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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 160 The Sentinel’s Debut

This was destined to be a restless night.

Far away at the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters on the Potomac River, under the shining eagle emblem, are low-level agents who are in a hurry. They compile various detailed graphic reports and a large number of surveillance videos and then hand them over to their superiors. review.

As Coulson embarks on a journey to New Mexico, the person in charge here is Maria Hill, a capable female commander. The riots in New York are undoubtedly a symbol of the increasing rampage of super criminals. After experiencing vicious events such as the Green Goblin causing a havoc at the carnival and mutants attacking Manhattan, these extraordinary villains and criminals began to take the stage openly.

“Eddie Brock, a young photographer at the Daily Bugle, is suspected of being parasitized by an unknown alien life form. Some time ago, New York residents even thought of him as Spider-Man, codenamed ‘Venom.'”

Hill handed a document to Nick Fury. The black director frowned in thought. Hawkeye followed Coulson to New Mexico to investigate a falling extraterrestrial object. Natasha had her own secret mission, not to mention she also Personnel who are not high-end combat personnel cannot handle this situation.

Are we going to send Captain America? Fury dismissed the idea, saying now wasn’t the right time to announce the Avengers.

“Can you contact Stark?”

Hill shook his head and said softly: “Tony Stark is holding a new energy conference in Los Angeles to showcase his company’s new products. There is no way to contact him at the moment, and he can’t rush over immediately.”

“Where are the Fantastic Four?” Fury asked again.

“Dr. Richards has been notified, but with the flying speed of Johnny Storm, it may take some time.”

The black director frowned. These super criminals were located in the heart of New York and were unable to use weapons of mass destruction. Moreover, SHIELD’s top combat capabilities were still insufficient and it was difficult to deal with such emergencies for a while.

He suddenly remembered the pursuit launched by the military. It was said that an accident occurred in General Ross’s super soldier cloning project, and a green giant beast with infinite strength was born. The black director’s only remaining eye was shining. Maybe it was time to expand the recruitment of new members. range.

“Who is the other guy?” Fury looked up and asked.

“Flint Marco, a bank robber, escaped from prison a week ago. It is suspected that his body genes have been changed, and he is codenamed ‘Sandman’.”

SHIELD basically understands and monitors these criminals or heroes active in the city to a certain extent. Satellites orbiting in low-Earth orbit act as ubiquitous eyes in the sky, combined with a large number of video surveillance, enough to track them. Information about anyone.

“What a pity.” Fury sighed, looking at Spider-Man who was gradually losing ground in the video, he couldn’t help but feel a little regretful.

A superhero with a clean identity and good performance like this is simply the best candidate for the Avengers project. The black director originally wanted to continue observing for a while and then find an opportunity to recruit him.

However, it seems that he will not have this opportunity, but this may be a loud wake-up call to let superheroes know that accidents are often easy to happen when fighting alone, and joining a huge organization like SHIELD is the most correct thing. Method.

Nick Fury walked out of the office and put his hands on the railing. People were coming and going in the hall of SHIELD. The phone rings in various departments were ringing one after another, never stopping, like a Wall Street securities company, with noisy voices coming and going. , making this special department, which is beyond the reach of government agencies, feel a little less cold. The one-eyed director in a black trench coat looked around. Everyone was busy with what they were doing, like a steel machine running nervously.

“How is the investigation of Stark’s attack going?” Fury turned around and asked.

“The killer is called the ‘Winter Soldier’. He is an ace killer of the former Soviet Union. He has carried out many assassination missions. He is good at using firearms and has excellent fighting ability.” Hill pursed his lips. “Other than that, we have not found any more information. , whether it is entry records or follow-up traces, the only electronic information tracked comes from a shell company overseas.”

The black director was not surprised by this and didn’t say much. He couldn’t help but feel palpitated when he remembered the secret invasion that almost destroyed the entire organization before SHIELD became a jurisdiction of the World Security Council.

Therefore, Fury will never completely trust anyone, even his close assistant Coulson and the commander Maria Hill around him. The painful lessons he once learned told him that he must always be vigilant and never give up trust easily. This is a valuable experience that I gained by giving up one eye.

“Listing ‘Venom’ and ‘Sandman’ as wanted targets. If Spider-Man dies, we need to catch these two murderers to quell the public’s anger.”

Fury prepared for the worst. Faced with the two super criminals’ front and rear attacks, Spider-Man was obviously no match. Johnny Human Torch in the Fantastic Four could not rush to the scene immediately, and Iron Man was not in New York. Even if he was dispatched The National Guard probably couldn’t have prevented this tragedy.

From the video, we can see that the scene was chaotic. Spider-Man was strangled by the neck and tied to the steel beam of the abandoned building. He temporarily lost the ability to move. The huge sand and stone giant waved his giant fist and kept hitting the superhero. His body felt as if it had been crushed by a crane. The red tights on his body were torn and damaged, and blood oozed from his mouth and nose.

“Sir, someone has joined the battle!”

Hill, who paid close attention to the situation at the scene, immediately informed the black director. Fury followed the voice of his men and saw that in the blurry video, a dazzling golden light streaked across the night sky, like a sharp sword tearing through the night sky. Falling from the sky!

In the scene filled with an atmosphere of despair, everyone saw a tall figure wrapped in strong flames, directly knocking away the huge and solid giant of sand and stone. The intense heat brought by it directly melted the huge giant of condensed sand and gravel into a fragile one. of crystals.

The golden figure that suddenly descended was like an ancient god stepping on lightning and bathing in divine light. It was like energy light like tiny particles lingering on the surface of the suit, like a subtle flow of electric light.

The dark eyes looked at the angry and roaring sandstone giant. A smile appeared at the corners of Sean’s mouth under the mask. He clenched his fists, and the surging energy surged. There was a roar in the air, roaring like a raging hurricane. Everyone felt it, and the abandoned building seemed to shake.

A heavy punch that tore through the air, like a cannonball that had been preparing for a long time, hit the giant’s body condensed with gravel. The overwhelming force, accompanied by a sharp whistle, directly blasted the opponent’s huge body out of the air. Horrible hollowness.

The sandstone giant, which stood like a tall building, swayed with its steps, almost collapsing the abandoned building behind it. The gravel accumulated under its feet quickly filled the wounds on its body, and its huge fist stretched and lengthened, like a wild python opening. With a bloody mouth, he rushed towards Sean.

“It’s just a warm-up, big guy.”

Sean chuckled softly, and the golden figure rose into the sky. A red beam of light like a hot knife shot out, splitting the sand and stone giant into eight pieces in an instant, and the accompanying high temperature melted the sand and gravel.

The golden light was like fireworks, violently released from the body, a heavy fist that was enough to sink a giant ship. It was like a thunderstorm, and the strong wind swept the dust, setting off a small sandstorm, like a howitzer exploding, and the sand and stone giant’s The huge body suddenly collapsed.

ps: dizzy and sleepy~

Good night dear readers, you need to be cautious when cultivating immortality, your life is at stake ̄へ ̄


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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