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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 161 Breaking out of the Earth

Like a mountain collapsing, with a heavy roar, the oppressive sandstone giant was like fragile porcelain, falling apart in the fierce hurricane, turning into a tiny flying dust.

Sean turned to look at the black figure lying low among the steel and concrete, his eyes were cold, and the body was slowly flying up into the air, supported by strong flames of light. Taking advantage of the gap between his battle with the Sandman, Spider-Man escaped from Venom’s control, rescued Mary Jane who fell from a high altitude at the last moment, and escaped from the battle.

With the dust all over the sky, the onlookers couldn’t see clearly what was going on, but like the venom of a humanoid spider, they couldn’t help but feel a trembling feeling in their hearts, as if they had encountered a high-level predator at the top of the food chain. He began to shiver uncontrollably and was unable to even escape immediately.

The biological stress instinct constantly sends warning signals to the brain, but the venom remains motionless, like a frozen sculpture. The ability to move quickly and nimbly in the past seemed to have completely disappeared. His whole body was extremely stiff and his thinking was slow.

In his perception, the golden figure flying in the air was like a lava volcano, releasing flaming energy fluctuations, and the extremely terrifying and powerful aura surged wildly!

Eddie, whose whole body was covered in black liquid substance, opened his eyes wide, full of fear and panic. He had never encountered such a situation since becoming Venom and possessing more power than Spider-Man.

It was as if the venom suit on his body had been stripped off, and he had once again become the weak and timid Eddie Brock, a mediocre ordinary man who endured the exploitation and scolding of the newspaper boss and watched helplessly as his peers took away his job. , and there is nothing he can do about all this!


The emotions in his heart suddenly amplified, and Venom was temporarily freed from the shock of the powerful force. He shot out a spider silk, stuck to a sharp steel bar not far away, and shot it out like a spear.

The huge force pushed the steel bar, and the sharp whistling shook the air, like a fleeting black light. A cold smile appeared on the corner of Sean’s mouth. He took it without blinking, and then projected it back with his backhand!

The violent force directly caused the sharp steel bars to shatter, and only half of it penetrated into Venom’s body, nailing it to the wall behind. The huge penetrating wound was torn open, but the black liquid material squirmed quickly, and it was repaired in an instant. Fatal injuries, sharp screams resounded, and beast-like fangs were clearly exposed.

Sean stepped forward, bringing with him a fierce wind pressure, and rushed to the front of Venom in an instant. His strong arms grabbed the opponent’s throat, and the golden light in his eyes bloomed brightly!

The next moment, the unstoppable golden stream of light split open the upper building, and the violent energy rolled like a hurricane, tearing apart the sky!

Venom, who was being carried by Sean, burst into violent flames all over his body, as if his whole body was on fire. The speed that broke through the sound barrier rubbed against the air, causing the black liquid substance covering Eddie’s surface to be released as if it was ignited by flames. Strong high temperature.

If anyone raises his head and looks up now, he will find that there is a bright fire going retrograde above the night sky, like a fleeting flashing meteor, which soon disappears in the thick clouds.

When Eddie regained consciousness, he found that he was floating in the void, looking down at a huge and vibrant blue planet, surrounded by endless darkness, and not far away there was a planet with a Sputnik with American flag in orbit.

The gravityless vacuum environment made him feel almost suffocated, but as the black liquid substance covering his body squirmed and changed, Eddie Brock, as the host, quickly adapted to the harsh conditions of outer space.

The black liquid substance that turned the young photographer of the Daily Bugle into a supervillain is actually an alien organic life with shallow consciousness. It needs to be combined with a host to survive, and it can also give the host powerful abilities.

Therefore, Eddie, wrapped in the Venom suit, can adapt to the living environment of outer space very quickly, because the symbiote itself comes from an alien planet and can adjust its own structure to ensure the survival of the host.

“Should I call you Venom or Eddie Brock?”

Sean’s voice sounded directly in the opponent’s mind. The black liquid substance was undergoing repair work, and the violent friction of the atmosphere made the surface of the suit become dilapidated.

