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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 17 Hero saves beauty

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions frightened tourists and caused them to run away in panic. Under the violent impact, the masonry walls of the surrounding buildings exploded and collapsed, glass fragments flew everywhere, and steel and concrete fell down from high altitudes like hailstones.

The Green Goblin swayed the pumpkin bombs in his hands, and the rumbling air waves rushed out of the building. Violent vibrations and explosions continued to resound. The crowded crowd turned into a turbulent flow, and people screamed in the explosion of fire. Fleeing in all directions, panic spread. The carnival tourists looked up at the laughing green devil in the sky and couldn’t help but feel despair.

Who will save us?

When Sean saw Peter, who was taking photos in the crowd just now, disappear, he couldn’t help but smile. The job of saving New York citizens should be left to Spider-Man. He saw the Green Goblin flying to the rooftop of the hotel. In front of Harry and his girlfriend, he used pumpkin bombs to kill the two major shareholders of Osborne Industries. Fortunately, Norman had not completely lost his mind and did not hurt his son.


With the intention of quietly watching the battle, Sean was not prepared to be a good citizen who heroically saved others, but he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure from the corner of his eye. The stage collapsed and pulled the fixed steel frame, and was about to collapse on the opponent’s fragile body.

With a long sigh, Sean exerted force on his feet and turned into an arrow. He rescued the frightened Keren at an extremely fast speed. With a bang, the steel frame fell heavily, splashing a cloud of smoke and dust.

Feeling the delicate body trembling in his arms, Sean could only comfort him softly: “It’s okay, you are safe.”

The girl in her arms tightly grasped the savior’s hand. When she raised her head, she was surprised to find that she was an acquaintance: “Sean…why are you here?”

“My friend invited me over, but I didn’t expect this to happen…” Sean explained, “Gwen, let me take you out of here first.”

This girl’s name is Gwen Stacey, and she and Sean are college classmates. They work as interns in Dr. Connors’s laboratory together, and they are quite familiar friends with each other.

“It’s very dangerous here.” Sean looked up and saw that Spider-Man, who had been waiting for a long time, finally appeared. Peter, who made his official debut for the first time, kept shooting spider webs and jumping between high-rise buildings.

The Green Goblin seemed to have discovered this annoying guy. He let out a sharp laugh, controlled the aircraft and rushed downwards. He had just strangled two living lives. This made the violent desire in his heart even more swollen. There seemed to be a The voice kept shouting in his ears, asking him to destroy and destroy even more crazily!

“Hey, Spider-Man?”

Several pumpkin bombs were thrown towards Spider-Man, and the turbulent and violent impact air waves knocked Peter out of the air and hit the wall of a building heavily.

“Do you like the gift I gave you? Hahaha, Spider-Man!”

The Green Goblin activated the miniature machine gun on the aircraft, and a dense storm of metal shot towards Spider-Man, turning the hard wall into a hornet’s nest in an instant. Peter continued to shoot out spider silk, with the help of balloons and balloons floating in the sky. The ribbon dodged, and while the Green Goblin was not paying attention, a shot of spider silk popped out and stuck to the bat flying machine at the opponent’s feet, causing it to immediately lose control and throw the Green Goblin out of the air.

“Here, try this!”

Taking advantage of the victory, Spider-Man chased after him, sprayed out spider silk to make a spring, and launched his feet hard, hitting the Green Goblin like a cannonball. He knocked the culprit who ruined the carnival to the ground with three punches and two kicks.

Not to be outdone, the Green Goblin, who rolled to the ground, raised a huge cylinder and knocked Spider-Man out of the air, slamming him into a car. The two men fought inextricably. Spider-Man was nimble and the Green Goblin The demon has a high-tech equipment, and the combat power between the two sides is almost the same, and it is impossible to tell the winner for a while.

Sean brought the frightened Gwen to safety, and suddenly heard a scream. Following the sound, he saw Harry and Mary Jane trapped on the balcony. They kept calling for help, but no one paid attention.

Spider-Man originally saw his crush on the goddess in danger and wanted to rush to the rescue. As a result, he was entangled by the Green Goblin and couldn’t escape. Because of his distraction, his opponent seized the opportunity and punched and kicked him. In an instant, he fell to the ground. Downwind.

The flames of the explosion burst out of the hotel. The balcony that Harry and Mary Jane were standing on was in danger and could break and fall at any time. The two of them huddled in the corner, praying for someone to come and help.

“I’m really busier than a superhero…” Sean complained silently in his heart. He turned to Gwen and said, “I still have friends there. You stay here and wait for the police to come.”

Gwen grabbed the men’s suit wrapped around her body with both hands and silently watched Sean’s leaving figure. Her heart palpitated. The carnival was full of explosions of fire and smoke. The green devil and Spider-Man were fighting fiercely. In such a dangerous moment, this young boy still thinks about his friends, which is really admirable and touching.

Sean, who was running fast, didn’t know that he had been transformed into a brave and fearless hero by Gwen. Whether it was for his own interests or the moral bottom line deep in his heart, he could not sit idly by and watch Harry’s life and death. Ignore it, anyway, if you do some good deeds occasionally, just think of it as accumulating character points.

While thinking, Sean rushed into the chaotic hotel. The elevator was out of service. He had to run at full speed along the stairs. As Minty said, he had strong and extraordinary physical fitness, but in just a few short Within minutes, he had rushed to the balcony on the top floor of the hotel – but such a huge amount of exercise was no different to him than taking a walk.

“Harry! Mary-Jane!”

Sean found that the situation of the two people was very dangerous, especially Mary-Jane, half of her body was already hanging in the air, the cement on the balcony was peeling off, the cracks on the wall were expanding, and they might fall at any time.

“Come, hold my hand!” Sean first pulled Harry over, and then handed his hand to Mary Jane.

The red-haired girl was trembling with tears on her face. She was really frightened by the Green Goblin before. She tightly grasped the warm palm that was stretched out and threw herself into Sean’s arms.

Sean, who successfully rescued the two of them, quietly pushed Mary Jane away and took the two of them down to the hotel, away from the center of the battlefield. They witnessed the Green Goblin killing two Osborn Industries employees. The major shareholder was deeply shocked and needs time to calm down.

“It’s okay, Harry, everything is over.” Sean comforted the emotionally unstable Master Osborne.

At this time, Harry seemed to remember something, and quickly took out his cell phone and called his father, but no one answered.

“I have to go home first, Sean, help me take Mary Jane home!” Harry remembered that he invited his father to the carnival, and now that there was such a vicious terrorist attack, he was a little worried. .

Sean nodded helplessly, turned to look at Gwen and Mary Jane, and said silently: “What the hell, one is the girlfriend of the second generation Green Goblin, and the other is Spider-Man’s first love girlfriend, why did you leave them all to me?! “

“What a bad day!”

With deep depression, Sean called a taxi and took the two frightened girls home respectively.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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