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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 147 Peter’s Changes

A burst of arrogant laughter echoed in the night sky. Spider-Man, who had disappeared recently, reappeared. Different from the interesting way of teasing criminals in the past, this good neighbor in New York seemed to be in a particularly bad mood tonight. The criminals on the streets were all severely beaten without exception.

“I’m Spider-Man, a superhero——”

The black figure climbed and jumped among the towering buildings, and suddenly fell from the sky. A thread of spider silk carried him quickly past the traffic on both sides. This unparalleled pleasure, as well as the growing satisfaction deep in his heart, filled the air. Hold Spider-Man’s chest and take him flying higher and farther.

Spider-Man reappeared with some subtle changes. The red tights in the past turned into a deep black, as if he had blended into the night, and at the same time he became chatty.

“You are such a blind little thief. This neighborhood is my territory. It is precisely because Spider-Man attacks you bastards that order in New York can be maintained!”

After solving a car thief, Spider-Man triumphantly faced the camera fixed on the street lamp with spider webs, posing in several handsome and unrestrained poses. The criminal with a bruised face and nose on the side was in sharp contrast to him.

It seems that Spider-Man, who has put on a black uniform, is very different from usual. Not only is he ruthless in his methods, but he is also not idle: “I’ve had enough of you criminals. When can I have a big time? Come on.” A big villain who destroys the world is not bad, thump thump thump! Spider-Man makes a shining appearance at the critical moment and becomes the hero who saves the world. The script is perfect – but why can’t we find actors to participate?”

Standing at the top of the building, Spider-Man felt very distressed and kept thinking. Peter Parker, hidden under the black uniform, seemed not to notice the change in his personality. A dark and obscure mental fluctuation affected him. His own emotions, the depression and unhappiness in life are all amplified, like a parasitic virus on his body, constantly eroding this originally kind and righteous superhero.

With his legs firmly glued to the glass window, Peter looked at himself reflected in it, showing an arrogant smile that definitely didn’t belong to him. He could faintly feel the side effects of this black suit, but it could improve himself. His strength, faster reaction speed, and more agility made him addicted to this sudden feeling of power.

No one can deny this wonderful feeling, at least not him.

Thinking of the days when he lost his power due to self-doubt, the pain of being reduced to a mortal again, and the weakness of being powerless in the face of the villain, Peter couldn’t help clenching his fists. Although he later regained the power of Spider-Man, he still longed for it in his heart. Become stronger.

“I am not that insignificant Peter Parker, I am Spider-Man! A superhero who is loved by the public, and everyone will admire me…” The black Spider-Man, whose legs were dangling on the edge of the tall building, said to himself.

Recently, he and Mary Jane finally got together as they wished, but the days of winning the favor of the goddess of his dreams were far less beautiful than he imagined. The embarrassment of life has consumed the sweetness of love. While playing the role of a superhero fighting criminals, he also had to take care of his girlfriend’s mood. At the same time, Peter also had to start making money to support his family. Spider-Man, who was gradually fading away from his youth and becoming mature, began to feel a little confused.

Reality dealt him a heavy blow. Originally, due to the information provided by his old classmate Sean, Peter had become a photographer for the Daily Bugle, but a young man named Eddie Brock suddenly appeared on the way. The competition made him even more anxious.

The troubles of life come one after another. As an ordinary person, Peter is really exhausted physically and mentally, unable to cope with it. Recently, he has quarreled with his girlfriend Mary Jane because of work and renting an apartment. Only when he becomes Spider-Man can he feel free and happy. .

“Humph, poor Peter, take a closer look. Spider-Man is the center of attention. No one cares who the person under the mask is… With greater power comes greater responsibility? How funny!”

Another voice from the bottom of my heart mocked, and two voices seemed to split into two voices arguing with each other, one was the ordinary boy Peter Parker, and the other was the superhero Spider-Man.

“Tch, who cares.” Peter sneered, an exaggerated smile appearing under the black mask.

