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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 154 Suitcase

“Throw me the suitcase!”

Tony crawled out from under the car and shouted at the frightened Pepper. He watched the black figure kill all the elite bodyguards who had retired from the battlefield like a chicken, and felt a cold feeling in his heart. chill.

The secretary seemed to have suddenly woken up. She bent down and reached into the overturned car. With trembling hands, she took out the red suitcase stuck in the middle of the driver’s seat and threw it at Tony’s feet with all her strength.

The black figure who had dealt with all the bodyguards crossed the car. His eyes were cold and he wore a black mask on his face. A metal arm made of broken gold and stone reflected the cold light.

After receiving the order to kill Stark, he looked directly at the final target holding a red suitcase as if a machine had received the order. Before he could take action, things changed.

The suitcase was like a sophisticated machine, as if it was activated instantly. The internal mechanisms opened one after another. Tony grabbed the mechanical arm that popped out of it with both hands and suddenly lifted it up! The Ark reactor on the chest suddenly lit up, and powerful energy was continuously transmitted out. Amidst the dense sound of “click”, various parts and armor pieces covered the whole body.

The bullets hit the surface of the steel armor, splashing out sparks of fire. The indifferent man held a submachine gun and fired at Iron Man who had finished his costume.

Tony, who was wearing portable armor, was not afraid at all. He kicked away the red sports car lying on the ground. He raised his mechanical arm and fired a palm cannon, but the other party dodged it with agility.

The black figure, who was thinking calmly, rushed in front of the steel armor like a charged cheetah, hit the head with a heavy punch, then quickly twisted around, and hit the energy core of the chest with a heavy elbow.

Sparks burst out, and Tony staggered. The portable armor he designed was only made to deal with emergencies. It can be assembled anywhere, and can be folded into a suitcase when not needed, making it easy to carry. characteristic.

At the same time, because of concerns about portability, the overall weight of the armor had to be reduced. Therefore, the steel armor named “Mark V” only had a single-layer design and a relatively weak shell. It was not equipped with other weapons except for the pulse cannons on the palms and chest.

Generally speaking, this set of portable armor has weak attack power, low defense, and tight energy supply. This is why Tony will be entangled by the opponent and find it difficult to fight back for a while.

Shaking his groggy head, Tony quickly loaded Jarvis’s intelligent system, blocked several heavy punches from the enemy, grabbed the black figure’s shoulders with the mechanical arm, and threw the opponent to the ground!

The black figure like a cold warrior turned his head to avoid a heavy kick from the steel armor. He jumped up with his legs and launched another fierce attack on Tony. This time he did not take advantage, but was awakened by Jarvis. Tucker was punched hard and was knocked directly onto the concrete pier of the viaduct.

With a bang, the pulse cannon in the palm of the hand hit the concrete bridge pier, and gravel suddenly flew into the air. However, the black figure that suddenly came over had already climbed over the viaduct and disappeared.

“Hell!” Tony cursed in a low voice and hurried over to comfort the frightened Pepper.

As for this messy situation, someone will naturally come over to clean it up later.


Through the ubiquitous Skynet consciousness, Sean, who was in Umbrella, immediately learned about Tony’s attack. He did not expect that those interest groups acted so quickly and used such brutal methods, and directly adopted the method of assassination. Like a beast feeling a huge threat, it instantly showed its sharp claws.

“The reaction was too intense.” Sean sat alone in the lounge. Fortunately, Tony had prepared a set of portable armor, otherwise it was hard to say what would happen.

Thinking of the ruthless killer that I just saw in the picture, the powerful metal arm, and the ability to move like a machine, who would have thought that those interest groups would actually collude with Hydra, and even let them use their secret ace, the Winter Soldier.

Not long after Captain America woke up, his former comrade-in-arms had turned into a killing machine and stood on the opposite side.

Recalling the original timeline, this man called the Winter Soldier, whose real name is James Barnes, was once a teammate who fought alongside Captain America Steve Rogers, and was also the only member of the Howling Commandos to sacrifice his life for his country. After falling off a cliff, he was discovered by members of Hydra and equipped with a mechanical arm. After brainwashing and training, he became a killing tool without independent thought.

If the timeline continues unchanged, because of this man, the Avengers will start an unprecedented civil war in the future, and Captain America and Iron Man will also break up because of this. However, it is a pity that due to the fluttering of a butterfly that travels back in time and space, Wings, this may never happen again.

“It seems that Stark Industries is not going well.” Sean said with a smile.

Those energy groups have already felt the pressure brought by Stark Industries. Tony Stark’s new energy era will not only shake the interests of some people, but also a huge and sophisticated complex network, except for the oil giants. , it will also cause great turbulence in radiation fields such as chemical industry and transportation. This is why Sean chose the mid-to-low-end civilian market.

Rushing to challenge the old system of the energy industry will undoubtedly lead to crazy attacks. Tony’s assassination is an obvious example. There will surely be more methods waiting for him in the future.

This is true even for Stark Industries, which has a deep foundation. If Umbrella breaks in carelessly, he will probably die even worse.

But all this has nothing to do with Sean. When Stark Industries entered the energy market and vigorously promoted new energy sources, Umbrella had already used Osborn Industries’ smart grid project to transform Dr. Otto’s greatest achievement into Bring efficient and cheap solar products to the market.

Compared to Tony, who wanted to subvert the old system from the beginning, Sean is obviously more sensible in gradually swallowing up the mid- to low-end civilian market. At least based on the current situation, Umbrella is under much less pressure. Moreover, the response to solar products has been quite enthusiastic, and this cheap and efficient energy has been welcomed by the public.

In fact, we can’t blame Tony for being blindly arrogant. Considering the strong strength of Stark Industries, no matter how it enters the energy market, it is destined to be violently suppressed. Instead of slowly climbing up from the low end, it is better to get there in one step. It is charging towards the top of the industry, but Umbrella is different. Its size is not comparable to that of giant companies. Plus, there are people in front of it to attract attention for it, so it naturally does not need to bear so much pressure.

So what Sean has to do is to slowly enjoy the food on the table, try not to make a sound, and touch the sensitive nerves of the energy giant. When he is strong enough, he will then consider occupying more markets and coveting the throne of power at the top.

“It’s getting more and more interesting.”

No longer thinking about these complicated business competitions, Sean’s attention shifted to the newly moved female neighbor. The corner of his mouth curled up, not expecting that Nick Fury would choose this kind of alternative surveillance.

A spy game with a female agent and a big villain, this is indeed a fun way to pass the time.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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