation or harsh reprimand as expected. The vice president, who was extremely politically ambitious, just asked about the situation in a friendly manner and hung up the phone after a few minutes of greetings.

Fury was silent for a long time. He had just learned that the Vice President, who was born in South Carolina and serves as the whip of the majority party in the House of Representatives, is not only a veteran politician with great political ambitions and prospects, but also a lover who loves his daughter. Good father.

Francis Underwood, his daughter suffers from a disability in her right leg. His wife often sighs because of this, and his daughter also has a slight tendency to depression. According to the information obtained by S.H.I.E.L.D., the blond angel-like The little cutie also had a suicide experience.

Umbrella’s Kress medicine, which has not yet been launched, was developed specifically for patients with mutilated limbs. Perhaps through this relationship, the young man with a radiant appearance got in touch with Vice President Underwood. Whether there is a deeper transaction is unknown.

“I don’t believe you can be ahead of others every time.” Fury stared at Sean on the holographic projection, his voice cold.

He initially doubted the other party, just because of the occupational disease of an agent chief. However, after detailed investigation, he found that this young man was indeed suspicious. He was always like a bystander, wandering on the edge of various events, seemingly having nothing to do with him. It doesn’t matter, but it is actually full of many weird things that need to be considered carefully.

Nick Fury, who has served as a senior executive in many intelligence agencies, knows very well that there are no repeated coincidences in this world. If such a thing happens, it can only prove that everything is a man-made or directed drama.

The pressure exerted by a vice president was not enough to make SHIELD make concessions. Although the black director knew that the White House and the military had been dissatisfied with him for a long time, he might not let those politicians arrest him again this time. Seize the opportunity to make things difficult.

“Sir, the Pentagon’s number.”

Nick Fury answered the communication with a gloomy face. General Ross’s voice came from the other end. He could almost imagine the arrogant and arrogant face of this military hawk general.

If the White House’s dissatisfaction with S.H.I.E.L.D. is only due to the isolation of power, which prevents even the president from directly commanding this large-scale secret agency, then the military’s hostility is due to the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D. led by Fury has superiority over the Pentagon and the Terrifying powers above all types of intelligence agencies.

This huge organization rooted in the United States can directly draw manpower from the four major intelligence agencies and recruit agents. It does not need to apply directly for funding from the I.C. (U.S. National Intelligence Agency) and the Department of Defense, so it does not need to be constrained by the White House and the military. , and at the same time, it has set up branches in various countries, established a confidentiality system with strict authority, and has great autonomy and executive power.

Presumably when the World Security Council chose to strengthen this agency, formerly known as the Strategic Science Corps, no one could have imagined that it would give birth to such a huge organization with power spread all over the world.

Hearing the harsh scolding on the phone, Fury responded calmly: “Of course I know Mr. Sipers, he is a very good young man… I just asked him to come back to help investigate some minor matters. General, please don’t worry, We will definitely send him back safely…How long will it take exactly? You know, interrogation…assisting the investigation always takes a while.”

Although the one-eyed black man hated those politicians, he had to admit that their technique of rambling and changing the subject was very effective in this situation.

About forty minutes later, the topic had shifted from SHIELD’s release of Sean to the military operations in Central Asia and the construction of the Pentagon’s intelligence network. No matter how General Ross roared on the other end of the phone, Nick Fury seemed to be talking to the old man. Friends chatted as if they were at home, chatting about trivial things.

With a loud “bang”, the phone switched to a busy signal. The black director curled his lips and said with a smile: “You are so old, but you still have such a bad temper.”

Putting down the phone in his hand, his smile gradually faded. Nick Fury’s single eye flashed with a sharp cold light. He was like a seasoned hunter, watching the prey that fell in the trap struggle desperately.

“Who else, Osborne Industries? Or other plutocratic forces?” He snorted coldly.

This suspected New York genius is indeed well-connected. Whether he is a powerful vice president or a powerful general in the Pentagon, everyone is willing to speak for him. However, SHIELD is different from other intelligence agencies or governments. Department, even with the pressure from the two big figures, Fury felt that he could still withstand it.

He looked at the young man in the video who was being interrogated by Grant Ward. This was just the first step of simple torture, and there were more methods waiting for Sean.

Even the Nazis with fanatical beliefs during World War II, after being manipulated by SHIELD, basically confessed all the secrets in their minds as long as they did not commit suicide by taking poison.

This huge organization is said to maintain world order and stability, but the bloodshed and terror hidden behind it are no less than another famous organization, Hydra.

While his thoughts were wandering, the phone rang again. Fury glanced at it and found that it was not Osborn Industries or other chaebol groups as expected.

“Tony…I didn’t expect you to call me.” The black director was quite surprised.

“Pepper told me that you took away the partner that Stark Industries had finally found.” The playboy’s voice was lazy. “You don’t have to wait until tomorrow morning. The whole of New York will know that a promising and worthy partner will be known to you.” A young man who represents a modern version of the American Dream is brutally imprisoned by an unknown intelligence organization.”

“They neither produced an issued arrest warrant nor obtained approval from Congress or any official agency. Following this, there are all kinds of critical public opinions. I believe the White House will not be on your side, those politicians It will only take advantage of the situation to add insult to injury, and by the way emphasize the importance of controlling power.”

Tony Stark said casually, with a nonchalant tone: “Do you think the World Security Council will continue to let things ferment? You can’t produce any evidence to accuse Sean. Even if there is evidence, those big shots They will also think that you are making a fuss out of a molehill, and it is not a major crisis that will destroy the world, so it is not worth SHIELD’s concern at all.”

Nick Fury was silent for a long time before he said, “When did you know so much about SHIELD?”

“Uh… To be honest, your database firewall is too simple. It only took me more than an hour to break through it. Although I didn’t get into the core data… But don’t worry, I will help you plug the loopholes before I leave. “

Tony seemed quite proud, but the black director’s face became a little darker. He didn’t care about Stark’s nonsense, but asked: “I can’t figure out why you want to help Sean Sipers.”

“If you mean why should I help a villain who may be evil and cunning, I think this question is meaningless.”

“Ever since I learned that my father was an arms dealer at the age of eight, I began to understand that there is no pure camp of good and evil in this world. One of the words my father often said was, ‘You die every year more from smoking than from weapons. There are many more people, but cigarettes are not still sold, and the guns I sell at least have safety bolts’!”

“Of course I also know that the so-called arms dealers sell weapons to protect the country. It is just a beautiful lie. There are three ways of arms trading in the world, white legal, black illegal, and Stark Industries. The favorite gray, a successful arms dealer, does all three.”

Tony, who was far away in the Stark mansion, was lying on the breezy terrace, the Ark reactor on his chest was renewed, and his body was filled with abundant vitality.

ps: I thought you joined the group because you admired the handsome and cute new authors. I thought you were all a bunch of evil forces pushing for more updates. I was trembling, so I could only post this chapter in advance~

Ahem, there is only one chapter tomorrow, how easy is it to save some manuscripts after all the hard work (resentment-ing)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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