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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 174 News about Banner

After handling the matters at hand, Sean drove towards Washington, D.C., and in addition to his secretary Yuriko, he also took with him the unruly Ivan Vanko. This Russian man had somewhat tempered his fierceness since he last saw the Sentinel. It’s a little bit different, and it’s no longer as proud as before.

Geniuses with outstanding talents are often the same kind of creatures. They have irrefutable pride and confidence in the fields they are good at. This is a sense of superiority over ordinary people from the perspective of wisdom and knowledge, whether it is the gentle and gentle Reed or the This is true for Stark, who is narcissistic and arrogant.

As for Ivan, who regards Tony Stark as his lifelong rival and family enemy, he is naturally no exception. In the original timeline, Justin Hammer tried every means to win over him, but he failed to convince or bribe him. A big Russian man was tricked by the other party, and unfortunately he was imprisoned.

A common problem among geniuses is that they despise or ignore uneducated people. Idiots like Hammer will definitely not be looked down upon by Ivan.

But Sean is different. He is not a powerful figure who does not listen to opinions. Although Ivan is aware that the other party has a hidden desire to control, he controls it very well and does not show it obviously. He has a strong background and deep knowledge. The unpredictable power made the Russian man stay at Umbrella with peace of mind and give up his original little idea.

The vehicle was driving slowly, and Sean inadvertently saw sporadic groups gathering outside Umbrella’s door from the window. They were holding banners or shouting slogans, but no one paid attention to them. The dedicated security personnel would take them away. Shut out.

After Congressman Kelly, the anti-mutant pioneer, disappeared, public opinion about mutants gradually faded away as time went by. Not long ago, the Vice President brought up the old matter again and gave a public speech on the “Mutant Registration Act” , but this time the stance and direction are completely different.

Vice President Underwood, a veteran politician with great skill and ambition, perfectly demonstrated his personal charm. With a short and powerful speech, he made a voice of justice for the unfair treatment of mutants, which was full of provocation and contagion. His speech moved many citizens present.

However, Sean was still in New Mexico at that time, so he did not have the opportunity to appreciate the charming style of the Vice President. According to the prepared plan, Umbrella and Osborne Industries jointly issued a statement expressing sympathy for the difficult situation of mutants, As well as advocating the need for the Mutant Registration Act, they announced that they would openly recruit mutant employees, who can enjoy the same salary benefits and various rights as ordinary people.

After a series of tricks, mutants once again set off a wave of public opinion. However, compared with the previous criticism, this time the tone was reversed. A group of experts stood up to speak, popularizing the concept of mutants in detail, and telling the general public that this is not incurable. disease, or a curse from God.

Umbrella has always had a good reputation. Because it focuses on the biomedical market, Metis Potion to cure brain degeneration and Kress Potion to regenerate amputated limbs, both products have achieved enthusiastic market response, and the latter has also won the Many orders came from the military.

However, recently, many anti-mutant groups have organized demonstrations at the door, trying to prevent mutant employees from joining. These sporadic attacks have had little impact on Umbrella. Without the support of big figures with ulterior motives, they lack cohesion and Civil society groups supported by background cannot make any waves.

“This is your chance to restore your family’s glory, Ivan.”

Sean, who was sitting in the car, looked at the big Russian man in formal attire. Even in a suit and leather shoes, he looked more like his bodyguard than a weapons manufacturing expert.

“Prove to the generals in the Pentagon that Ivan Vanke is no worse than Tony Stark.” He said slowly like a fisherman throwing out bait: “Tony can create the Ark Reactor, and you can also copy it. He can turn into Iron Man, so you have to make those fancy steel armors too.”

“So I have to be like a monkey and let the big guys pick and choose?” Ivan looked worried. He didn’t like these twists and turns, and preferred the simple and rough style of doing things.

Sean sneered. He glanced sideways at the big Russian man and said, “Tony’s father is Howard Stark, the founder of a military-industrial empire. He participated in the Manhattan Project. He once worked with Oppenheimer and was a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. A veteran figure with strong support from the military, deep connections and a solid foundation.”

