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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 15 Broken Dreams

The next morning, an inspection team from the Ministry of National Defense came to Osborne Industries. The leader was General Saw. He seemed to turn a blind eye to Norman Osborne’s enthusiastic greeting and coldly proposed to go directly to the research room. , check the progress and situation of human enhancement potions.

The team sent by the Ministry of National Defense swarmed into the research room under the leadership of General Suo, followed by Norman. He vaguely realized that something was wrong with the situation, but he did not think about it for a moment.

Walking into the door of the research room, the chief scientist in a white uniform introduced the new aircraft to the Ministry of Defense team. This is also a research project conducted by Osborne Industries. The previous Ministry of Defense procurement team expressed interest in it.

“…This is the first generation prototype. It is made of new alloy materials and is equipped with a gravity sensing system. It can perfectly solve the key problems of aerial flight and balance. It has a load capacity of about one ton and a flight speed of nearly 500 miles per hour. It is also equipped with It has remote control equipment that can carry twelve miniature air-to-ground missiles, a miniature machine gun and five thousand rounds of ammunition. The cost is about six million US dollars…”

The chief scientist pointed to an aircraft floating in mid-air and introduced it. It was shaped like a big bat with its wings spread out. Its whole body was glowing with dark green metallic light. The user could stand on it and control it. The engine at the tail A green energy halo was sprayed out, creating strong wind pressure and a harsh noise, which almost drowned out his explanation voice.

“I have no interest in a little toy like this, it’s outdated.”

General Suo, the leader of the Ministry of National Defense team, said indifferently. He glanced at the aircraft hovering in the sky, with a hint of contempt in his eyes. The high cost and narrow and low-end application range destined this new aircraft to be unattractive to the military. What they need are weapons that can be mass-produced and have astonishing lethality, not high-end products that are used to defraud research funds.

The reason why Tony Stark is loved by military bosses is because he can always come up with some good things of good value, and they all have extremely high technical content and will never become outdated easily.

“General, this new aircraft is the last procurement weapon designated by the Ministry of Defense…”

Norman stepped forward in time to relieve the embarrassment of the scientific research director, with an eager smile on his face. Although General Suo had a bad attitude, he was not willing to offend this important official of the Ministry of National Defense.

“Needless to say, it has been swept into the dustbin of history just like my predecessor… You may not know it yet, but that guy was dismissed for accepting bribes. I will not make this mistake again.”

Norman was shocked when he heard this. If this is true, it means that all the conditions originally negotiated between Osborne Industries and the Ministry of Defense have been canceled and everything will have to start again.

Looking at General Suo with an arrogant look on his face, Norman suddenly felt a little bad. His eyes swept across the research room and found that two directors who usually did not participate in industrial production had also arrived here. Mr. Ba, who was wearing glasses, and Mr. Fei, who is in a wheelchair, are the two major shareholders of the company. They are backed by the power of Wall Street. They are pure and annoying financial speculators who only want to squeeze more profits from Osborne Industries.

“Why are they two here?”

Secretly wondering, Norman had no time to think about it. General Suo was not interested in new aircraft, so he had to quickly submit a report on the physical enhancement plan. This new procurement officer of the Ministry of National Defense was actually more difficult to serve than the previous one.

“We subjected mice to vapor inhalation experiments, and their physical energy increased eightfold. This proves that our experimental direction is correct. As long as we continue to research, we will soon be able to create a super serum from the World War II era…”

Norman followed General Suo closely, telling him in detail the experimental process of human enhancement potions, while also deliberately ignoring some immature shortcomings.

“Sounds pretty good.” General Suo nodded lightly and asked casually, “Are there any side effects?”

Norman Osborne’s expression changed immediately. He looked at the scientific research director standing aside. The balding old man couldn’t bear General Suo’s sharp gaze and told the truth——

“After undergoing the vapor inhalation test, the mice showed obvious violent tendencies and crazy aggression. We must return the entire study to the equation stage, and perhaps we can solve this problem.”

“General, this is just a small problem. It won’t take long to resolve…”

“Enough! Mr. Osborne.” General Thaw coldly interrupted Norman’s defense. The procurement officer of the Ministry of National Defense sneered: “You just tried to deceive the Ministry of National Defense. This is an unforgivable fault! And like this The research results are not satisfactory to the military at all. What we need are super soldiers. If you can let me see a ‘Captain America’ in two weeks, then everything will be easy…”

“Remember, I only give Osborne Industries two weeks. If it doesn’t work by then, I will revoke your research funding and your qualifications as a Ministry of Defense procurement company.”

General Saw announced the verdict condescendingly, and then walked away with the inspection team of the Ministry of National Defense, leaving only Norman Osborne with cold hands and feet standing there. This capital tycoon who dominated the shopping mall felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. , feeling cold and desperate in his heart. If Osborne Industries cannot become a procurement company for the Ministry of National Defense, then all the huge funds that have been invested will be in vain, and the huge deficit will be enough to completely break the company’s capital chain.

As the saying goes, the higher you stand, the harder you fall. For this opportunity, Norman Osborne almost blocked everything. He even borrowed a huge sum of money from the bank. But now General Suo has a clear attitude and is unwilling to pay for it. The next stage of Ru0026D process will be paid for, and all the investment will not yield a return. Previous operating costs and research funds will not generate profits. The business empire that has been painstakingly established for decades is suddenly in danger of collapse.

Norman Osborne, whose dream was shattered, his eyes suddenly turned fierce. He thought of the two company directors who left with the Ministry of National Defense team, and suddenly seemed to understand something. Maybe General Saw never thought of letting Osborne in the first place. Industry has become the procurement enterprise of the Ministry of Defense. This is all a planned conspiracy!

“No one can take it away from me!” Norman’s face was ferocious. He could not afford the huge price of losing Osborne Industries.

After driving away everyone in the laboratory, Norman left only the scientific research director. After several hours of hesitation and thinking, he made a risky decision.

“Mr. Osborne, this is too risky! The human enhancement drug has not yet reached the stage of human testing, and your life will be in danger!”

The scientific research director pulled Norman Osborne, who had lost his calm demeanor. He understood the other person’s urgent mood, but any research results that want to be applied to the human body must go through repeated experiments and data comparisons.

“I don’t have any more time! If we can’t get the order from the Ministry of Defense, Osborne Industries will be completely finished!”

Norman broke away from the scientific research director and took off his shirt. He was facing the biggest crisis since the company was founded. If he could not survive it successfully, the business empire he had built would be reduced to ruins in an instant!

The group of Wall Street bankers will definitely not miss this great opportunity. They will pounce on it like hungry wild dogs.

“Give me the catalyst! The experiment must succeed!”

Norman made up his mind. He lay down on the experimental instrument, connected the pipeline for testing physical signs, and was then sent into a closed circular space. Under the operation of the scientific research director, green gas continued to pour in from the holes, and the green gas continued to pour in from the holes. In a moment, it filled the entire circular space, like a thick fog that drowned Norman Osborne’s figure.

In the empty research room, shrill and painful screams came out. The vital signs curve on the computer became weaker and weaker with Norman’s roar, as if it was being gestated in the thick green gas. With a terrible demon!

ps: La la la, as usual, newbies are asking for recommendations and favoritesヾ(ω`.)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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