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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 146 Good and Bad

“I would never tell a bunch of lies to make other people think I’m a good guy. That’s how the news media used to say about Tony Stark – the Merchant of Death.”

Tony lay on the chair and took a sip of soda. He could finally get rid of the damn unpleasant chlorophyll plant drink and looked up at the stars. The stars on the dark sky were dotted like a string of pearl necklaces shining brightly.

“You know Howard, so you should also know how he did business before, financing a warlord, and then more people will buy Stark Industries’ weapons because they need more weapons. That’s what war is like. You Beat me and I will beat you. Only arms dealers are absolutely fair. They don’t care about your purpose in launching a war or which country you come from. If they can afford the money, they can even sell you their souls.”

“Howard, he has never been a good person.” Tony called his father by his first name. “I was not a good person before. I never cared about whether the money I spent to buy a sports car or fish for a supermodel was stained with blood. Do you care whether the bullets you sell kill terrorists or innocent people?”

“If I were to think about all this, if my morals were this high, I wouldn’t be able to sleep every night.”

Fury silently, as an experienced agent leader, he could have come up with many truths and said some high-sounding words, but that playboy who has always been cynical actually left him speechless and speechless. .

“But what I did before does not prevent me from wanting to be a good person now.”

Tony stretched his body. The unconventional libertine now looked a little calm. He continued: “We all know the rules of how this world works. I don’t know why you took Sean away, but it’s definitely not because of that guy. If you don’t be a good person, that’s a game played by children. Draw a camp and clearly distinguish who is the hero and who is the villain.”

Nick Fury took a deep breath. Tony’s call made him hesitate. Maybe SHIELD could ignore the White House and the military, but the World Security Council had direct jurisdiction over him, and even he couldn’t act arbitrarily. .

And the key reason is that Sean, who calmly cooperates with SHIELD’s investigation, does not look like a guy who can be easily dealt with. The other party did not leave any obvious evidence, whether it was the gang leaders who died in the vendetta or the There are only a few inadequate traces of the tragically murdered Colonel Stryker.

The original purpose of the black director was to find out the secret behind this New York genius, but for the time being, it seemed that he had failed.

After thinking for a moment, Fury sighed. He didn’t want to see negative news in the newspaper tomorrow that would affect his mood. It was not yet time for SHIELD to enter the public eye.

“Stay away from him, Stark. Sean Sipers is not as simple as you think. I have dealt with countless villains, and he is the most difficult one.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not interested in men.” Tony on the other end of the phone said in a relaxed tone, not taking Fury’s warning into consideration at all, “I just owe him a favor.”

“But we can talk about your Superboy team another time, I’m starting to get a little interested.”

After saying this, the rejuvenated Iron Man hung up the phone and touched the glowing Ark reactor on his chest, with a pleasant smile on his lips.

Tony snorted coldly. If he didn’t owe Sean a favor, he wouldn’t bother to go to Nick Fury. Put a high-sounding cloak on what you do, and then claim that it is an act of justice?

Where does the distinction between good and bad come from in this world? Is there any essential difference between the president sitting in the White House and the villains in Hell’s Kitchen? That’s just a villain in a suit and a tougher fist.

He curled his lips, secretly despising the hypocrisy and ridiculousness of the black director. If it is true as the Bible says, people who do bad things will go to hell, then I believe hell is already overcrowded.

Putting aside the thoughts in his mind, Tony thought about how to spend this long night. Maybe he should go to Pepper to share his inner joy and have a romantic date.

The reborn Iron Man made up his mind. Ten minutes later, a beam of fire rushed out from above the mansion and pierced the night sky.


“Release him?” Ward frowned. He looked at the teacher Garrett and couldn’t help but ask in a questioning tone: “Then why do we bring him in? We will go through a simple scene and then put him back. SHIELD is not the NYPD, so bastards like this can come and go at will!”

Coulson was quite embarrassed. To be honest, he was surprised to receive the notice from Director Fury. He had the impression that SHIELD would rarely back down. Even when facing the White House and the military, its attitude was very tough, unless it was under the influence of Director Fury. Only after meeting the strict request of the president, this huge organization will slightly restrain its minions.

“Things are different than expected. Sean Sipers’ background is deeper than we thought. If this kind of thing gets bigger, it will have a bad impact on SHIELD.” Coulson explained with a headache.

If there was only a powerful general in the Pentagon standing behind that young man, SHIELD would naturally not feel afraid, but coupled with a very ambitious vice president, including Osborne and Stark, this would It’s enough for them to consider the pros and cons. After all, this lineup is quite intimidating.

Moreover, Director Fury only wanted to test Sean at the beginning. It would be better if he could dig out more secrets. But if you can’t pry the opponent’s mouth open, and you can’t use some unconventional means, then stopping appropriately is the best strategy.

It was impossible to hope that SHIELD would really imprison the New York genius for the sake of a few gang leaders or a dead military colonel.

Although the reasons for their actions are just, it does not mean that they are really a group of righteous and enthusiastic people who want to implement fair judgments for the court.

Coulson patted the young agent on the shoulder and walked sideways into the interrogation room. Sean still looked calm and relaxed. He looked up at Nick Fury’s confidant and said softly: “Look. Now I can leave early, I thought it would be after the news tomorrow morning.”

He picked up the black trench coat placed on the chair, smiled and said, “Thank you for your hard work.”

Coulson, who had a good-natured personality, forced a smile and walked in front to lead the way without saying anything. The straight corridor was empty. Sean stepped out of the door of the interrogation room and winked at Ward standing aside, his lips full of banter.

Going down the elevator all the way, he didn’t find anything new on the way. Sean’s eyes flickered. It seemed that the place he was staying in did not have high authority. It was similar to a public area and did not involve SHIELD’s confidential places.

Carrying the shining eagle emblem that stood in the hall, Sean stood at the door of SHIELD headquarters. A black car was parked outside. Yuriko stood on the steps, took the black windbreaker from the boss’s hand at the right time, and gently Put on.

The bleak autumn wind blew against his face, carrying the cold air. Sean looked back at the conspicuous eagle emblem standing in the center of the hall, then walked down the steps, turned around and sat in the car.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Nick Fury looked down at the small figure below. He just wanted to catch a shrimp, but he didn’t expect to bump into a shark with sharp teeth. The black director couldn’t figure out for the time being whether the other party was just an ambitious man who rose to power by stepping on many bones, or whether he was someone behind the scenes who had other agendas.

Sean’s style reminded him of his old rival, a huge organization hidden in the dark, known for its fanatical beliefs and all-pervasive infiltration capabilities. This is why SHIELD has set up strict and meticulous hierarchical authorities, because they need to be vigilant at all times. Those enemies who are spying in secret. (I couldn’t help laughing after writing this sentence, forgive me)

“Improve Sean Sipers’ sequence, and…bring Natasha back.” Fury said to the new female commander.

Maria Hill, the heroic commander of SHIELD, nodded and asked hesitantly: “Where’s Stark Industries?”

“Tony Stark doesn’t need to worry. Sean Sipers is the focus of attention in the near future. If he still doesn’t show his special ability, then let Natasha withdraw.”

Fury looked indifferent. There were still many things to do next. An abnormal object was discovered in New Mexico. Coulson and Hawkeye had to be sent there for a trip. They also had to be on guard and search for the group of monsters named after the mythical beast Hydra. Terrible opponent.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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