“Tell me, Mr. Ivan Vanke, do you have any outstanding achievements? My father was deported back to China for espionage, and you have been in prison for fifteen years. How can I convince those military bosses to stand up? What is in front of them is not a dangerous person with a criminal record, but a talented weapons manufacturing expert?”

Sean waved his hand to stop Ivan’s rebuttal. His gentle tone suddenly became sharp, and invisible majesty radiated out. The fierce and wild Russian man gradually lowered his head.

“Geniuses also need people who appreciate them. Ivan, the Stark family is already a towering tree, and you have just started. If you want to gain the attention of others, you must not only come up with decent things, but also learn Dealing with the big guys.”

Looking at the Russian man whose aura had been dispelled, Sean raised a smile and his tone softened, “The steel armor may be a bit flashy, but it can satisfy the Ministry of National Defense and do a good job in building a good image of the government. that’s enough.”

“If you want to defeat your opponent in a fair fight, you must first achieve equal status with him.” He patted Ivan on the shoulder and warned him in a friendly way.

As the car drove into Arlington on the banks of the Potomac River, the country’s highest military command organization was clearly visible. Due to its special functions, like a pentagonal building, it was often regarded as a symbol of the military power of the United States. In the 1960s, It was once the epicenter of the anti-Vietnam War wave.

Sean did not immediately contact the personnel of the Ministry of Defense. Instead, he met with General Ross first in the “Hall of Heroes” in the corridor on the third floor. This floor is the office space of the Secretary of Defense and the Department of the Army. Ordinary people cannot even enter through the door.

The so-called “Hall of Heroes” was established to commemorate the recipients of the “Highest Medal of Honor” since the Revolutionary War. Sean took Ivan, who was very obedient, and looked at everything around him. There were more than 3,000 bronze medals hanging here, engraved on them. The names, birthplaces and resumes of various people with outstanding military achievements are displayed, and the surrounding memorial corridors also have various deeds of the three marshals Marshall, Eisenhower and MacArthur.

General Ross arrived late, and the old man said apologetically: “There was an accident, I guess I didn’t keep you waiting long.”

Sean shook his head and gave a faint smile. He and General Ross initially connected because of interests. Later, as the relationship became closer, the two parties unknowingly became inseparable allies.

“We found traces of Banner in Brazil. After attending this energy weapons seminar, I will send troops to capture him.” General Ross said the reason directly without covering up.

“I have mobilized an elite force and can definitely bring that big guy back!” The old man was full of confidence. He insisted that every cell in Banner’s body was the property of the military. “With your energy weapons, maybe the chance of success will be greater.”

Sean saw that General Ross was in some kind of excitement. The Hulk was almost becoming his stubborn obsession. He silently sympathized with Dr. Banner for a second. He was being targeted by his future father-in-law, and he was also a powerful person. General, this feeling must not be pleasant.

“I wish you success.” The young man said softly.

The two stood under the portrait of Douglas MacArthur. General Ross habitually took out his cigar, but immediately put it away. He had a high respect for his late predecessor.

The old man looked at MacArthur’s glorious deeds, and couldn’t help but feel a trace of nostalgia in his eyes. This legendary general had the most medals in the United States and was the only person to have participated in World War I, World War II and the Korean War. He was also the youngest brigadier general and the West Point Military Academy graduate. The principal and Army Chief of Staff are called “generation veterans” by countless people.

Veterans never die, they just fade away, is MacArthur’s famous speech.

It can be said that every soldier dreams of becoming such a legend.

“I will let them see that this country does not need those superheroes in fancy costumes, and we can also ensure the security of the country and its people.” General Ross said firmly.

Sean nodded, a dark light flashing across his eyes. If the general didn’t let the Hulk fail once, how could the other side cherish his friendship.

He was looking forward to fighting the big green guy full of anger.

Sentinel versus Hulk, a great show.

ps: When you read this chapter, I have already boarded the train to leave my hometown… Bah, bah, due to some force majeure factors, I have to go out for a period of time, about four or five days, so there will be less updates, dear readers Please bear with me~

I also feel sorry for the one who paid 600 yuan for perfect attendance (;′⌒`)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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