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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 171 The End

The prince of Asgard’s thunderous strike with all his strength did not shatter the golden figure that stood still. The sentinel armor exuding powerful energy suddenly dimmed and the driving energy in the chest automatically collapsed. The new suit made of nanomaterials absorbed the last bit of energy and exploded from the inside out.

The violent energy and the blazing white current collided with each other, bursting out with strong destructive power. During the loud roar, the rolling air waves carried rolling sand and dust, making Thor, the God of Thunder, who was determined to avenge his shame, disgraced.

“Disappeared?” He stood there blankly until a huge beam of light fell from the sky, bringing the exiled prince of Asgard back to the divine realm.

At the same time, the three warriors of Asgard and the female warrior Sif who stayed in the town were also taken away by the teleportation channel of the Rainbow Bridge. Far away in the king’s palace in Asgard, Odin looked at Loki who was kneeling on the ground. , there was a hint of regret in his heart. He had always regarded Thor as the future heir of the kingdom, but he gave his adopted son too many unrealistic hopes. Once the seeds of ambition took root and sprouted in his heart, the desire for power would be difficult to contain.

“You and Thor are both born kings, but there can only be one ruler of Asgard.” Odin looked at Loki with his head lowered sincerely, “You are the descendant of the Frost Giants, Laufey’s Son, I initially hoped to reach an agreement on peace for generations with Jotunheim through you…”

“That’s enough! You ignited the flame of hope in me, but you cruelly extinguished it with your own hands! From the beginning to the end, you never thought of giving me a chance. Thor is the king in your mind!”

Loki raised his head, his handsome face flushed. With a strong sense of self-esteem, he couldn’t stand Odin’s hypocritical charity. In his opinion, Thor was just a foolhardy warrior, and Asgard needed more help. A wise and wise king.

Seeing that his adopted son was still stubborn, Odin sighed, and a cold light emerged from his single eye. The close relationship between father and son was irreparable. Loki’s heart was filled with hatred and resentment, and he could only put him in a prison in the divine realm. , where Loki, who was blinded by power, might be able to calm down and sober up.

A trace of exhaustion appeared on the old face of the King of Asgard. He forcibly interrupted his sleep and fought another battle with the Frost Giant King Laufey. In the process, he also had a brief spiritual confrontation with the mysterious Midgardian. The continuous high-intensity battles made Odin a little tired, and his tall and mighty body swayed slightly.

Loki saw the opportunity, put his hands behind his back, and a square blue box quietly emerged. He would never be willing to become a prisoner, lose his current noble status, and then watch Thor ascend to the throne of Asgard. Full of glory and cheer.


The ice treasure box containing infinite frosty air suddenly opened, and powered by Loki’s own frost giant bloodline, it was said that the powerful artifact that could freeze an entire world bloomed with terrifying power.

Even Odin, the King of the Gods, was caught off guard and turned into a statue of frost. Frosty air continuously spewed out from the ice box, temporarily imprisoning the strongest man in Asgard.

Taking a deep look at the king’s throne, Loki turned back decisively. From the moment he prepared to leave Thor on the earth forever, he could no longer look back.

The handsome prince wearing an antlered helmet and luxurious robes rushed out of the fairy palace in an instant and rushed to the Rainbow Bridge that connected the nine realms. Since Laufey, the king of the frost giants, was dead, it was time to stir up Asgard. A great time to start a war with Jotunheim.

And he will take advantage of the moment when the Frost Giants invade Asgard and use the power of the Rainbow Bridge to destroy Jotunheim in one fell swoop. Rather than bothering to maintain the so-called peace treaty, it is better to eliminate the enemy at once. The kingdom’s The people will soon learn that they are more trustworthy than Thor.

“I just want equal treatment…Father, you are too partial. I just want to prove that I am never worse than Thor.”

Arriving at the observatory at the end of the Rainbow Bridge, Asgard’s gatekeeper Heimdall failed to stop Loki. The Ice Box froze him into an ice sculpture. He held the heavy sword, and colorful energy beams shot straight into his hand. Straight through Jotunheim.

The other end penetrates the giant palace of John Heim. Loki had previously reached an agreement with Laufey, the king of the frost giants. After the other party kills Odin, the space channel will be opened, allowing the frost giants to invade in a large scale and completely capture Aspen. Garter, supported him to ascend to the throne.

Although Loki’s actual plan was not like this, since Laufey was dead anyway, it was better to make the mistake and introduce the Frost Giant into Asgard to divert Odin’s attention, while he used the Bifrost as the ultimate weapon to tear apart the ice-covered pole. Cold world.

When Thor returned to Asgard, he saw a group of Frost Giants rushing out from the other side of the passage and fighting fiercely with the Asgard guards on the Rainbow Bridge. His younger brother Loki was controlling the energy beam that penetrated the nine realms, preparing to use This act serves as a powerful weapon for Jotunheim.

The loud sound of horns plunged the Asgardian Palace into turmoil. The Asgardians, who advocated bravery, immediately understood that there was a foreign invasion and gathered near the Asgardian Palace like a tide. Elite soldiers rushed to the Rainbow Bridge, which happened to coincide with the mighty intrusion. When the Frost Giants met, there was no need to say anything about each other as old enemies, and they started a brutal fight.

