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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 183 Evil Gods and Evil Spirits

A sharp blade broke through the darkness, and a fiery red figure quietly appeared behind Daredevil like a ghost. The sharp blade cut through the wind and slashed towards the burning head.

Daredevil, whose senses have been enhanced, is like a humanoid radar. The extreme magnification can even include the entire city block as a surveillance area. Wherever the enemy can approach, he will be defenseless. He let go of Wesley, who was almost suffocating, and turned slightly to avoid the swift slash. Then he held the sharp dagger in his right hand, and the hot temperature directly melted the weapon into iron juice.

“You come and stop me too.” Daredevil’s voice was cold.

He stared at his former beloved girlfriend, but he struck without mercy. He raised the short stick with his left hand and smashed it down! Erica, who has the black sky in her body, her physical fitness has been greatly strengthened and improved. She waved another short sword to block, with a “cang” sound, and a few sparks were generated from the friction.

Erica’s legs bent, her body sank, and the arm holding the knife was numb and trembling. Daredevil took advantage of the victory and pursued it, with flames gushing out of his eyes, and connected with a heavy knee. With his strength at this time, he was enough to kill an adult. The strong man’s chest was shattered!

The black air in her body made a sharp sound, and the tangible black mist emitted from Erica’s body, forming strange fluctuations. She suddenly threw the short knife in her hand and rolled sideways to avoid Daredevil’s heavy step. hit! The floor instantly opened into fine lines, and countless fragments flew out.

Feeling the crisis of the host, the black mist condensed into a blurry image, like the head of a ferocious beast. It was the evil god, the “beast” that the Hand had believed in for thousands of years. At the same time, the spirit of vengeance in Daredevil’s body seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulus. The strong flames rose, and the blazing temperature turned the entire room into a steamer.

In just a short moment, Daredevil once again approached Erica. Driven by the spirit of vengeance, his offensive became even more fierce, as if he had completely lost his mind. As soon as the two sides fought, a huge force swept the fiery red girl away. The figure flew out and hit the wall behind heavily, directly breaking the solid masonry wall.

The severe pain made Erica frown. She felt as if all the bones in her body were broken. Through the intense reaction of the black sky in her body, it was known that Matt should also be possessed by some mysterious force, otherwise the other party There is no possibility of explosive growth in strength. Both strength and speed are beyond the scope of human beings, and those eyes surging with flames give people a sense of danger that they dare not look into.

“Why don’t you understand me? This city is shrouded in crime, and I just want to eliminate crime!”

The dark figure is like a demon, with his head burning with fierce flames. Daredevil is walking slowly, and his strength is enough to tear steel. The spirit of vengeance has given him a strong and almost immortal physique, even in the face of modern weapons. Even with crazy bombing, you can still escape.

In the entire Hell’s Kitchen, no one can stop him.

“After I deal with you, I will put those criminals in prison and let them experience the crimes they committed. Those sinful souls stained with violence and blood will howl in the flames of hell.”

The hoarse voice resounded through the corridor. Erica released all the power of the black sky, and the desire to kill once again took over. Like a cheetah that had been charged for a long time, she turned into a very fast afterimage, approaching Daredevil’s body. In an instant, his body sank suddenly, and then he jumped up, and his heavy knees hit the strange head that was blazing with fire!

The tactical dagger hidden in the waist fell into his hand smoothly, and the next moment it was inserted into Daredevil’s neck, neatly and neatly, without any sloppiness at all!

It’s hard to imagine that this was a couple from the past, fighting to the death, like carnivorous animals on the grassland, showing their sharp claws and fangs, and their movements were fierce and swift.

The hot flames melted the tactical dagger, and Daredevil’s head was knocked crooked. He made a “click” sound, and then restored his head to its original position. He pulled Erica away and slammed her to the ground!

In the painful wail, those empty eyes with gushing fire looked directly into the other person’s eyes, and the black sky in his body suddenly screamed, originating from the soul of the evil god trembling, and the spirit of revenge possessing Daredevil, Then it let out a chilling laugh. This delicious smell was enough to make it intoxicated.

“You are guilty!”

With the indifferent pronouncement, the Eye of Repentance exclusive to the Ghost Rider was activated. The fire of hell burned the dark soul full of sin, like maggots on the tarsal bones, spreading along the black mist. Erica’s face turned pale, and her mind was violently shaken. , giving her a splitting headache and her eyes gradually losing consciousness.

“No…I shouldn’t do this!” Daredevil’s movements suddenly stopped, and he was temporarily freed from the control of the vengeful spirit. “Let her go…I order you!”

The painful sound did not stop the vengeful spirit from moving. It was completely attracted by the evil power of the black sky. Even the sinful souls of thousands of people were no match for the twisted and roaring black mist in front of them.

As the two forces collided and confronted, a golden stream of light pierced the night sky. A tall and tall figure stood in the void. The strong wind pressure directly shattered the solid glass. A terrifying force as violent as a wave rushed towards Daredevil. attention.

“Extremely intense darkness!” The Spirit of Vengeance seemed to be shocked, pointing at the golden figure, “Arrogance, anger, greed, lust…your sins cannot be forgiven!”

Lifting the visor, a young face was revealed under the sentinel armor. He looked at Wesley, who was injured and fell to the ground, and Erica, who was nearly unconscious, with a strong chill in his eyes.

“Remember what I said?” Sean, who hurriedly arrived, had a dangerous smile on his lips, “Hell’s Kitchen is no longer your hunting ground, it is my private kingdom.”

“You’ve crossed a line, Daredevil.”

As the tail end fell, there was a roar and explosion in the air, like a bomb detonating, setting off a strong hurricane-like air wave. In less than a second, the golden figure rushed in front of Daredevil. , before he could react, an arm held down the burning head.


There was another loud noise.

If we slow down the time and treat it as a frame-by-frame freeze-frame, it would be the Sentinel knocking down Daredevil. The heavy force carried him through the floor and fell hard downwards, with the figure shining with golden light. , like a cannonball hitting the opponent’s body, the huge kinetic energy dragged Daredevil, who was possessed by the spirit of vengeance, rumbled through the floor and penetrated the buildings one after another. The solid steel and concrete were crushed between the two people. In front of me, it’s like a fragile piece of tissue paper that can be torn into pieces easily!

Countless rubble fell like a rainstorm. No matter how much Daredevil struggled, the spirit of vengeance roared fiercely in his body, he still couldn’t break away from that powerful arm. A cold light flashed in the sentry’s eyes. He hated it when others touched his things!

The violent fall lasted for almost fifteen seconds. Daredevil’s figure was smashed into the ground. The thirty-second floor was blasted out into a shocking huge passage. The gravel and rubble fell. The sentry released his hold. The palm of the head, the legendary fire of hell that burns the soul, was directly swallowed and annihilated by the golden torrent as the palm clenched into a fist.

Daredevil, whose bones were shattered, groaned in pain. He was directly picked up by the sentry, who looked at him with cold eyes, “Tell me, how are you going to deal with me, a sinful person?”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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