He fired spider silk and once again patrolled the city from high altitude. In the dark corners where the brilliant lights could not shine, criminals needed to be attacked, and the people of New York also needed Spider-Man.

The black figure was like a gust of wind, floating unbridled in the sky and the earth, passing through the oncoming billboards and obstacles, as if the whole city was crawling under him, and no corner could escape those sharp eyes.

“Hey, here’s something interesting.” Spider-Man yelled. He saw a strong man wearing blue stripes trying to sneak into an apartment. “Thieves who steal are the most annoying. , let Spider-Man teach you a lesson.”

He kept spraying strong spider silk from his hands, and then flew towards the target, as if he had seen something interesting, and he was excited to let the strong man remember the lesson Spider-Man taught him forever.

A strong man with blue stripes stood at the bottom of an apartment building. He had a strong body and a resolute face. He looked like a tough character that no one wanted to mess with. But at this time, Flint, who had just been released from prison, was wandering downstairs of his home hesitantly. His seriously ill daughter and his wife who were living in poverty, the two most important people in his life, were all because of the mistakes he had made. , and suffered.

“I need money, a lot of money.” Something happened to his body that made him full of confidence. Flint, who had no way out, wanted to find a way out by robbing a bank.

Before Flint, who had made up his mind, had time to see his wife and daughter, an uninvited guest rushed over. His legs were wrapped with huge force and hit him, directly punching through his chest. There was no horrific scene of bloody flesh and blood. Puffs of gravel flew out from his chest, and in an instant, the empty wound was filled with rolling gravel.

“Wow, is it Christmas? What a surprise, I discovered a super criminal… Hey, tell me, do you want to blow up the whole neighborhood or attack the Empire State Building? I love Darth Vader A great villain like Germany!”

Seeing the unharmed strong man, Spider-Man screamed happily, kicked hard to the ground, suddenly raised his hand and punched, as if hitting a pile of condensed gravel, the power exploded, and the dust flew up, but Still no harm was done to Flint.

“I mean no harm.” The man who was suddenly hit reacted, his body swelled up like a pile of sand, and his heavy and hard fist knocked the chirping Spider-Man away.

“Don’t hinder me. My daughter is waiting for my money to treat her illness.” After dealing with Spider-Man who was in the way, Flint took a step forward and was about to turn around and leave. He didn’t want his wife and daughter to see him like this.

“Sand Monster, I haven’t let you go yet.”

Spider-Man, who stood up, would not let go of his opponent. Powerful spider bullets were shot out from his hands, hitting holes one after another in Flint’s body. The ejected spider silk stuck to the balcony of the apartment building. Then the black figure was like a violently thrown cannonball, crashing into the hard and strong sand man.

The body made of sand exploded, like a rain falling in mid-air, with gravel flying. Spider-Man Noir laughed wildly, defeating such an opponent gave him a sufficient sense of accomplishment.

Before I could be happy for too long, a huge gravel arm condensed into shape. The tightly combined sand was full of strong power. A heavy fist hit Spider-Man’s body hard, and with a bang, the superhero who was extremely happy and miserable was knocked away. , and finally hit a street light.

“I remember you, bastard! You once shot an old man, you were an inhumane killer!”

Spider-Man stood up again as if he remembered something. The black on his suit became even richer, almost completely blending into the dark night and returning to darkness.

“You killed an old man and destroyed a family!” Spider-Man, who was furious and losing his mind, suddenly rushed forward, struck harder and faster, and with a strong wind, he punched the man’s head.

Dust and sand flew, but it still couldn’t dispel the hatred and anger in Spider-Man’s heart.

ps: Regarding the issue of SHIELD’s power, I have already opened a single chapter to explain it. I really don’t want to reply to it one by one. I think any question must follow the basic settings, just like Saiyans will be affected by the heart. Died of illness, just like a certain winery, except for the gin boss, all the undercover staff…

You can say that it is unscientific and illogical, but this is the setting of the work. The power of SHIELD is reflected in movies, comics, and American TV series. And then you have to tell me that this organization has so much power. , it’s totally unreasonable, I can only keep smiling~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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