Hearing this extremely terrifying young man’s question, Eddie shuddered subconsciously. The powerful force that the other party just burst out made him feel like he was back to the days of an ordinary person, weak and powerless, without any capital to resist life.

But after getting this black suit, everything became completely different. He was able to feel the powerful power in his body, easily lift a car, jump across the building, his movements were agile, his skills were superb, and his dynamic vision even Being able to capture the trajectory of bullets, just like Spider-Man floating over the city every day, he instantly has the extraordinary ability of a superhero.

“I shouldn’t continue to be ordinary like this. Eddie Brock has to do something. Let that damn Spider-Man go to hell! Parker, James, the Daily Bugle…all go to hell!”

The strong negative emotions resonated with the black liquid substance, and the two combined with each other. The alien symbiote gradually affected Eddie’s thinking, and then became completely dominant, turning the young photographer into a puppet.

“…I’m Eddie…Brock.”

The weak thoughts passed through, and Sean could completely feel the other party’s fear. Not only Eddie Brock, as the host, was afraid, but the shallow consciousness hidden in the symbiote also shrank as if encountering a natural enemy. Trembling, it can feel more than its host how terrifying this existence with golden light lingering all over its body is.

“I will also make a simple disguise. Do you think that as a human being, I will not destroy my own kind? My level of intelligence is not bad.” Sean chuckled in his heart.

The young man was carrying Eddie, who was floating in outer space. No, maybe it would be more appropriate to call him Venom now. Golden light erupted from his body, and the black liquid substance covering the body surface began to ignite instantly like snowflakes that came into contact with high temperatures. The alien life consciousness melted, shivered, and suddenly emitted harsh sound waves, like the tragic scream of a creature on the verge of death!

The vacuum environment obliterated this shrill sound, and a strong mental shock attacked this terrible human being!

In nature, no matter how powerful the predator is, the prey cannot wait to be killed. When life is greatly threatened, even if it faces an invincible opponent, the biological instinct will prompt it to show its fangs. and claws.

The mental shock could not shake Sean’s mind at all, but the poison in his hand struggled violently, and the body surface covered with black liquid substance began to squirm violently. Eddie Brock’s body seemed to be inflated. Like a sphere, it suddenly swelled!

Soon, Venom turned into a little giant three to four meters tall. The muscle lines on the black suit were more clear and obvious, full of explosive power. Countless black tentacles danced and twisted wildly, as if crawling out of hell. The ferocious monster!

“Get apart!”

Sean pulled hard with both hands, and golden light burst out. The squirming and changing symbiote emitted a strong mental wave in the vacuum environment, as if a creature was roaring and wailing on the verge of death.

The black liquid substance and the human body were torn apart in an instant, and the squirming objects like tentacles condensed into small and strange faces, trying hard to rush towards the host, as if they wanted to continue to return to the parasitic target.

Eddie screamed silently, stretching out his arms to touch the venom. He could not give up the temptation brought by this power. Sean sighed, and the golden torrent spurted out, instantly destroying the wildly struggling symbiote, and the young photographer who had lost his mind turned into a speck of dust in the boundless universe.

All these actions were captured by satellites orbiting the scene, and the images were transmitted back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters on the Potomac River. Nick Fury had been paying close attention since the golden figure appeared.

He didn’t know when such a powerful superpower appeared until he saw the opponent easily defeating the Sandman, tearing apart the venom from outer space with his bare hands, and the one-eyed black man with a solemn expression.

“The picture is too blurry. Can you perform facial comparison or recognition to find this target? This person’s danger level is very high, and he must be monitored!”

After Hill tried it, he shook his head helplessly. The image transmitted by the satellite was interfered by the violent energy, so it appeared very blurry. Even if the huge database of SHIELD was retrieved, it was impossible to find a person with a high degree of contrast through body movements and physical characteristics. Target person.

“Seal this data file and classify it as a high-risk level.” Nick Fury said with a cold face, one eye as sharp as lightning.

“Do you want to confirm the code name?” Hill asked softly.

He stared at the blurry figure in the video screen, remembering the hoarse voice he heard in the video for the only time, and said coldly: “Sentinel.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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