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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 180 Burning Sin

Two days ago.

It’s still calm in Hell’s Kitchen.

Ramon was sitting in his own office. About three months ago, he was an ordinary senior manager of the Rand Group, responsible for marketing operations and public relations. However, in the blink of an eye, he transformed into this company. Controller – even if only in name. This kind of pleasure of ascending to a high position and enjoying the power and money is really addictive.

“Okay, Mr. Wesley, I will ensure the normal handover of the goods… We are in contact with Japan’s Yashida Pharmaceutical. They are also very interested in Umbrella’s genetic medicine… Yes, two months later , Rand Group will have a scientific research team going to Africa…”

Ramon’s tone was respectful. It was hard to imagine that the head of the Rand Group would have such a humble attitude. It was as if he was facing a big shot and wanted to kneel at the other person’s feet to show his inner respect.

People in the Rand Group often say that Mr. Ramon, who has risen through the ranks, relied on his ability to flatter and flatter people, so that he could be favored by the upstarts of Hell’s Kitchen and support him to become a puppet in high positions.

Even though many people are jealous and secretly spread some vitriolic words, Ramon is still very satisfied with his current life. He is not an ambitious man. His own talents are mediocre, and he can be selected by Mr. Wesley to sit on the seat. Being at the top of the Rand Group is undoubtedly a great blessing for him. He can be the puppet of a big shot and enjoy the life of a rich man. This makes Ramon, who was only from a middle-class family before, very happy.

Struggles for power and profit, and gambling in the shopping mall, are things that only big shots think about. Pawns like you just have to do your job honestly. This is the truest thought in Ramon’s heart.

Since King Bindan was assassinated, Hell’s Kitchen has gone through several dynasties and finally ushered in a real owner.

The mysterious figure sitting behind the scenes, even the most well-informed intelligence dealers and interest brokers, only know that he calls himself “King”, and James Wesley, who controls all the gangs in Hell’s Kitchen, calls him boss, and his hands The only leader of the association, and also has a close relationship with him.

It’s not that no one wants to know the true identity of the boss behind the scenes, but most of them end up disappearing from the world, as if they never existed. This kind of invisible terror makes the other party become a taboo-like existence in Hell’s Kitchen.

Nowadays, money and violence rule this neighborhood known as the land of sin, and various complex interests are intertwined into an airtight web that covers the entire Hell’s Kitchen.

The Rand Group has become the largest transfer station in Hell’s Kitchen. With its own development of ocean transportation, it is engaged in international trade on the surface, and its business continues to grow. Secretly, it transports prohibited items for countless gangs, including those hidden in dolls. Drugs, or firearms mixed with fruit, piled up in containers on port terminals.

Hell’s Kitchen is like a huge core. Through various criminal profits, it radiates its influence to the entire city, and then develops and grows into a huge kingdom in the underground world.

Ramon put down the phone, breathed a long sigh of relief, and sat alone in the dark office, looking out the window at the city. A sea of ​​gorgeous lights covers every corner of the neighborhood, while evils that no one knows about are quietly growing and happening.

The head of the Rand Group was thinking about how to pass the time tonight. Should he go to an underground casino run by the Japanese or a secret club of the Russian gang?

“Lamont Phillips.” A hoarse voice woke him up immediately.

Almost subconsciously, the puppet boss of the Rand Group wanted to press the alarm bell under the table. The owner of the voice rushed out from the shadows, but was in front of him in an instant, and then there was a “click”. He simply pinched off Ramon’s arm.

The inexplicable intruder directly removed Ramon’s chin to prevent him from letting out a shrill howl. The puppet who was supported on the upper position whimpered in pain. What appeared in sight was a tall demon melting into the dark shadow, with his chest The overlapping double “D” pattern is drawn, like scarlet bloodstains, dazzling and eye-catching; there are devil’s sharp horns on the head, and the eyes that shine indifferently through the hood seem to be rolling fire, giving people an invisible pressure .

“Ramon Phillips, you colluded with James Wesley and knew all the illegal businesses of the Hell’s Kitchen gang.” The tall demon who came uninvited forcefully held Ramon’s head, and his eyes seemed to be burning with fire. Eye to eye.

“Tell me everything you know, all the dirty and bloody criminal deeds, all the evil deeds you have committed!”

The low voice was like a muffled roar of thunder. Ramon was trembling with fear, his hands and feet were trembling. He didn’t dare to look at the pair of dark eyes filled with turbulent firelight. An invisible fear grew in his heart.

“I don’t know… I don’t know anything!” As if suffocated, the strong pressure made him breathless.

No matter how much Ramon was afraid of the other party, when he thought of the Hand’s cruel methods, he couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart. Those machine-like ninjas will never be merciful to betrayers.

And when the time comes, not only him, but even his own family may not be spared. As a puppet who was supported in power, Ramon is very aware of the ruthless methods of those people.

“You shouldn’t be afraid of them…” The tall man wearing a dark demon suit sneered, “You should be more afraid of me!”

Substantial flames burst out from the empty eye sockets, and a strong smell of sulfur filled the room. The other party picked up the trembling Ramon and said, “You will be judged for your crimes!”

“Your soul is stained by the blood of innocents, feel their pain!”

Ramon tried to scream, but no sound came out. The fire burning in his eyes seemed to be directly burning his soul, and unimaginable severe pain swept through his body.

“You have collected bribes, suppressed new employees, betrayed your loyalty to love, and indulged in gambling and pleasure… Ramon Phillips, your sins are countless.”

The fire of hell burned this sinful soul, and Matt Murdock, who once again put on the battle uniform, could see all the sins committed by the other party. Those dirty and illegal crimes were like shackles trapped in La La. Meng’s body was accompanied by the verdict of each crime, and the pain on his body became more and more severe, until he finally lost consciousness completely.

“James Wesley.” Throwing away the dead Ramon, whose eyes were filled with smoke, Matt read out a name.

He was a real estate upstart from Hell’s Kitchen, once Kingpin’s confidant, and now a big shot in control of all the gangs.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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