Frost giants are born with the innate ability to control ice. They are tall and strong, with red eyes and gray-blue skin. The former king of frost giants, Laufey, personally took away one of the strongest men in Asgard. Odin regarded his eyes as his lifelong enemy. If he hadn’t believed Loki’s lies, the opponent would not have been defeated and died.

“What are you doing, Loki?” Thor asked the three warriors of Asgard and Sif to join the battle, and he asked his brother loudly, “You are really a genius of lying, just for the throne of Asgard, you You can send the Destroyer to kill me? Now you bring the Frost Giant to Asgard, what exactly do you want to do?”

“I have eliminated the hidden danger once and for all. My father killed the Frost Giant King Laufey. The peace agreement between Asgard and Jotunheim has long been torn up. Instead of passively welcoming the coming of war, why not take the initiative? This is what you taught me. My dear brother.”

Loki said excitedly. He looked at the majestic Asgard, with the bright stars above his head. The energy beam bursting out from the Rainbow Bridge was like a giant sword that penetrated the sky and the earth, tearing apart the giant with majestic momentum. Palace, the terrifying destructive power caused the mountains to collapse, the earth trembled, and countless frost giants fled in all directions.

“Father is too partial to you. He never thought of giving me a chance. Since I can’t truly ascend the throne, then I will do something that the people of Asgard will always remember – destroy Jotunheim and the Frost Giants.” hometown!”

Loki gritted his teeth and sounded angry. He saw through Odin’s true purpose of adopting him. Thor, who possesses Thor’s hammer, will be the sole heir to the throne of Asgard, and he is just a victim used to form an alliance with the Frost Giants. As Laufey’s son, he will have the opportunity to become the king of Jotunheim in the future.

The eldest son ascends the throne and rules Asgard, while the adopted son leads the Frost Giants. In this way, the hatred accumulated over thousands of years will be resolved and long-lasting peace will come.

This is the plan of Odin, the King of Gods. Loki is full of resentment, so he wants to prove to everyone that he is no worse than Thor. The reason why his brother can gain the support of the people of Asgard is nothing more than Because the opponent is brave and fearless and can fight well.

“I can do better than you! But no one is willing to give me a chance!” Loki roared angrily, venting his grievances and anger.

“You can’t do this, destroy a race, destroy a world, this will make Asgard an enemy of the nine realms.” Thor tried to dissuade his younger brother who had gone astray.

The energy beam of the Rainbow Bridge continued to expand, triggering greater destructive power. Loki stepped out of the control center and said with a proud smile: “No one can stop me now, not even my father.”

At the middle end of the Rainbow Bridge, the Frost Giants and the Asgard guards were fighting together. They didn’t know that their home was about to be destroyed. Thor rushed up with his hammer, trying to stop the crazy Loki.

As a result, a group of light and shadow illusions deceived him. As the god of trickery and the great magician, Loki was best at weaving all kinds of lies and illusions. A handsome prince wearing an antlered helmet appeared behind Thor like a ghost, with a twitchy mouth. With a smile of success, a sharp dagger pierced the armor and slashed the majestic Thor’s waist.

“You are still so easy to deceive…”

Before Loki finished speaking, Thor waved Mjolnir with his backhand, and the violent electric current was thrown out like a long whip, hitting his brother who thought he had won. The figure wearing an antler helmet penetrated the wall of the observatory, and stood in embarrassment. Rolled a few times on the Rainbow Bridge.

Looking at the energy beam bursting out from the Rainbow Bridge, even Thor was powerless. Loki fell to the ground slumped and said with a sad smile: “Even if you are infinitely powerful, you can only watch Jotunheim shatter and perish!”

The dark sky is like a piece of condensed and flowing light, with bright stars shining. The Asgard guards pouring in from the distance are almost killing the Frost Giants. They are left alone and helpless, blinded by hatred and anger, and their way back is blocked. The three warriors of Asgard and Sif were blocked, like wild beasts trapped in a cage, making their last futile resistance.

Thor looked at all this and already had a decision in his heart. He raised Mjolnir and slammed it down towards the Rainbow Bridge. The huge sound was like the sound of a bell. As an Asgardian artifact, this metal warhammer possesses infinite divine power. , enough to crush everything in the world!

Amidst the continuous roars, the Rainbow Bridge broke out with fine cracks visible to the naked eye, and it seemed that it would break at any time. Loki, who fell to the side, yelled: “Why do you want to destroy all this? Do you also sympathize with the Frost Giants? Then He is our mortal enemy!”

“If you continue with this crazy plan, Asgard will become the common enemy of the nine realms. My father is right. A qualified king should not initiate a war.”

Thor said in a cold voice without looking back. Not that he had gained anything from his journey of exile. At least he had lost his former recklessness and arrogance, and was no longer obsessed with illustrious military exploits.

Ten thousand thunderbolts hit the extremely solid Rainbow Bridge, and dazzling light exploded. A huge energy tide set off a huge tide, like a small tsunami. The whole Asgard trembled. The two princes of Asgard Swallowed high into the sky by the raging energy, Odin appeared in time and grabbed Thor’s red cloak, while Loki followed the scattered debris and fell towards the dark abyss that swallowed everything.

Sean, who was far away in a small town in New Mexico, looked up at the suddenly clear sky and couldn’t help but smile. If everything goes according to the original track, the prince of Asgard who was lost in the dark abyss may bring about a miracle. A mighty alien army.

To be honest, he was looking forward to that day. Only by truly facing the fierce overlord of the universe could Sean know the power gap between the two sides.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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