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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 148 Black Spider-Man

“That was an accident, and I paid the price for it!”

The dust that exploded regrouped. Flint could not find a job because he was unemployed, so he planned to fight with his friends who joined the gang. After successfully robbing a bank, he happened to meet Uncle Ben who was out. He just wanted to rob the old man’s money. He came to the car to escape, but he didn’t expect that his impatient companion actually shot and killed someone. He was also arrested and imprisoned due to someone else’s fault.

“My daughter is sick and needs treatment, don’t come in my way!” Flint, who was provoked again and again, roared angrily. His body instantly turned into gravel, growing taller and stronger, like a ferocious giant.

The big hand condensed with dust pulled up the street lamp on the street and swung it at Spider-Man. The black figure nimbly dodged the opponent’s angry attack. The black substance attached to the body greatly improved the body’s strength. Flint’s In his opinion, the attack was clumsy and rough, and he could easily dodge it.

“He commits a crime to save his seriously ill daughter. What a noble criminal! I’m so moved that I’m about to cry. Do you need a little applause? Sandman Monster!” Spider-Man couldn’t listen to his opponent’s explanation at all, and instead taunted him even more fiercely. Laughing loudly, his harsh words revealed a deep disdain.

“You reptile hiding behind a mask, Spider-Man? Superhero? You don’t deserve that title!”

Flint also fought back angrily, and his hands turned into a sandstorm flying all over the sky. The gravel rolled violently, making a crackling sound. The high-speed rotating gravel hit the wall, immediately leaving dense small holes, showing that It showed extraordinary lethality.

“I have shouldered the consequences for my mistakes, but what about you? Who gave you the power to pronounce judgment on other people’s crimes? You are just a pitiful and sad arrogant!”

The sarcastic words from his opponent completely angered the furious Spider-Man. He fired the spider silk in his hand, jumped up high, and stepped on the extremely tough white silk thread with his legs, like pulling a slingshot full of power. The man turned into a black lightning and rushed towards Flint, who was causing a sandstorm.

“I’m a superhero, a sandman monster. The police can’t catch those criminals, but I can help them – because of Spider-Man, this city is safer!”

The powerful fist hit the flying sandstorm, opening a big hole. Spider-Man rushed inside and kicked the sandman hard on the head. With the sound of roaring wind, there was a bang, and smoke and dust filled the air. The gravel splashed, and Flint, who had transformed into the gravel body, was completely immune to this level of physical damage.

Spider-Man’s fierce offensive may cause some trouble to the Sandman, but it is still far from truly defeating the opponent.

“Are you just hiding around like a bug?” Flint yelled depressedly. Although he was not afraid of Spider-Man’s attack methods at all, this little spider seemed to have entangled himself and insisted on continuing this attack. This is a battle that is destined to have no outcome.

“Then just stand still and let me arrest you and take you back to the police station.” Spider-Man fired balls after ball of spider silk unscrupulously, and then used his agile and flexible movements to break up the Sandman’s right arm. He lowered his body to avoid a heavy punch and swept his knees, causing his thick legs to explode into gravel.

Flint, who lost his balance, turned into sand and dust. After being scattered by the wind, he regrouped his body. Because an accident caused his entire body to turn into sand, which was enough to offset most of the damage and blows. Simple physical blows could not really cause any harm. Basically, this strange characteristic almost makes him invincible.

When Spider-Man saw that the attack failed again, he couldn’t help but feel annoyed. Suddenly his eyes glanced at the fire hydrant next to the street, his eyes flashed, and he laughed wildly.

“Sandman monster, follow this!”

The spider silk shot out and stuck to the fire hydrant. Spider-Man used all his strength to pull and swing it. Flint snorted slightly and crushed the fire hydrant with his heavy and hard sand-turned fist.

“Want to receive a Christmas gift? Look, I have a surprise for you!” The fire hydrant was pulled open, and a column of water suddenly rose into the sky. Spider-Man stepped on the rising water column, and the splashing and spreading water flowed with strong force. The impact was like a long dragon sprayed from a fire hose, spraying towards Flint, whose whole body turned to gravel.

The sudden turbulent water caught the sand man off guard. The powerful water dragon hit the strong body that turned into gravel. The flexible body suddenly became stagnant, like a poor man trapped in a swamp. He could only watch helplessly. Watch yourself sink in slowly.

“Are you satisfied with this gift? But bad guys don’t get Santa’s blessing. The kind-hearted Spider-Man will send you back to the police station next.”

He flew up with a kick and kicked away the slowly melting dark gravel. It took a long time for the exploded sand head to condense back together. The gravel body turned into thick and stagnant sand. The water flow fell from high altitude and turned into a There was a heavy downpour, and Flint’s gravel body gradually disintegrated in the water.

The sand figure is like slowly flowing sand. It does not gather its body again until it leaves the area covered by the water flow. Spider-Man has indeed found a good way to deal with him. Faced with the impact of the water flow, the gravel-shaped body loses its original function. , both movements and changes are very stagnant, as if wrapped in a huge ball of glue.

“Let me raise enough money for my daughter’s medical treatment. Then I will voluntarily go back to the police station with you.”

Without the support of his special ability, Flint lowered his posture and begged. Maybe he was not a good person, but his feelings for his family were extremely real.

“You think I would believe such nonsense to deceive children, Spider-Man is not an idiot!”

Accompanied by wild laughter, the black figure raised his hand and punched him hard. This time he wanted to completely eliminate his opponent.

“Dad…” A soft childish voice inadvertently reached Spider-Man’s ears.

Spider-Man stopped swinging his fist and looked up. A little girl wearing an oxygen inhaler was lying on the open window, half of her body leaning out, staring pitifully as she fell to the ground and gradually revealed her true identity. of Flint.

“Don’t hurt my daddy!” Looking at the little girl staring at him, the irritable mood in Peter’s heart suddenly calmed down, as if being poured down by a basin of cold water.

He seemed to have woken up from a dream, standing there at a loss. The water flowing on the ground reflected a black figure, which was a completely unfamiliar version of himself.

“I…what’s going on?” Peter looked blankly at the messy battlefield. He couldn’t believe it was Spider-Man who did all this.

He turned around hastily, as if to escape, and shot out a strong spider silk from his hand, which quickly disappeared into the thick night.

At the same time, Sean, who was driving back to Long Island, received a call from Dr. Connors. There was unconcealable excitement in the middle-aged scientist’s tone.

After listening to Connors’ narration, Sean’s eyes flashed and he whispered: “Peter, you gave me a big gift.”

ps: I forgot to post it after writing it, so embarrassing~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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