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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 172 Return

Coulson, who was the first to return from New Mexico, opened the door and entered Nick Fury’s office. His immediate boss was looking through several documents. They were files that had been sent from Old Bridge Town, which reported in detail everything that had happened. incident, but many details still need to be completed by close assistants who have personally experienced it.

“I heard that you met the legendary characters from Norse mythology in New Mexico?” Fury knocked on the table, his one eye shining with a cold light like an eagle, “I hope these people came to Earth with good intentions.”

“They claimed to be Asgardians and came to find the prince lost on Earth, Thor, the God of Thunder. The metal hammer that fell on the outskirts of New Mexico was called Mjolnir, a powerful artifact forged by the dwarves – when I first heard With these words, I thought they were a group of lunatics who were passionate about Norse mythology, but what happened later made me unable to believe it all…”

Coulson recounted what he saw in New Mexico. This was the first time humans had come into contact with civilized creatures beyond the earth. Nick Fury listened very carefully. From his words, it was obvious that Asgard’s civilization process was of great importance. They are more advanced than the earth. They have mastered the technology of space travel. It is said that their lives are longer, and they can also use magic-like “divine power”.

“In other words, they have no ill intentions and came to Earth only because of the power struggle in Asgard?” the black director said doubtfully. He has always had deep feelings for those unknown and powerful civilized races. Be wary.

In the hidden history of S.H.I.E.L.D., before Fury became director, the entire world was almost destroyed silently. It was precisely because alien beings came to the earth. They had the talent to disguise themselves and infiltrate into the earth at will. In every corner of the country, this past was deliberately hidden and few people knew about it.

After experiencing this incident, SHIELD gained the attention of the national government, and the World Security Council was established. Nick Fury, who lost an eye in that secret war that no one knew about, also became The senior staff, who later took over Alexander Pierce’s position as director, gradually grew this special department. After a period of steady development, it is now difficult for even the federal government to restrain it.

“It can be understood that, apart from being as arrogant as Tony Stark, they are actually relatively easy to talk to.” Coulson shrugged and continued: “In the small town of New Mexico, we also found the Sentinel. He and That Asgardian giant armor had a conflict, and…”

The middle-aged agent paused and said with hesitation: “Sean Sipers also appeared there, but outside the battlefield. They shouldn’t be the same person.”

“Don’t let down your guard against anyone. Sean Sipers is a ghost who wanders away from various events. Keep an eye on him!” Fury didn’t say much. Anyway, he had already sent Natasha, “That Female scientists who have picked up a hammer, have you ever controlled it?”

The black director’s mind was spinning. According to Coulson, that hammer had an important impact on Asgard’s succession to the throne, and he might be able to make a fuss about it.

Coulson shook his head. Jane Foster was taken away by Sean Sipers. According to the New York genius, the other party was already an official employee of Umbrella, so he could only stop the coercive measures of the black agents. .

“Then bring Dr. Selvig. Maybe he will be more useful to us.” Fury put his hands on the table and leaned forward. He has prepared a series of plans to strengthen SHIELD. .

First, the Avengers were formed to demonstrate the powerful force of SHIELD itself. Then, Tony Stark’s technical support was used to build an air carrier to improve the concealment and mobility of the entire secret service agency. If it develops according to the expected plan , SHIELD will become the strongest line of defense on the planet, a shield used to fight against all powerful enemies.


A Gulfstream G650 was heading above the clouds, and the golden sunset fell on the rolling sea of ​​clouds, like pure white silk dotted with a faint golden glow.

After cooperating with SHIELD to record a series of confessions, Sean and Harry returned to New York, accompanied by Jane, Daisy, and Dr. Selvig.

The group of Asgardians came and went in a hurry and disappeared inexplicably. This made Jane a little disappointed. She also wanted to get more information about the foreign world from them. The female astronomer glanced at the person sitting on the chair. Sean, who was in the window position, saved himself from being taken away by SHIELD precisely because of the opponent’s verbal protection.

To be honest, Jane still hasn’t figured out what happened, why the metal hammer fell into her hands, and where the sudden powerful force came from. A bunch of questions are swirling in her mind. , causing her to be in a bad state of mind recently, causing her to have insomnia all night long, with that deep voice often echoing in her ears.

In a daze, Sean pulled away and sat next to her. This made Jane, who had come back to her senses, feel nervous for no reason. She looked unnaturally to the side. Daisy and Harry were fighting fiercely and chatting. Continuously and wantonly splashing freshly baked and delicious dog food.

“Are you nervous?” A clear voice called back the female astronomer’s thoughts.

“Ah?” Jane looked at the young man blankly, not understanding what he meant.

“After you return to New York, sort out your research materials. You can first publish a paper in an authoritative magazine with great influence and credibility. Dr. Connors should be able to handle it. He has many friends. “

Sean spoke slowly, with a gentle tone, giving people a strong sense of confidence, “If someone jumps out to question or object, then Umbrella can hold a press conference, publish some strong evidence, and use the media to publicize and build momentum. , to tell the world the truth.”

Through a brief battle with Thor, the God of Thunder, and a spiritual battle with Odin, the King of Asgard, Sean has a rough understanding of his own strength. Compared with the veteran strong men with deep foundations, he is still lacking, but he The victory lies in growing fast enough. I believe that one day, Sentinel will be able to face these powerful opponents.

It’s a pity that he still lacks enough power, otherwise he would have wanted to use Thor, the god of thunder, to exchange Odin’s adopted son Loki. That cunning, lying prince of Asgard, who is familiar with all the secrets in the nine realms, read through According to various historical books, unlike Thor, who was trained as a king since childhood, Loki, although not brave enough, is better in some aspects under the guidance of Odin’s wife Frigga.

The arrogant and bellicose Thor himself is not of much use to Sean, but the space teleportation method to Asgard is very valuable. If Loki is captured, he may be able to dig out some Useful information, the young man is very interested in the metal glove waiting to be inlaid with gems in Odin’s Asgard.

“I think I need to prepare myself.” Jane smiled reluctantly. She used to work part-time and conduct research at the same time. She had never experienced such a big scene.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it soon.” Sean comforted the nervous female astronomer, “Foster’s theory sounds pretty good.”

Jane was stunned for a moment, then a faint smile broke out at the corner of her mouth, and she stared at the other person’s young face. The warm and dim golden light shined through the portholes on Sean’s profile. Indistinctly, he seemed to be related to some mysterious person. The voices in the dark overlapped, but if you looked carefully, it seemed like it was just a temporary illusion.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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