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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 158 Battle Clothes

The early morning light pierced the clouds and bid farewell to the professor’s warm invitation. Originally, he planned to stay in the college for a while, but Yuriko received a message from Harry that Master Osborne’s trip to New Mexico did not seem to be going well. .

“This place is really great!” Harry held up his mobile phone, wearing a rather coquettish printed shirt on his upper body, and a pair of beach shorts and slippers on the bottom. “There are cliffs, deserts and cacti, tequila and barbecue… See those hot chicks? Their hospitality will make you reluctant to leave this place!”

Master Osborne’s cheerful voice came out from the video. Sean’s heart was not disturbed and he directly said: “What happened?”

Harry’s face stiffened, showing an embarrassed expression. This young Osborne, who originally planned to travel to relax, did get into some trouble, and he couldn’t settle it directly with money, so he had to ask his friends for help.

“Are my acting skills so bad?”

“Harry Osborne enjoys life. When he has nothing to do, he doesn’t think about his old friends who are far away in New York and are busy with work.”

Sean curled his lips. Ever since the Osborne industry got back on track, Harry had left almost everything to the butler who had served the Osborne family for many years. He even handed over the decision-making power of some important matters directly to his own. So much so that he often had to go to the company to attend the board of directors.

“Is there anything else that you can’t solve with Franklin?” the young man joked.

“Do you remember the agent in black who took you away last time?” Harry smiled bitterly and recounted his recent experiences.

“I met a scientific expedition team investigating astronomical phenomena in New Mexico. There was a lively girl named Daisy. She was really cute and charming… Ahem, of course this is not the point. When they were collecting astronomical data, they encountered A drunk man from Norway arrived, injured the doctor, and almost called the police, and then a group of black agents descended from the sky and confiscated all the research materials from Daisy and the others.”

“This has nothing to do with you.” Sean pretended to be ignorant. He naturally knew that this young master Osborne must have lied in front of the girl.

“I beat up one of the agents, and they almost put him in jail.” Harry scratched his head, as if he felt a little embarrassed for always bothering his friends.

“Is that Agent Coulson leading the team?” Sean asked softly.

He didn’t expect that Harry, who was traveling to relax, would bump into the future Thor’s girlfriend so coincidentally. Presumably, the prince of Asgard, who had lost his divine power and became a mortal, was anxiously looking for the hammer at this time, and Odin, the king of the gods who was far away in the divine realm, also fell into a deep sleep, and Loki temporarily ascended the throne of the king.

“I will go there as soon as possible, and I am looking forward to what surprises New Mexico can bring me.”

Sean hung up the video communication with a smile. The curtain opened, and familiar figures would appear on the stage. It was time for the Sentinels to show their true existence.

Driving back to Umbrella, there was another surprise waiting for me there. The first-generation suit developed by Dr. Connors and Ivan Vanke had been initially completed.

It was still Laboratory No. 3, and all irrelevant researchers had been cleared out long ago. As soon as Sean entered the door, he saw Dr. Connors walking over excitedly. Even the usually calm Russian man Ivan looked quite solemn. .

“I tried a new design idea.” Connors calmed down and spoke quickly: “Use Dr. Zhao Hailun’s regeneration cradle to cultivate and multiply the symbiote, and then use electromagnetic and sound waves to erase its own consciousness. Retaining its repair and deformation properties, what is surprising is that this self-healing bio-organic material also has extremely excellent compatibility and adaptability…”

Ivan coughed twice, indicating that Dr. Connors should end this boring academic report. The young boss is a pragmatist and he only cares about the final product.

“But there is still an unsolved problem.” The big Russian man frowned, “The new suit requires an extremely powerful energy drive, and even the Ark reactor cannot sustain it for long.”

“And due to the active cells of the suit material itself, it also has the ability to absorb energy. Simply put, the more energy it provides, the stronger it becomes and the more powerful its functions are.” Dr. Connors added.

Upon hearing this, Sean’s eyes lit up slightly, and he laughed and said, “No, doctor, this is not a shortcoming.”

“I can’t wait to see it.”

Connors walked to the wall, entered his fingerprint and iris for verification, and a metal cabinet appeared automatically. He took out a round black badge with gold rim and black background. From the shape, it looked like a black sun that swallowed up all things. With rich darkness.

Sean touched this black badge, which was no bigger than the size of his palm, and pressed it on his chest. It was like a black sun suddenly lighting up, tightly adhering to his chest. In an instant, a stream of light flashed, and the new nano-material battle suit appeared. Covers the entire body.

“It hasn’t been configured with an energy source yet…”

Before the Russian man could finish his words, the pure white suit erupted with dazzling light. The bright light seemed to inject power into the entire suit. The light and soft material seemed to become tough and stable in an instant.

A steady stream of energy was released from Sean’s body, rendering it into a golden suit, reflecting a deep metallic color. The visor opened, revealing a young face.

“I’m very satisfied with this piece of work.” There was appreciation in the deep voice.

The stunned Dr. Connors and Ivan Vanke suddenly felt a suffocating pressure. They subconsciously avoided Sean’s sight and couldn’t help lowering their heads, as if they didn’t dare to look at him.

“You should keep this insignificant little secret for me.” The young man stepped forward, and the energy in his body surged so much that it gave him the wonderful illusion of looking down on all living beings.

The armor-like golden suit outlines Sean’s strong muscle lines. After injecting a steady stream of energy, he no longer has to restrain himself. The material is indestructible and its toughness is immeasurable. It is enough to withstand strong radiation, even in the harsh environment of outer space. can survive.

This is truly a perfect masterpiece!

“I just participated in a weapons research and development project. I don’t know anything else.” The Russian man reacted first and shrugged indifferently. He didn’t care who his boss was.

A decent person with impeccable morals would make Ivan feel uncomfortable. He himself was not a good law-abiding citizen. Before coming to Umbrella, the Russian man had joined the Russian mafia and mingled with gangs and warlords. During this period, he was imprisoned for fifteen years for reselling prohibited and dangerous goods.

As for Dr. Connors, he didn’t say much. He just nodded repeatedly. He looked at the brand new arm that had grown back. He had long been tied to Umbrella’s chariot. No matter what Sean’s true appearance was, this middle-aged man Scientists have to follow each other all the way.

What’s more, this young man with a young appearance and a gentle attitude is not a powerful tyrant who is difficult to communicate with. On the contrary, he is willing to listen to other people’s suggestions and is never stingy with the rewards he deserves. Compared with greedy capitalists, he does not know how to be generous. Where to go.

In the miniature headset, Skynet’s indifferent voice sounded. After listening attentively for a while, the golden visor closed like water, revealing only a pair of deep eyes with a dark light.

“I have to test the performance of the new suit.”

The tall and tall figure came to the lifting platform outside the laboratory. Sean clasped his hands a few times. The surging energy flowed on the surface of the suit, like the flickering of complex and simple runes.

He clenched his fists and exerted force under his feet. The terrifying force made the entire metal elevator tremble and tremble.

There was a muffled sound in the sky, air waves exploded, and the golden figure turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky.

ps: First of all, I would like to thank the reader for eagerly proposing the reward. The reason why I dare not do this is mainly because I am afraid that I can’t do it. If I owe a lot of updates by then, I will inevitably be anxious when coding.

At present, the first order of this book is 1,700, and the average order is about the same. There should be many readers who use the gift coins, so the follow-up order is not ideal. Well, if the average order this month reaches more than 2,000, I will update it~

Thank you, cute new guy (〃^ω^)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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