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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 16 The Green Goblin Appears

“I want to go to the Carnival parade too!”

In the apartment, Mindy pouted and looked pitiful with tears in her eyes. Today is the Carnival Festival in New York. Many citizens will go out of their homes and gather in Central Park to hold a grand festival parade.

Originally, the little girl had been looking forward to this day for a long time, and Sean was also invited by Harry. He originally didn’t want to participate in such a lively occasion, but when he thought about being able to witness the first decisive battle between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin, he agreed. Master Osborne’s request.

“I also want to take you with me, but I have an appointment with Teacher John today, and you have to go to school for an interview yourself – this is a major event that determines whether you can go to school!”

Sean shrugged helplessly. After some discussions with Little Lolita, he decided to let Mindy go to school and live a normal girl’s life.

He called Mindy his cousin. His parents were killed in a car accident and he came from Australia to look for his relatives. His unfortunate life experience and attractive money impressed the dean of the private school. After some operation, Successfully made this little blond lolita become a member of a noble private school. Of course, the premise is that she must pass interviews with several teachers and prove that she has no intellectual deficiencies.

“I will bring you Burger King to compensate, or treat you to Chinese food. An authentic Chinese restaurant has finally opened in Chinatown. This is probably the happiest thing in this period of time.”

Sean comforted Mindy who was losing his temper. He felt that he was about to enter the stage of a middle-aged man early. He had adopted a little lolita, but it was like he was raising a daughter and had to worry about everything for her.

“By the way, remember to try to act like a normal girl and don’t scare those teachers!”

The young boy worriedly warned that because the education method Minty received before was so abnormal, this little loli’s way of thinking was completely different from other peers. He was now very worried when the school teacher asked her what her specialties were. , the little loli will take out a butterfly knife, or perform a grappling fight, which will definitely make the scene extremely embarrassing.

“Okay, okay! I’m so annoying!” The arrogant little loli put her schoolbag on her back, swung her ponytail and went out without looking back. She was obviously still resentful of Sean leaving her to attend the carnival parade alone.

After putting away the small bottle of oil, Sean put on a suit of suitably pressed formal clothes, called a taxi and drove towards Central Park.

“Maybe it’s time to buy a car.” He thought to himself.


Central Park is known as New York’s “back garden” and has always been the preferred leisure place for citizens. As the largest urban park in New York City, it has beautiful scenery, a large lush forest, wide courtyards and an amphitheater. .

Today, the square in the wide area is already crowded with people. Citizens are constantly pouring in. Colorful ribbons and balloons are flying in the sky. Disney cartoon figures can be seen everywhere, attracting the interest and attention of children. The festival is cheerful. The atmosphere infected everyone, everyone cheered and played heartily, and the joyous laughter echoed in the sky, forming a noisy and boiling ocean.

Harry took his girlfriend Mary Jane to the reserved hotel room early. This luxury hotel with a long history happened to be located near Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. Standing on the observation deck with a good view, he could see everything at a glance. With a panoramic view of Central Park, it’s the best place to watch the Carnival parade.

“I wonder if father will come over, and those two guys, Peter and Sean, haven’t arrived yet…”

Harry found that he and his girlfriend were the first two people to arrive, and he couldn’t help but feel depressed. Peter had recently encountered a low point in his life. The uncle who raised him was shot and killed. Master Osborne wanted to help his best friend recover from the pain of losing his loved one. Come out, as for Sean, since he entered college, except for attending classes on time, there is basically no one around, as if he is busy with something.

However, it is worth mentioning that Sean actually joined the independent research laboratory of Dr. Connors, a visiting professor at the State University of New York, and became an intern assistant. This surprised Harry. He had never heard of Sean before. He has unique talents and interests in genetic biology,

As for his best friend Peter, I heard that he is also working hard to become the chief cameraman of the Daily Bugle. All the photos of Spider-Man published by the newspaper were taken by him alone. This added a fortune to Parker, who was originally living a hard life. A lot of income.

The two good friends have their own lives. Only Harry doesn’t know what to do except live with Mary Jane every day. He doesn’t have much interest in inheriting his father’s company, hypocritical entertainment in the mall, and The boring industrial production gave Master Osborne a headache. For a moment, Harry, who was holding his girlfriend on his arm, was a little confused about the future and seemed to not know where to go.

“Harry, isn’t your father here?” A voice interrupted Harry’s thoughts. He turned around and found that it was his father’s two partners, Mr. Ba and Mr. Fei.

“He promised to come, but he hasn’t seen anyone else yet.” Harry said disappointedly. Maybe his father was busy with some work now, as he always was.

“We are also planning to inform him of good news.”

Mr. Ba and Mr. Fei had weird smiles. They had lost their last life-saving straw – Osborne Industries, an order from the Ministry of Defense, would soon be sold to Wall Street bankers at a high price, and huge profits would fall into their own pockets. , this is really something worth celebrating.

As for that guy Norman Osborne, who cares about a loser? Mr. Liba and Mr. Fei have always wanted to divide Osborne Industries as a big cake, but Norman blocked it with all his strength. Transform the company into a defense procurement company and become a military industrial giant like Stark Industries.

“It’s really ridiculous.” Mr. Ba and Mr. Fei looked at each other, turned and walked to the other side, admiring the carnival in Central Park.

Noisy waves of cheering swept into the sky. On the huge stage, a black woman in red sang passionately, swaying her bloated body. The high-pitched and enthusiastic rock song was accompanied by a strong rhythm, which instantly aroused the enthusiasm in the crowd. The applause came one after another like waves.

A taxi stopped at the edge, and the increasing flow of people blocked the road ahead. Sean got out of the car and looked up to see floating ribbons and hot air balloons, like colorful clouds, almost covering the sky.

“I wonder if Harry has arrived?” Sean looked at the sea of ​​people and felt a little headache for a moment.

Not long after, he saw Peter in the crowd. The young Spider-Man was holding a camera and taking photos non-stop, looking like he was never tired of doing it.

Sean was about to go up and say hello when a series of sharp laughter flashed across the sky. The singer on the stage couldn’t help but stop. The lively and cheerful atmosphere came to an end. People raised their heads and looked up – a man in a dress The weirdo in green armor, riding a bat-like flying machine, shuttled between the ribbon balloons, laughing maniacally from time to time.

“Hahaha! Happy holidays!”

The weirdo was driving a strange-looking aircraft, and the green eyes on the hideous devil’s helmet were full of ferocity. He looked down at the turbulent crowd below, and several pumpkin-shaped bombs were dropped.

“This is a gift for you!”

There were several loud bangs, bright fires soaring into the sky, and accompanied by huge explosions. People participating in the carnival parade panicked and ran away. The scene was extremely chaotic for a while. Everyone screamed and ran away. The good stage collapsed under the impact of the crowd. Countless wires were intertwined, and bursts of fire broke out.

Sean stared at the strange man in the sky, thinking that just like the original timeline, the Green Goblin made a grand appearance in a carnival style.

ps: Just because I wrote about a loli, you readers will classify me as a pervert. It’s too cruel…

In fact, I was controlled by Yu Jie (ω)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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