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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 170 The aftermath of the battle

Turning my attention back to the small town in New Mexico, the aftermath of the battle has dissipated. Fires are rising on the streets, and thick black smoke is rising from the buildings. The strongest armor in God’s Domain has great destructive power, and under Loki’s air control Next, it fired scorching rays unscrupulously, releasing destructive power.

The town was in a mess and dilapidated. Jane in the ruins stared blankly at the metal warhammer in her hand. She had not yet recovered from the shock. Thor and the four Asgardians on the side were even more stunned. Others might They won’t understand what it means to pick up Mjolnir, but they can understand its profound meaning.

“A female Midgardian actually lifted Mjolnir and defeated the powerful armor forged by Odin!”

Fandral shouted in disbelief. He had previously looked down upon the backward humans in this world, but what happened now was like a hard slap in the face.

Thor’s whole person lost his spirit. Mjolnir has always been a symbol of Thunder God’s reputation for bravery. His father even said that whoever picks up this hammer will be qualified to rule Asgard. It is conceivable that You know how significant this is to the son of Odin and to Asgard.

“She…Father, have you given up on me?”

Thor murmured to himself, staring at Jane standing quietly in the ruins. The small electric light shone around the woman, making her look like a Valkyrie with a majestic temperament and inviolability.

Before everyone could figure out the situation, a bright golden light rushed in front of Thor, lifting the tall prince of Asgard like a chicken. At the same time, Jane held the Mjolnir also disappeared. The Sentinel Armor held Mjolnir in one hand and the Son of Odin in the other, turning into a stream of light and passing away.


The companions from Asgard exclaimed, that golden figure exuded a heart-stopping terrifying aura, like a raging tide passing by, and they didn’t even have time to stop it.

“Is this also a Midgardian? How many such strong men are there in this world!”

The Asgardians who came to Earth felt a great impact. In the past, this backward planet called Midgard had no noteworthy powerful warriors or legendary warriors. They had always relied on Only with the protection and protection of Asgard can you have a peaceful life.

But two mysterious and powerful figures appeared one after another. One seemed to be a weak woman who lifted Mjolnir and defeated the Destroyer Armor; the other not only took away Thor’s hammer, but also easily captured the Asgardian artifact. holder.

“Jane, are you okay?”

Daisy ran over and looked at the young teacher worriedly. The usually calm and rational female astrophysicist now looked confused. She didn’t understand what the inexplicable voice was about.

All of this happened too suddenly. Jane originally saw that Sean did not appear among the evacuated people, so she returned to the center of the battlefield. As a result, the Destroyer armor just released a powerful attack, and then a hammer fell from the sky. It fell into my own hands, as if there was a voice in the dark.


“How dare you do this to me?!”

Thor roared angrily, the arrogant and violent son of Odin had never endured such humiliation, being carried like prey, and even his beloved weapons became trophies in the hands of the other party.

“Didn’t your father tell you that the truth in the world depends on whether the fist is hard enough? Your Highness, the Prince of Asgard, my current fist is much harder than yours.”

Indifferent words without any emotion came out from under the mask, and the hoarse and cold voice sounded like electronic synthesis, making people feel creepy and cold unconsciously.

“Arrogant Midgardian, let me go! If you have the ability to act like a true warrior, let’s have a fair duel!”

Thor struggled with all his strength, trying to escape the opponent’s grasp, but his body, which was strong enough to knock down several big men, was like a child in the hands of the golden figure, unable to break away from the strong arm.

If Odin hadn’t deprived him of his divine power, how could Thor have suffered such a shameful humiliation, without even the strength to resist!

“A fair duel? Is the future King of Asgard just a fool with a brain full of muscles? Or do you think that with Mjolnir, you can solve all the problems in the world?”

The Sentinel Armor sneered mercilessly, as if someone was controlling it from a long distance away. The Thor’s Hammer in his hand sputtered with lightning, intertwined with blazing white light.

In the core of Mjolnir, a majestic will passed through, and he fiercely competed with the Sentinel Armor for the ownership of this hammer. Sean, who was far away in the town, had a sharp golden light flashing in his eyes. The gods The king will naturally not sit back and watch this Asgardian artifact fall into his hands.

In the palace where the King of Asgard lives, the battle has ended. Laufey, the tall Frost Giant King, still fell at the feet of his old enemy. After leaving the cold environment of Jotunheim, the Frost Giants’ combat effectiveness was not as good as before. Without the blessing of the Ice Box, losing to Odin was expected.

After forcibly interrupting his slumber, and after a battle, even the King of the Gods could not help but feel a little depressed. He strode out of the palace and took back the eternal scepter from his adopted son. Vigorous vitality rushed through his aging body, and two divine crows hovered. Perched on the shoulder, a cold light flashed in his single eye.

The majestic will is like the sun glowing with endless golden light. In the core of Mjolnir’s star, two suns collide and impact, bursting out infinite heat and light.

Thor felt the shackles in his body suddenly burst, and the divine power deprived by his father rolled into his body like a torrent. The Sentinel Armor released his hands, and the son of Odin broke away. The handy metal warhammer was suspended in the air, shaking violently, like two A force pulled violently, shaking back and forth repeatedly.

“Midgardians, I want to wash away the shame you have brought – in the name of Thor!” Thor shouted, divine power filling his body, giving him strong self-confidence.

Since being demoted to the mortal world by his father, the arrogant Thor has encountered many setbacks and blows. The pent-up anger in his heart was finally released as the seal of the King of Gods was lifted.

“It turns out that Thor is a child who goes home to cry to his parents when he feels wronged.” The Sentinel Armor mocked unbridled, the mechanically synthesized voice simulating a joking mood.

Thor was furious. He held Mjolnir. Invisible ripples burst out. Thick dark clouds gathered in the sky. Lead-gray clouds piled up. The atmosphere exploded with loud noises. Lightning tore through the thick clouds. Thunder roared and exploded, as if the end was coming. A horrific scene.

The prince of Asgard, who had regained the metal warhammer, erupted with strong and dazzling electric light, like a silver snake with its fangs and claws. The intertwined thunder wrapped around the tall and mighty strong body. In an instant, the armor covered the whole body, and the red cloak spread out. The heroic God of Thunder descends into the mortal world.

The intense electric current jumped wildly, and Mjolnir bloomed in Thor’s hands, showing infinite power. He roared, and the blazing white electric current rushed towards the sentinel armor. This majestic prince of Asgard vowed to Give the other party a hard lesson to wash away the humiliation and anger in your heart!


The atmosphere roared, emitting a sharp howl, and the indestructible Thor’s hammer tore through the air waves, carrying a strong electric light, which was enough to smash the standing golden figure to pieces!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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