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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 156 The second meeting with the professor

A black car drove into the Mutant Academy in Westchester. The junior students playing and playing on the campus all looked at it with surprise and curiosity. Their living area is limited to the vicinity of the school, and strangers are rarely seen visiting them.

On the balcony of the main building, Qin pushed the professor in the wheelchair and watched the young man get out of the car. Occasionally, he gave a gentle smile to the mutant children walking by.

Saying hello to Storm who was teaching students on the lawn from a distance, Sean took his secretary Yuriko into the main building door and walked along the deep corridor. On the way, he saw many young students, such as those who were still young and young. The pair of shy Bobby and his good friend Pyro John quietly poked their heads out of the classroom.

The last time Stryker invaded the campus, they had almost no resistance in front of the heavily armed elite soldiers. Later, they learned that it was Sean who rescued them and destroyed the dam base where their compatriots were imprisoned. It arouses curiosity among senior students. After all, even the omnipotent professor suffered a huge setback at the hands of the colonel known as the “Mutant Butcher.”

“Looks like an ordinary person.” John curled his lips. The great savior who saved the Mutant Academy was neither a muscular tough guy with extraordinary strength nor a terrifying strong man with overwhelming momentum.

“Then how did he defeat Stryker?” Bobby gave a counterargument. He looked at the calm and calm Sean, followed by a weak-looking female secretary, and couldn’t help but be a little confused.

It seems that the other party is not as powerful as the history teacher Logan. At least the strong man called Wolverine has an aura of being unapproachable by strangers, especially with his steel frame and indestructible Adamantium alloy. Claw, many people firmly believe that if Logan had stayed behind when Stryker invaded the school, they would not have been wiped out by the military.

“Maybe he has a high-tech armor like Tony Stark.” Behind the ice and fire duo, a little head poked out. It was the new member who had just joined the school, the little naughty Mary.

The girl’s explanation was agreed by Bobby and John. After all, Sean did look more like a big shot, the kind of rich man who often appears on TV.

“Go back to the classroom!” Scott, with a straight face, carried the three deserters back. He glanced at Sean in the corridor with a wary look on his face.

Cyclops’ real name is Scott Summers. He was born with the ability to fire red shock waves from his eyes. He was later found by the professor and recruited into the X-Men. Because he had been bullied in school, and after his mutant identity was exposed, he was discriminated against and ostracized by his family and all parties, and Scott had a subtle hostility towards humans.

This young mutant, who always wears a pair of black glasses, feels that Sean is a sinister person with evil intentions. He feels that the professor’s attitude towards mutants and humans has recently undergone subtle changes, and he no longer always emphasizes Peaceful coexistence and the opening of additional tactical training courses made Cyclops feel uneasy, and the source of this series was undoubtedly Sean.

Walking all the way to the end of the corridor, Sean asked his secretary to wait outside, while he opened the door to the study room. The professor sat at the desk, and Qin stood on the balcony. The warm light fell and outlined a beautiful silhouette. .

After closing the two heavy brown-red wooden doors, Sean sat across from the desk and looked at the bald old man calmly.

“Has the Supreme Mage found you?” the professor asked softly.

He is familiar with the greatest mage on earth. He was once a secret member of the “Illuminati” and occasionally met and talked. They were all powerful men with extraordinary abilities, and they also had their own guardianship responsibilities.

“Master Ancient One personally visited me.” Sean said lightly, without mentioning the tacit understanding reached with the Supreme Master.

“You said that peace needs to be fought for by oneself, and mutants must wait patiently for a suitable opportunity.” The professor stared at the young man and asked gently: “Come here today, are you going to tell me that the opportunity has come? “

Sean smiled, and he turned to look out the sunny window. Green plants covered the brick wall, and the occasional sound of children laughing could be heard in the distance, full of lively and vibrant life.

“In the future, mutants will have a place. This is my guarantee to you.” He responded to the professor’s question, “The first step towards peace is always difficult and bumpy. Mutants want to fight for it.” It will not be easier for black people to have their own rights than it was for black people. Even one hundred and fifty years after Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, racial discrimination still occurs from time to time in this so-called land of the free.”

The bald old man lowered his eyelids and seemed a little tired. The fragments of the future glimpsed from Sean’s memory kept interrogating his heart, like questioning him again and again, beating the idea of ​​peace that he once firmly believed in.

“So what are you going to do?” The professor raised his head. He wanted to know what kind of solution this confident young man had.

“I have found a politician who also has the same philosophy of peace. He will take the lead in righteously defending the plight of mutants, just like President Lincoln did back then.”

“Presumably this will not be free help.” The professor’s deep eyes flashed. It was not that the old man had never made deals with politicians. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, he and Eric briefly cooperated with the US intelligence agency.

“This is natural.” Sean nodded calmly and said softly: “A momentary kindness cannot last long, and the exchange of interests is the most stable.”

“First, Congress will pass the Mutant Registration Act.” The young man’s words made the bald old man’s eyes suddenly sharp, like a roaring giant wave coming.

A suffocating pressure suddenly rose in the study room. The figure of the professor sitting in the wheelchair continued to rise, like a giant standing tall on the sky, with infinite majesty on his kind face.

“Historical experience tells us that if we want to get peace, someone must make concessions.” Sean’s face remained normal, and he did not avoid the professor’s sharp gaze. “The government needs stability, and mutants long for freedom and equality. Both of these There is no conflict, so why hide in the middle of society and live a humble or mediocre life?”

The young man’s voice rose unconsciously, and he was not surprised by the professor’s fierce reaction. This bald old man once tried to believe in the government, but when the Vietnam War broke out, his students were used as weapons and sent to the smoke-filled battlefield one after another. , it was a heavy blow that almost made young Charles unable to recover.

“I have discussed with Mr. Vice President that he will publicly make a speech in support of mutants, set up a special office in Manhattan or Washington, with mutants as liaison officers, and initiate a proposal to the United Nations to nominate a mutant as a liaison officer. Ambassador of Peace.”

Sean’s words seemed to contain great power. The spiritual wave quickly receded, and the invisible pressure also dissipated. The professor’s eyes sparkled with light and he asked: “Are the promises of politicians worth believing?”

The bald old man had paid the price for his innocence before, but this time, he had to be hesitant and cautious.

“This is a deal. The vice president gains political capital and can achieve his goals, while mutants can get a chance to breathe. At least they no longer have to hide, be ostracized by their neighbors in the community, and cannot go to school normally. These people who have been treated unfairly Mutants, they can safely stand up and announce their identities to everyone.”

“Your students will not be forced to go to war, nor will they have to hide on this campus. They have the opportunity to step out of this small world.”

Sean made a promise, and he vowed: “Umbrella will become the first scientific research institution to openly recruit mutants, and Osborn Industries will also provide some employment quotas. Those children can get their own jobs just like normal people.” A good salary, getting married, having children, and starting a family are no longer distant dreams that are beyond our reach.”

“It will be in your hands and become a reality that you are about to touch!”

The shackles in his heart were completely broken by these words. The old man stretched out his hand tremblingly and held Sean tightly, with unspeakable complex emotions surging in his eyes.

“I don’t know what you want, but don’t let me down. I can’t betray their trust anymore.” There was a plea in the professor’s tone.

Sean nodded solemnly in agreement. Qin, who was standing on the balcony, looked at the young man sitting opposite the professor. The words he just said vaguely echoed in his heart, and a strong emotion was ready to move.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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