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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 149 Symbiote

Umbrella, Laboratory Three.

This is the weapons research and development department belonging to Ivan Vanke. The burly Russian man with tattoos is holding a toothpick in his mouth and teasing the white parrot standing on the stand. Next to him is Dr. Connors, who is looking very excited. He is Kerry. The first experimenter of the Si potion, the empty sleeve of his right hand had already grown a strong and powerful arm.

Sean hurried over after receiving the call and walked into the door of Laboratory No. 3. As a rising star in scientific research, Umbrella has a total of four exclusive independent laboratories, namely Dr. Connors’s Laboratory No. 1, which is used to overcome the research project of regenerating amputated limbs, Dr. Otto’s Laboratory No. 2, The No. 3 laboratory responsible for the new energy source of the artificial sun, as well as the latest addition of Vanke and his son, is considered a weapons research and development department. The current plan in progress is to replicate the Ark reactor.

Umbrella’s resource operations and scientific research personnel are basically mobilized around these three laboratories. In addition, there is actually a secret Laboratory Zero, located in the core area. It is the office where Sean conducts private research. It cannot be entered normally without the authorization of the Red Queen.

“I heard what Harry said about you. I’m sorry for being so late and calling you here.” Connors looked a little apologetic. He had just learned from Harry what happened to Sean today.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a trivial matter.” The young man waved his hand, giving a strong sense of confidence and calming the middle-aged scientist’s uneasiness. “I said that once there is progress in the experimental product, we should immediately notice me.”

Sean smiled kindly. He had previously discussed with Dr. Connors to create a new suit that could withstand strong energy. During the battle with Magneto, even a suit made of specially made materials would be easily damaged and damaged.

Later, after Ivan Vanko joined Umbrella, as an outstanding weapons manufacturing expert, this rough and wild Russian man also participated in this private project, and the two parties often exchanged their experiences. Dr. Connors, who specializes in biological genetics, believes that the armor system in the past was bulky, not flexible and light enough, and difficult to wear. Ivan, who advocates a violent and barbaric style, accepted the suggestion and proposed the design idea of ​​a liquid nano-suit.

However, due to limited materials and technological capabilities, the suit plan proposed by Sean has been put on hold for the time being.

“Subsonic explosive power, strength and speed far beyond ordinary people, as well as powerful endurance and energy release…” Dr. Connors whispered, “I made some improvements from the armor you provided, but Still didn’t feel perfect until Peter brought me this.”

The middle-aged scientist pointed to a piece of wriggling black material in the glassware, which was sent by Peter. It was said that he and Mary Jane found it from a fallen meteorite when they were camping in the wild.

Sean moved closer. This piece of black material that was constantly squirming was, to be precise, a liquid organism that could change its shape at will. Dr. Connors observed it with an ultra-high-power microscope. Through the eyepiece, he could see the cellular structure of the black substance. It was full of activity and had the characteristics of a parasite. It needed to find a host to survive.

“Be careful, don’t let it stick to you! Once this creature is attached to the host, it is difficult to get rid of it!” Dr. Connors said nervously.

“Its composition is not like the chondrites from the 1970s. It should be some kind of alien life. It can amplify the inner emotions and characteristics of the host. It can be said to be very dangerous. However, the advantage is that it has the characteristics of radiation resistance and continuous proliferation. The structure is tough and restorative, so it is undoubtedly an excellent material for use as a liquid suit.”

Sean lowered his head and stared at the wildly beating black substance. It seemed to sense some kind of breath, and a small piece of it that was originally squirming violently hit the glassware.

“It seems to like you very much.” Dr. Connors was a little surprised.

“No, it won’t like me.” Sean smiled and opened the glassware, and the squirming black substance jumped over like a bug.

The black substance with shallow consciousness felt the breath of life from the other party, which was as strong as a supernova. It was much more powerful than the previous host. Even the extremely excellent parasitic target Spider-Man was like a blazing sun in this place. In front of the powerful creatures, they are not worth mentioning and are extremely weak.


It couldn’t understand human language, but it suddenly felt an extremely terrifying aura, like a star collapsing in outer space, a meteorite collapsing, a destructive power beyond recognition, erupting like a lava volcano.

The black substance that had been clinging to its host just now fell from mid-air. The squirming organism shrank like a liquid and shrank into a small black dot. If you look closely, it seemed to be trembling.

Ivan, who was teasing the parrot, perhaps out of a beast-like intuition, looked at the young boss with a gentle smile, and there was a vague sense of vigilance and fear deep in his heart. Even though this big Russian man has dealt with many separatist warlords and senior military officers, there are few people who can make him fearful.

Dr. Connors, who was standing next to Sean, was completely unaware. He took a glass vessel and covered the black substance. He explained what was in his mind: “I am going to use nutrient solution to multiply this kind of substance.” The unknown substance uses electromagnetic and sound waves to obliterate its own consciousness, and at the same time collects its own biological cells to use as the basic material of the liquid suit.”

Sean nodded. This is a great idea. You don’t have to worry about the side effects of black matter affecting your mind, and it also retains its own repair and transformation functions. It’s just that in terms of defensive capabilities, it’s still a little behind.

“Ivan, what do you think?” He turned to look at the Russian man who was a weapons expert.

“The defense is insufficient. Although it has radiation resistance and quick repairability, it is afraid of electromagnetic and sound waves, and cannot withstand the bombardment of heavy firepower… Boss, what you want is not a body armor, but a new style that is strong and strong enough.” The battle suit can only fulfill part of its functions and cannot be called perfect.”

The strong man from Siberia was outspoken and dismissed Connors’s design as worthless. Fortunately, the middle-aged scientist had a good character and did not care about the other party’s merciless criticism.

Sean pondered for a moment. He knew the origin of this black substance. It is a liquid organism from aliens. It has shallow thinking ability. It needs to be combined with the host to survive, and it can increase the power of the host itself, but at a cost Yes, the substances secreted by it must influence the mind and amplify the inner emotions and characteristics.

The young man is not worried about the side effects of the black substance called “Symbiote”. With his mental power, he can completely suppress or even completely eliminate it. However, the question raised by Ivan is indeed worth considering. Using the symbiote There are many defects that are difficult to make up for in the materials used in combat suits.

“It can be integrated with your high-tech armor, boss, and absorb the advantages of both parties to create a perfect liquid nano-suit.” Ivan gave the solution.

Sean smiled as he thought of the powerful armor that cost all his points. If it hadn’t been too heavy as a suit and too cumbersome to wear, he wouldn’t have chosen to improve the design himself.

The metal cabinet next to the laboratory wall opened automatically, and a black armor full of metallic texture was displayed inside. The overall style was simple and capable, and the joints were smooth and docile. It tightly covered every inch of the wearer’s skin, and the black armor on the back was connected. The cloak, like the gorgeous armor of ancient times, exudes dignity and solemnity. It also comes with a breathing device and line-of-sight detection functions.

This is a battle armor from Krypton. The collection of costumes redeemed by the system has used up all the points that Sean has saved. Looking at the eye-catching “U” logo on his chest, he probably knows that this powerful armor is not From the son of Krypton.

Turning his head to look at the motionless symbiote, and then at the motionless black armor, Sean smiled with satisfaction: “I’m looking forward to the final product.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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