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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 18 Aftermath

The terrorist attack at the carnival shocked the entire United States. The video of the battle between the Green Goblin and Spider-Man was widely circulated on the Internet, with more than millions of views. Many people were surprised to find that besides mutants, there were no other people in this world around them. There are other people with super powers.

The White House government also feels extremely troubled. The vicious incident caused by the Green Goblin has a wide-ranging impact and the number of casualties is extremely high. In addition to hotly discussing Spider-Man, public opinion is also strongly condemning the inaction of the national security department, believing that This is another terrorist attack after “911” and a trampling on the spirit of American freedom. We call on the government to catch the murderer as soon as possible.

However, the most frustrating thing may be the mutants who have been hiding in human society. At first, when people saw Spider-Man and the Green Goblin in the video, they thought they were also mutants. Mutants have only just become popular. The registration bill was introduced again, and it was not until a congressman stood up and denied that Spider-Man and the Green Goblin were mutants that the matter came to an end. However, the mutants in Westchester must have felt in their hearts It must be very depressing. Anyway, it’s not a good feeling to take the blame.

Because of the debut of the Green Goblin and Spider-Man at the carnival, people with super powers have received widespread attention from all walks of life, and everyone is talking about it. Spider-Man, due to his heroic performance, repelled the ferocious and terrifying Green Goblin and received a lot of attention. In addition to the Daily Bugle, other news newspapers are praising this mysterious superhero and calling him “New York’s good neighbor.”

Equally unlucky were not only the mutants who were inexplicably scapegoated, but also Osborne Industries. Under the manipulation of thoughtful people, this emerging industrial giant was exposed to the news that its chief scientist was murdered and the products it developed were stolen. At the same time, Also a thoughtful note, the equipment owned by the Green Goblin are all from Osborn Industries.

This suddenly triggered an upsurge of public condemnation. The stock price of Osborne Industries plummeted. This huge enterprise involved in many fields suddenly fell into a huge crisis and had the momentum of sliding into the abyss. However, at this critical moment, the company was facing a huge crisis. Norman Osborne, who is the chairman, did not stand up to take charge of the overall situation, which made the outside world have a negative view of Osborne Industries.

The above is the aftermath of the carnival, but it has nothing to do with Sean, because he is busy dealing with another trouble.

“You mean, you got into a fight on the first day of school and beat up two school bullies to the point where their parents didn’t even recognize them?!”

Sean almost collapsed. After only one day of school, he received a call from the dean of students, asking him to rush to school to deal with a vicious fight.

“The two of them were bullying Rachel!” the little Lolita, who had been lectured constantly along the way, defended, “the two bad guys were pulling on her skirt, and I only used a little force.”

“Who is Rachel?” Sean was a little confused, and then he continued to lecture: “And Mindy, if you want to do it, you can beat them all over their faces, but… don’t kick them below, that’s too cruel. Yeah, especially for boys.”

“Rachel was my first friend in school! She was very pitiful. She was bullied by the school bullies every day, and everyone was unwilling to play with her because she came from Hell’s Kitchen.”

Mindy pursed her lips and seemed a little aggrieved. In her mind, she just did a good thing to help her friends, but she was criticized by everyone.

Sean was silent for a moment, touched the little Loli’s head, and said softly: “Mindy, you can’t continue to live your life the way you did before, helping friends who are bullied by bad people. This is a good thing, but you have to pay attention to the method – —You can teach them a lesson with your fists, but don’t let the teacher catch the evidence! Because in this case, you are likely to be expelled from the school, and then your friends will continue to be bullied by these people, or even suffer intensified revenge.”

“You mean, next time I can secretly sap?” Little Loli raised her head and looked at Sean, with a puzzled expression on her face.

“…That’s probably what it means.” Sean had a headache. It was obvious that he was not suitable for this kind of ideological counseling work.

Wanting to turn Mindy, who is deeply influenced by the idea of ​​​​”violence solves all problems”, into a normal girl, is really a huge and complicated project, and it needs to be done slowly.

“Why are those two people so arrogant in your school?” Sean couldn’t help but wonder. That school is a famous private school in New York. Most of the children who attend it come from a good background. Their parents are engaged in decent and high-end jobs. How could they let themselves be allowed to do so? of children are bullied at school.

“They said their father was a subordinate of Kingpin.” Mindi thought for a moment, and then asked doubtfully: “Who is Kingpin?”

Sean narrowed his eyes. Is this the rhythm of entering Hell’s Kitchen after just settling Frank D’Amico?

Compared to the name Kingpin, New Yorkers are more familiar with Wilson Fisk, a real estate tycoon born in Hell’s Kitchen who is passionate about philanthropy and a respectable socialite. However, Sean knows that this is just a layer of hypocrisy. The whitewash shows that in addition to being a successful businessman, the real Wilson-Fisk is also the underworld emperor who rules the underworld of New York. He started as a small boss, committed crimes, burned, killed and looted all the way, and finally ascended to the throne of the gang leader.

However, this did not satisfy his ambition. Wilson, who had outstanding brains and extraordinary strength, continued to encroach on the territory of other gangs. Anyone who was unwilling to obey him would be eliminated, and finally he firmly controlled the entire American gang. In his hands, he built a huge and terrifying underworld empire based on the chaotic and impoverished Hell’s Kitchen.

After becoming New York’s number one criminal boss, he packaged himself as a successful real estate businessman, transformed into a social celebrity, chatted and laughed with prosecutors and police chiefs, recruited a large number of Russian mafia and Irish people from Hell’s Kitchen as thugs, and then Gradually came to dominate the entire New York underworld.

Those in the underworld called Wilson “Kingpin,” which means “mastermind.” Since then, this name has become a terrifying and terrifying existence in the underground world.

“He’s just a big bad guy who leads many villains.” Sean said calmly, with a thoughtful light flashing in his eyes.

Maybe the underworld emperor who rules the New York underground can make some small contributions to his first step in primitive accumulation. After all, Hell’s Kitchen is a good place that everyone wants.

He held Little Loli’s hand and prepared to go home. In the end, under the fierce offensive of a lot of dollars, the very principled dean decided to relax the fight on the grounds that Mindy was “just a child after all.” Rejected other teachers’ suggestions for expulsion.

Just like this, the storm subsided quietly. Mindy returned to school and became famous in one fell swoop. She became a big sister-like figure in the school and gathered a group of adoring fans under her command.

Of course, this is just a small episode in Sean’s ordinary life. In this era where superheroes are not yet flying all over the world, he enjoys this peaceful atmosphere. He does not need to worry about alien invasions or evil villains destroying the world. , everything is so beautiful.

Moreover, this also allowed him to have a calm mentality of slowly accumulating strength, and he did not have to worry too much about the dangers caused by his weakness. After all, even Tony Stark was still immersed in a decadent life of debauchery and had not become a Iron Man flying into the sky and escaping from the earth.

The superhero is sleeping in the cradle and has not yet woken up; the overlord of the universe, who covets the six infinity stones, has not set his sights on this blue planet, and all the stories have not yet begun.

“There will be bread, there will be milk…” Sean looked at the setting sun on the horizon, his eyes shining with longing for the future.

ps: Sweat…I forgot that there is another chapter today -_-||

I’m so diligent, readers, why don’t you come here by counting the votes?


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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