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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 153 Killer

On the highway heading to the Stark mansion, the rejuvenated Tony was facing Pepper’s questioning. It could be seen from the secretary’s sullen face that she was angry that her employer had concealed her palladium poisoning.

“So you plan to wait until one day, after being sent to the hospital and resuscitation fails, before you tell me the truth?” Pepper turned her head away, her eyes slightly red, unwilling to pay attention to the bewildered Iron Man.

Tony, who has always been good at dealing with women, felt a headache for the first time. In a panic, he had to blame others, “I originally wanted to confess to you, but that guy Sean, he thinks it’s better not to tell women this kind of thing, because they tend to It’s hard to bear the blow.”

Stark made an innocent expression, secretly proud of his quick wit. Anyway, he helped the guy once when he was brought into SHIELD, so it’s no big deal to take the blame now.

Pepper was dubious and reluctantly forgave Tony, who had a sincere attitude. At the same time, she couldn’t help but feel lucky that she joined Stark Industries after graduation and later became the personal secretary of the man next to her. She was almost used to this kind of life and felt guilty for being careless. , the cynical boss handles everything, playing the role of secretary, housekeeper, and nanny with all his heart, properly arranging various affairs, and dealing with women who want to entangle after a one-night stand.

It was like an inertia formed over time. If something unexpected happened to Tony, she probably wouldn’t know how to start a new life.

Taking advantage of the secretary’s lost moment, Tony, who had his hands on the steering wheel, glanced secretly at Pepper in the passenger seat. She was wearing a more conservative beige skirt, which made her look more dignified, awe-inspiring and inviolable. As a famous playboy, it is well known that Stark likes to pursue beauty. He has had countless beautiful women, but he still maintains subtle emotions for Pepper, who has always been by his side.

Tony, who had been betrayed by someone he trusted, realized how valuable it is to have a companion you can trust by your side.

So Tony made up his mind to seize the opportunity and cherish this hard-won relationship. As for Sean’s threat, he knew that Pepper was not a woman who opened her heart to others easily. How could the all-conquering playboy Stark lose to a young boy?

“How is your communication with SHIELD going?” Pepper asked quietly after regaining her composure.

She knew that there was a special agency similar to a government department that was in contact with Tony recently and seemed to want to invite him to join some group.

“What kind of superhero is he who has no new ideas, can’t act without permission, and has to obey their orders?” Tony complained. He didn’t like Nick Fury’s style of doing things.

“Perhaps you should keep a low profile. After all, the government’s attitude towards the existence of superheroes is still relatively vague.”

The keen-eyed Pepper noticed the problem. It is true that in public opinion, superheroes are messengers of justice who enjoy flowers and applause, but there are also many negative remarks, such as trampling on the spirit of the law, damage to building properties, and Rebellious ideas that ignore government regulations.

Superheroes are not omnipotent. The normal operation of the world order still depends on the national government. They can save countless people from dire straits and defend life and justice. However, at the same time, they are also the biggest factor of instability. From a causal perspective, They are both a ray of hope and a source of confusion.

At present, the government is wary of the pressure of public opinion and has not made a clear stance on the existence of superheroes, maintaining an ambiguous attitude. However, if one day, the superheroes lose the trust and cheers of the people, then the contradiction between them and the government will be fully exposed. come out.

Tony curled his lips. He didn’t think Iron Man should be controlled by the government. Heroes are always free, how could they put themselves in a cage.

Pepper shook her head. Of course she knew that the boss, who was like a child at times, did not listen to her words. The helpless secretary suddenly saw a black figure suddenly appear in front of her, as if she had completely blended into the night. , standing on this viaduct with few vehicles.

“Brake!” She quickly reminded Tony to avoid a bloody car accident.

Before the car owner could slow down and brake, the black figure pointed the black grenade launcher at the slowing red sports car. Surprisingly, no fire erupted, and a disk-shaped detonation bomb flew out, like a spinning Frisbee. Attached to the vehicle chassis.

With a bang, the nearly two-ton red sports car flipped into the air. The out-of-control body hit the ground and slid forward along the inertia, making a noisy and harsh noise. Sparks flew and large scratches were scratched on the hard asphalt road. trace.

The sudden attack was a man in black armor with a mask on his face and a metal arm. He sidestepped to avoid the sliding steel body, dropped the grenade launcher, and pulled it apart to twist and deform. The door of the luxury sports car with special functions such as bulletproof and anti-collision was easily torn open like a fragile piece of paper.

“I’m warning you, get out of that car immediately!”

The bodyguards in black came quickly and surrounded the attackers in a net of fire. If they made the slightest move, they would be immediately shot into a hornet’s nest by the fierce firepower that followed.

They are all professionally trained elite soldiers. After retiring, they became professional members of security companies. Now there are many military service companies like this that provide security protection to big shots. The most famous among them is Blackwater, which is known as the world’s largest security company. A strong private army is deeply welcomed and appreciated by various countries.

The man who exuded a dangerous aura turned around, his eyes cold and dull, as if he had no independent thoughts and was just acting according to the instinct accepted by his body.

More than a dozen black-clad bodyguards surrounded the man, almost everyone was fully armed. This was Tony Stark’s professional security team.

As if he had received some order, the man raised his metal arm to block his chest. His whole body was as tense as a cheetah, like an arrow from the string. The bodyguards who reacted opened fire one after another, and the flames connected into one, and most of the hot bullets were fired. It was blocked by the waving metal arm, and the remaining part passed through the defense line and hit the black armor, without causing much damage.

In an instant, a man broke into the circle of more than a dozen bodyguards, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. The attacker, whose physical fitness was far beyond that of ordinary people, relied on the metal arm to slaughter the strictly trained security personnel in a matter of seconds. .

All firearms and weapons were crushed by him. His incredible physical strength and crisp killing skills, coupled with his cold and mechanical thinking, made the professional bodyguard who had experienced many battles no chance of fighting back in front of this indifferent man. force.

Easily eliminating a group of bodyguards, the man crossed over the overturned red sports car. At the cost of the bodyguards’ lives, Tony and Pepper finally escaped from under the car. Without the high-tech armor that went up to the ground, Iron Man was just A single bullet can take away the life of mortal flesh and blood.

In the headset, the man heard the next command——

“Kill Stark.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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