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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 175 Hammer and his ex-wife

At Edwards Air Force Base, a transport plane landed on the 22nd apron. Sean and the Ministry of Defense officials walked down the elevator. The strong wind was blowing his clothes. In addition to General Ross, there were also Tony’s friends. Colonel Lord, and the Government officials of the Military Council.

The energy weapons seminar was held at eight o’clock in the morning. Sean submitted Umbrella’s cooperation agreement, which fully elaborated on the concept and design of energy weapons. Then in the afternoon they came to a nearby air force base for field testing.

When he stepped into the base, Sean also saw Justin Hammer, a bespectacled and businessman-like military industrial tycoon. Ever since Hammer Industries packaged up the weapons manufacturing factory sold by Stark Industries, he He called himself by this name, and some news newspapers that received benefits also added fuel to the report, trying to praise the other party as a genius like Tony.

It’s a pity that the public doesn’t buy it. Hammer Industries has long been a second-rate company in the military industry, far from being a top giant like Stark Industries, and its helmsman, Justin Han Mo is also mediocre, without Tony’s glorious resume worth showing off.

“Hammer Industries has always had a good relationship with the procurement officials of the Department of Defense.” General Ross said in a low voice.

Sean smiled faintly. Similar to this kind of unchallenging opponent, he couldn’t arouse the slightest interest at all. Even if Ivan took action, he could easily defeat the opponent.

“I don’t remember that Hammer Industries has any new products that can be used.” The young man curled his lips and said in a teasing tone.

A smile broke out on General Ross’s face. As a military official, he naturally knew the true level of Justin Hammer. He smiled and said: “We can’t ask everyone to be Tony Stark. After that dude, at least the Hammer Industries stuff is cheaper.”

“The Ministry of National Defense also needs something to show off. Stark is unwilling to hand over his steel armor, so he can only rely on unlearned guys like Justin Hammer. He is imitating the steel armor. It is said that the cost is a A set of 120 million yuan, I have seen the finished product of the first generation… I really can’t find any other words to describe it other than a pile of shit.”

To be able to make this general use foul language is enough to show that the products of Hammer Industries are indeed of poor quality.

While talking and laughing all the way, Hammer walked into the base gate in a fashion that he thought was very cool, followed by two soldiers pushing a pile of boxes, which were probably new weapons used by Hammer Industries to display.

“Well, I know you, the famous New York genius. Is this your bodyguard?” Hammer greeted enthusiastically.

It can be seen that he tried his best to imitate the bohemian character of Tony Stark, but it was too clumsy, his expression was artificial and slightly exaggerated, like a clown on the stage.

“This is Ivan Vanke, Umbrella’s chief weapons expert.” Sean smiled politely, “I heard that you are about to sign a twenty-five-year contract with the Ministry of National Defense. Congratulations, Hammer Industries will Get to the top of this industry.”

“I like what you said.”

Hammer laughed loudly. Before the field test started, he pulled Sean and lowered his voice: “I know that Umbrella also plans to enter the military purchase market. Do you want to cooperate with Hammer Industries? I am far more generous than Tony.” , you can get more, and the market will be dominated by us! As long as you are willing to give up Umbrella’s shares, of course I will also pay my sincerity…”

The other party almost didn’t write “I’m stupid and rich” on his face. Sean’s mouth twitched and he gave a few perfunctory answers. Hammer was just a businessman who had taken a fancy to Umbrella’s great prospects and wanted to get involved. Come in and get a piece of the pie.

But little did he know that this was tantamount to touching Sean’s back. This seemingly gentle young man hated others touching his things. The male creature’s desire for exclusivity is especially obvious in Sean. No matter it is Umbrella or others, he will not mind overturning the table at any time if anyone dares to mess around.

The cold eyes flashed away, but Hammer still didn’t realize it. He thought that with the huge size of Hammer Industries, Umbrella should be grateful or excited when he extended an olive branch to Umbrella.

“It’s your turn to perform, Mr. Hammer.” Sean changed the subject.

In front of the dignitaries of the Ministry of Defense and the Military Council, Hammer opened boxes one by one, took out the new weapons inside, and showed off: “Claridge semi-automatic pistol, nine millimeter bullets… M24 shotgun, manually loaded, each bullet A magazine of five bullets… a 40-centimeter caliber grenade gun that can fire tear gas and smoke grenades… an M134 machine gun with six independent barrels and a metal storm that is enough to turn all enemies into ketchup…”

Seeing the indifferent expressions on everyone’s faces, Hammer couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. Although the things he took out were not new, they must have some reaction.

“It seems that I have to come up with something really good.” The head of Hammer Industries opened a black box, “This is a sidewinder missile, equipped with a cyclone explosive, and has a cyclotrimethyltrinitroamine explosive that can be directly exploded. Destroy a three-story underground bunker, this is my Eiffel Tower, my Rachmaninov’s Third Symphony, my most classic work!”

“Elegant in shape, huge in lethality, as holy and beautiful as my Statue of Liberty, I named her ‘ex-wife’.”

Hammer boasted shamelessly. Officials of the Ministry of National Defense were used to this kind of situation. They cared more about the steel armor copied by Hammer Industries. These things were not important. At the military weapons seminar in a week, the military would at least bring out The things that were unveiled were used to explain where the huge expenses during this year were spent.

“Can this kind of scrap metal be called a weapon?”

Ivan was a little surprised. He couldn’t understand why this kind of junk that should be placed in a second-hand factory could be brought here.

Sean patted the big Russian man on the shoulder and said with a smile: “Show them your proud work. This is your first step to defeat Tony Stark. Tell those big shots in the Ministry of Defense, 2 The Ark reactor, which no one can imitate within ten years, can be easily solved by you.”

Ivan nodded silently. He had been waiting for this day for a long time. The feud between Howard Stark and his father now extends to the next generation.

Who would have known that behind the dazzling Empire State Building of Stark Industries lies the bitter blood and tears of two generations of the Vanke family. When Tony Stark was hailed as a genius by everyone, he was struggling to survive in the cold winds of Siberia.

Ivan opened the black box with the red and white umbrella-shaped logo printed on it, and held a rather heavy metal gun in his hand. The energy core of the Ark reactor was installed in the center, and the whole body shone with silver-white cold light.

The big Russian man held the weapon in one hand, activated the energy delivery device, and aimed it at the thick steel plate not far away. A faint blue beam erupted. The strong recoil made Ivan take a few steps back, and the 60 mm steel plate was directly hit. Wear it through, leaving a big hole in the center.

This precise lethality moved the officials of the Ministry of National Defense. According to Umbrella’s report, the cost of an energy weapon is about US$60,000 to US$120,000. Compared with expensive steel armor, It is indeed good quality and cheap.

Hammer on the side stared at the Ark reactor on the energy weapon with burning eyes, as if he was seeing a naked and charming beauty. Although he tried his best to restrain his greedy expression, he was still like a hungry wolf, eager to snatch away the sparkling gadget immediately. come over.

Justin Hammer wants to obtain future long-term orders from the Ministry of Defense by imitating Tony Stark’s steel armor. That is a big deal, enough to bring Hammer Industries to the top, but with the current research and development capabilities and With manufacturing technology, he could only make a few samples.

However, the energy weapons launched by Sean made his eyes shine, especially the energy core, which was simply a replica of the Ark reactor. If it could be added to the steel armor of Hammer Industries, it would be a perfect fit.

He casually threw aside his favorite work “Ex-Wife”. This thing was no longer applicable. Now his mind was filled with Umbrella’s energy weapons.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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