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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 186 Thunder Strike

The tragic wind, accompanied by the red fire, hit the sentinels from all directions, like an overwhelming raging tide. Mephisto’s eyes were cold. Before the temple mage built a powerful defense line in the material world, his footprints were all over the world. , unlike the same kind who have been in the dark hell for countless years, when they see the living soul of a human being, they will pounce on it like a hungry dog ​​that is not selective about food.

In the old man’s own words, he is more tasteful and stylish than other demons. Not everyone’s soul is worth devouring. This hell lord likes to play with other people’s souls, signing contracts with hidden traps with people, and then Step by step, it seduces the sinful desires in the signer’s heart, and finally takes away the delicious soul easily.

Just like what is described in “Faust”, the most primitive selfish desires of human beings drive them to obediently sacrifice their souls.

“I can give you more powerful power… In thousands of years, I have never seen a soul full of darkness and sin like yours.” There was a hint of appreciation in Mephisto’s eyes. Some said in a bewitching tone: “Mortal, I can see that you are an ambitious and dictator with insatiable desires. That kind of selfish desire to possess everything and plunder everything would scare even the devil.”

“How about a deal? Since you broke my Ghost Rider, use yourself to make up for it.”

The sentry, swallowed up by the torrent of anger, ignored Mephisto’s bewitchment. After closing his visor, his voice was a little low and hoarse, “I doubt whether you can afford to give me everything I want.”

“A coward who was so frightened by the Supreme Mage that he hid in hell and dared not show his face, is he worthy of being surrendered to me?”

The fierce sound tore through the night sky, and a bright golden light burst out from the surging sea of ​​fire. Sean clenched his fists and tried his best to mobilize all the energy in his body. The solid and thick golden force field repels the red fire. Outside, the heavy force beneath his feet tore apart the hard rock formations, like a thunderous roar, and an astonishing air wave exploded.

Mephisto felt a sense of vigilance in his heart, and a black storm full of coldness arose, trying to stop the sentinel’s advance. The silver skull cane turned into a sharp sword, swinging it at an extremely fast speed!

The black storm that condenses the wailing souls of millions of people is like the bloody mouth of a terrifying giant beast, gnawing at the body and soul at the same time, amplifying the chaotic emotions in the heart. Few people can resist such an attack, the kind that will forever sink in the darkness. In the film, the pain of being burned by the fire of hell is enough for a person to lose the courage to live in an instant and become a walking corpse without a soul.

A mocking smile appeared at the corner of Sean’s mouth. He learned many practical tips from the professor. The power of his mind turned into a blade and directly broke through the black airflow formed by endless negative emotions, just like the cold wind was blocked. Now, I can only linger outside that body repeatedly without being able to invade even half of it.

The golden flame surged like a tidal wave, condensed into a thick energy beam cannon, and blasted straight out from the hands of the sentry. The old man wearing a black priest’s robe had a stern look on his face, and huge flaming bat wings suddenly opened from behind, blasting the body walking in the material. The world is wrapped in a human shell.

The aftermath of a hurricane-like energy rushed into the sky, tearing apart paper, completely destroying the foundation of the Star Ring Building. The towering skyscrapers rumbled and shook, as if the mountains were collapsing, and the shattered glass and rubble were like heavy rain. fall.

Thick smoke and dust rose and floated, and a red and gold steel armor hovered in the air. As one of the Avengers of S.H.I.E.L.D., he immediately received a message from Nick Fury, Eighth Avenue in Hell’s Kitchen, There is a strong energy response, and it is also accompanied by a low-intensity earthquake.

Iron Man, who calls himself the guardian of New York, naturally would not miss this opportunity. He quickly put down his work, put on his Mark armor and rushed to the scene. What caught his sight was a crumbling skyscraper on the 32nd floor. In the center, there is an extremely conspicuous and terrifying crack, as if a passage was carved out by strong force, leading straight to the depths of the ground.

“What happened?” Tony activated the heat detection and infrared scanning built into the armor, only to find an extremely large red cloud approaching rapidly.

Before Jarvis could issue a warning, the huge fiery red figure flew out the steel armor. A strong stream of fire lingered and circled, and there was also a tragic howling of the wind. A giant flame demon appeared in its true form, as high as ten meters tall. The terrifying six-foot body, the flaming bat wings that cover the sky, and the black armor with skull patterns are all in line with the image of the devil described in religious scriptures.

“Jarvis, I must have drunk too much, right?” Tony, who stopped his descent, couldn’t believe it. He actually saw a creature that looked like a hell demon in New York.

“Sir, you are not drunk. It is indeed an unknown creature… beyond the scope of human understanding.” Even the smart butler Jarvis couldn’t find a suitable adjective for the moment.

During the conversation, another golden stream of light rose up into the sky. The energy beam cannon of molten gold and iron, like a raging wave of infinite expansion, swallowed up Mephisto’s true body in an instant, and a thunderous sonic boom boomed. The sentry waved his fist, and the terrible force set off strong wind pressure, like a cannonball blasting out, sending the hell demon surrounded by scorching flames flying.

“That’s enough! You lowly insect!”

Angry roars resounded through the sky, and the fire of hell condensed into a heavy giant epee. Mephisto walked in the material world. Except for being stumbled in the hands of the Supreme Mage, Mephisto had never been so provoked and humiliated over the years.

The demon’s body, which was immune to many magical and physical damages, was like a hard rock that resisted the bombardment of the energy beam cannon. The two flapping bat wings were in pieces, and the heavy fist that stirred up the wind pressure hit the ferocious head, causing severe pain. Enter Mephisto’s mind, his chest filled with boiling rage!

“Put down your so-called arrogance. Regardless of whether you are an angel or a demon, you are just a more powerful creature.” The sentry’s hoarse voice echoed in the night sky, and he stood tall and stepped into the void. “You are not invincible, and you are even less worthy of surrender and worship.”


Mephisto was naturally unwilling to be outdone. Just as he was about to retort, he suddenly felt an extremely terrifying energy fluctuation, and a trace of panic appeared on his ugly sheep-faced face.

A circular channel with sparkling sparks opened in the night sky, and a majestic golden light pillar hit the flame demon’s body. Compared with the sentry’s energy beam cannon, this fierce offensive with magical power seemed to be more powerful to Mo. Fisto caused even greater damage. A halo of light covered with complicated runes and geometric patterns enveloped the hell lord. The hell fire was directly evaporated, and half of his sixteen-foot body was shattered in an instant.

“No! Ancient One!”

Mephisto roared angrily, calling out the name that was taboo in hell and heaven. However, this did not stop the Supreme Mage’s killing move. The small space where the flame demon was imprisoned was solidified by inexplicable power, and then with a finger Clicking on it is like a sharp cone hitting glass, opening up fine cracks, and with a soft “click” sound, the space is shattered!

Mephisto, who ruled many territories of Hell, turned into countless tiny fragments with strong unwillingness. A breeze passed by and dissipated into fine dust.

This supreme mage who alone protects the material world can strike with thunderous force and send the hell lord back to his hometown in the blink of an eye. It is no wonder that all kinds of alien creatures are so afraid of Kama Taj’s reputation.

“follow me.”

Sean was about to leave when a whisper came to his ears. The space teleportation circle covered the sentry, and the golden figure disappeared in the next second.

Only Iron Man was left happily running over to make a splash, with his red and gold steel armor standing in mid-air. Tony had a blank expression on his face and murmured: “Jarvis, I must be drunk.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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