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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 187 Kama Taj

Kathmandu is an ancient city with a history of 1,200 years. Because it is located on the southern slope of the Himalayas, it has a natural barrier to block the cold wind from the north. The south welcomes the warm current of the Indian Ocean, making it sunny all year round and with flowers blooming. It is popular all over the world. Tourists call it “Paradise in the Mountains”.

If you look down from above, the city is covered with rows upon rows of ancient temples and tall palaces. Every corner is filled with exquisite stone carvings, minarets, and Buddha statues. Traditional buildings with brick and stone structures can be seen as far as the eye can see, filled with a sense of charm. A long-lasting antique atmosphere.

The winding and narrow streets are often filled with the strong smell of Indian fragrance. Children shaking prayer wheels, vendors selling fruits, thangkas and papyrus paintings can be seen everywhere, as well as numerous cheap hotels and shabby restaurants with flashing lights.

This city is a hodgepodge of tradition and modernity. Many temples are mixed in the simple slums, giving it a strange sense of dislocation, as if it is separated into two worlds. In the eyes of tourists, it is a religious holy place dotted with red-walled temples. ; But to the local residents living here, it is a chaotic city full of monkeys, beggars and car exhaust.

Of course, this is not the whole picture of the city. If you have enough wealth, you can enjoy god-like treatment even in a small, backward and remote African country. Kathmandu has no shortage of luxury hotels and high-end shops.

When Sean took off the sentinel armor and opened his eyes again, he had arrived at Durbar Square from downtown New York. The noisy sound poured into his ears, and tourists and monks in red robes passed by. As far as the eye can see, there are rolling ancient buildings, and there are many temples and palaces of different styles.

“I thought you would take me directly to Karma Taj.”

Sean looked at the ancient mage standing under a Buddha statue. The most powerful man who sent Mephisto to hell with a flip of his hand. He was covered in a large white robe, with a look of indifference between his brows, as if A passer-by in the world, never bothered by external objects. This otherworldly feeling makes people automatically ignore her gender and age.

Gu Yi shook his head slightly and said softly: “Sooner or later you will step into Kama Taj, don’t rush it.”

“Mephisto has countless incarnations. Even if I destroy one of his carriers, it will not cause any loss. There will never be a shortage of fools blinded by desire in this world. They will willingly sacrifice their souls to the devil in order to obtain something. Momentary satisfaction.” The Supreme Mage walked in front, “What’s more, before leaving, Mephisto also took away Matt Murdock, that poor man who was angry but powerless.”

After saying that, the mage glanced at Sean. Most of the reasons why Daredevil ended up in such a situation came from the young man next to him.

Sean shrugged innocently and defended: “I’m just trying to fundamentally solve the crime problem in Hell’s Kitchen. I never imagined that a group of vigilantes would unfortunately lose their jobs.”

Gu Yi ignored the young man’s unnecessary sophistry. She no longer cared about pure good and evil morality in the world. Personal joys and sorrows were too insignificant to this world and even the multiverse, like a tiny grain of dust buried in the sand. , it is both difficult to notice and not worth spending too much energy on.

“Don’t underestimate Matt Murdock. His anger and justice are the strongest nourishment for the spirit of vengeance.” The mage told the origin of the Ghost Rider, “Six thousand years ago, heaven was in order to supervise the sinful nature of mankind. , and spread its own teachings, creating the Spirit of Vengeance, which is called a living weapon. According to scientific explanation, it is an intelligent machine implanted to identify sinful souls. Later, due to some reasons, the Spirit of Vengeance was abandoned.

“Since the previous Supreme Mage Agamotto established a complete magic system, developed the three major temples, and built a tight defense line in the material world, both angels and demons have ushered in what they call the ‘Twilight Era.'”

“Later, after several twists and turns, Mephisto obtained the spirit of vengeance, transformed it, merged with the fire of hell, and walked in the material world with the help of a human body – he called this the ‘Ghost Rider’, which was specially used to execute The mission, the professional thugs who collect evil souls, Carter Sly a hundred and fifty years ago, and Johnny Blaze on the other side of the world are all like this.”

Following the footsteps of Master Gu Yi, Sean came to the Degu Talei Zhu Temple. The most special, or most attractive, part of this temple is that there are very fine carvings on each of the pillars that support the temple. *****pattern.

The detached Supreme Mage looked indifferent, but Sean turned his head in embarrassment. The two walked to the back of the temple. A large relief with a ferocious expression was embedded in the corner of the building. It was shaped like a crown made of gems and skulls. , white eyes and protruding canine teeth, several arms holding swords, axes, shields and skulls respectively, and a corpse stepped on the soles of the feet, like an evil god in hell, lifelike and full of a sense of intimidation.

“The Black Bhairava statue is the most terrifying incarnation of Shiva. Many Nepalis believe that if anyone dares to stand in front of this statue, he will definitely suffer divine punishment.” The ancient master looked at the young man and said slowly: “The three major For thousands of years, the temple and Kama Taj have taken it as their bounden duty to expel aliens, and have regarded protecting the order of the world as their mission. Any creature outside the material world will be regarded as an enemy.”

“But you allow me to stay in this world.” Sean took a step back slightly and looked up at the greatest mage on earth.

“Perhaps it’s because I have seen the end of everything. Even though the image of the future is blurry and I can only see some fragments, but… it is too terrifying. All creatures in the universe are crying. I am unable to reverse it. I can only place my hope in destiny. Add a little more variability to the coming ending.”

There was compassion in Gu Yi’s eyes. She stared at Sean and said frankly: “You are a very dangerous guy, full of possessiveness for those beautiful things. I can see many annoying characteristics in you. , ruthless, full of ambition, arrogant and rude… The only thing worthy of praise is that you are able to restrain your other self, neither escaping nor fearing, choosing to face and accept it.”

“Is this a compliment?”

The Supreme Mage smiled dumbly, shook his head and said, “You can think so.”

“Sometimes when I think about it, I find it unreasonable. I actually want a careerist and dictator who wants to conquer the world to stand up at a critical moment and save the world and even the universe.”

Gu Yi’s eyes were clear, as if he had seen through all the young man’s pretenses and reached deep into the other person’s heart.

But this time, Sean did not try to hide or evade. He accepted the scrutiny of the Supreme Mage calmly and said softly: “Maybe you made the right bet, respected Mage, if it is true as you said, then this world will be destroyed.” How can I let others destroy it when I regard it as something in my pocket!”

“I hope so, Sean Sipos.” Gu Yi sighed slightly. She had already vaguely sensed that her end was approaching.

The sound of the crowd around him gradually dispersed, and the space seemed to be still. The hanging ring in Gu Yi’s hand flickered with light, and as the sparks flickered, the complex formation took shape.

The Supreme Mage turned sideways and said, “Well, welcome to Kama Taj.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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