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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 152 Female Neighbor

The weather is getting cooler and people are still missing the hot summer. Autumn is coming with the cold wind, and pedestrians on the streets are putting on long-sleeved clothes and scarves.

Sean leaned on the sofa. The large and empty room was quiet. The usually chirping little girl reluctantly picked up her small schoolbag and went to school due to the arrival of the school season. He was the only one left at home – —It feels quite desolate like a lonely old man staying at home.

Quickly shaking his head to get rid of this inexplicable and weird thought, Sean gradually calmed down as he listened to the Eagles’ “Hotel California” playing on the home stereo. After the first contact with S.H.I.E.L.D., the black director who hid countless secrets seemed to have taken no other unnecessary actions. His confidant, Agent Coulson, went to New Mexico with another Hawkeye agent.

After Tony Stark recovered from health, he also became interested in the Avengers plan proposed by Nick Fury. In the eyes of the playboy, forming the most powerful superhero team in the world should be It’s quite an interesting thing, at least it can kill some boring time.

Thinking about the Asgardians who were about to come to Earth, Sean couldn’t help but feel a little moved. The powerful civilization that once ruled the nine realms defeated the dark elves, expelled the frost giants, and radiated its power to the nine kingdoms…

It has to be said that Asgard had an extremely glorious peak period. In the eyes of young people, this is a key for mankind to enter the universe. However, thinking of the famous Odin, this idea can only be temporarily buried in From the bottom of my heart.

“There will always be a chance.” Sean’s thoughts floated to the sound of music.

He closed his eyes. Since everything went on track, the life of this New York genius has gradually fallen into an extremely boring state.

The specific work of the laboratory was handed over to the Red Queen. Yuriko would arrange all the documents that needed to be signed in order according to urgency and classification level to save most of the time and energy. In Umbrella’s various laboratories, Dozens of research groups are working hard, and in the biomedical field, Dr. Connors and Dr. Zhao Hailun personally lead the team.

In the energy field, Vanke and his son and Dr. Otto also get along well. The energy weapons extended from the Ark reactor and the new energy plan for the artificial sun are all progressing in an orderly manner. Although Umbrella is not yet comparable to established giants like Stark Industries, the vitality it has shown is enough to make many people optimistic.

Sean refused the entry of other investors. This was his private kingdom. Anyone who dared to get involved must be mentally prepared to have his hands chopped off.

On this point, the usually talkative young man was resolute. Even though Pepper had mentioned intentionally or unintentionally that he wanted Stark Industries and Umbrella to exchange shares and cross shareholdings between the two parties to establish a more solid interest relationship, but They were all declined by him with a smile.

The extremely smart secretary immediately understood that Sean was similar to her boss in that they both had a strong desire for exclusivity and would never let go or allow others to touch their valued personal belongings.

The business that is the foundation of one’s life is booming and developing vigorously. Opponents other than Umbrella have almost been eliminated. The problem of mutants needs to wait for a good opportunity. Sean has already thrown out a tempting bargaining chip to the very politically ambitious Vice President to lead mankind. A great statesman who achieved peace with mutants. This is a glorious and dazzling achievement.

During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, as the President of the United States, publicly issued the Declaration of Emancipation of the Black Slaves. Since then, he has been forever remembered in history. No matter what the true purpose of the Declaration was, but because of this action, Lincoln became a representative of justice and mercy, and even more than a hundred years later, some people still hold him in high esteem.

As a politician, Vice President Underwood can naturally see that if mutants and humans can be brought closer to integration and peace, this will undoubtedly be a rare political capital, which can at least bring him one step closer to his ambition.

Sean suddenly smiled to himself. It was a rare day for rest, but he was still thinking about these things, as if the sudden peaceful life made him uncomfortable. Just like a veteran who lives with smoke and gunfire every day, he suddenly returns home from the battlefield. Even if he is lying on a soft big bed with his wife and children by his side, he will still wake up from his dream in a quiet night.

Perhaps because he knows everything that will happen in the future, his heart is always filled with a sense of crisis, like a tight string that is always difficult to relax.

At this time, Iron Man had just gotten rid of the trouble of palladium poisoning, the Hulk had recently embarked on his escape career, Captain America had awakened from his long sleep, and the prince of Asgard had been condemned and came to Earth… The trajectory of the world continued as usual, and Sean waited silently.

Of course, he doesn’t really have nothing to do. He handles Umbrella’s various affairs, occasionally goes on dates with Gwen, and acts as a young daddy to hold parent-teacher conferences for Mindy. If he is really free, he can still go to see her Doctor Doom conducts some electric shock therapy, and a gravity chamber for exercise is also being built…

It’s just that these things are like Sean playing a role-playing game. Like the surface of the sun, it is dazzling and full of warm feelings. In fact, few people can see the face behind it. It is as if the inner self is quietly separated into two parts, which do not conflict with each other and carry out their own operations.

The music stopped at some point, and Sean opened his eyes gently, as if he had come back from a half-dream. He went to the bathroom and flushed his face with cold water. The cold water instantly woke him up completely.

Looking at the dark-haired young man in the mirror, he whispered: “I’m Sean, Sean Sipers.”

There was a knock on the door outside the room. Sean looked at it quietly for a second, then turned and left, walked through the living room and opened the door.

He was quite surprised by the figure that appeared. A red-haired girl wearing an apron. Her burgundy curly hair was messy and hanging on her shoulders. There was a slight trace of sweat on her forehead. A few strands of hair were stuck to her ears. There was a look on her face. With a bright smile, he held a steaming tray in his hands.

“Hello, I’m the neighbor who just moved here.” The girl was wearing a floral dress and home-style dress. “These are the cookies I baked.”

Sean was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on his face. He took over the new neighbor’s heart and said with a smile: “My name is Sean, Sean Sipers.”

Turning sideways, he invited this charming and beautiful neighbor into his home. The two sat on the sofa and chatted for a few words. From the conversation, they learned that this red-haired girl who exudes amazing charm all the time is named Johnson-S. Carrie, an actress chasing the dream of becoming a star, just came to New York from Los Angeles and moved to the Basteco Building.

“I didn’t expect you to have so much experience.” Sean handed the other person a glass of water and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Miss Scarlett worked as a model in Tokyo for a period of time, and then moved to Los Angeles. Because she shot a group of girls wearing pearl earrings for magazine covers, she was noticed by a talent scout, and she made a cameo in a film directed by a Barcelona director. The character finally returned to the metropolis of New York.

The red-haired girl was leaning on the sofa with her legs together. Her graceful and concave figure outlined a seductive curve. She put her arms around her plump breasts and said with a smile: “Mr. Sipers, I can be here almost every day.” I saw your news in the newspaper.”

“Call me Sean.” The young man waved his hands with a humble look on his face, “Those are all trivial deeds.”

The pleasant exchanges between host and guest lasted for almost twenty minutes. Sean listened to Miss Scarlett telling flashy Hollywood stories, and the other party also gave the young man the right amount of laughter and admiration for the humor he showed from time to time. Eyes.

If the plot develops according to the normal situation, maybe within a few days, the man and woman will be attracted to each other and fall into a sweet love – unfortunately, all the above are just mutual acting skills.

After closing the door, the weak and charming Miss Scarlett had a sharp look in her eyes, while Sean behind the door had an interesting smile on his lips.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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