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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 188 Magic and Soul

Sean stepped into the teleportation circle and arrived in an antique building in an instant. The sunlight shone in from the window lattice and was cut into mottled and fragmented light. The sound of bells and drums could be vaguely heard, and there were also chanting or chanting. The sound of conversation creates a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, which seems to relax people’s minds unconsciously.

Looking out the window, you can see tall towers standing one after another. Hermits and wizards wearing robes of different colors often come and go. Kama Taj is known as the “Holy Land” and is located among the mountains, like a Like a small town, there are many practitioners from all over the world. Most of them are confused people who have encountered setbacks and cannot find their destination in their souls. There are also poor people who are terminally ill and have lost confidence in life. Through various kinds of Through complicated channels, I learned about the existence of Kama Taj and passed the test of the mage to come here.

Devout believers choose to stay here to explore the mysteries of the soul and self. A few people can’t stand the plain life and leave Kama Taj to return to the world. The Supreme Master never interferes with this. He has lived for a long time and knows the world well. The secret is that the great mage who blocks alien creatures from the material world is always like a bystander, looking down at the mortal world calmly and indifferently, letting the rumbling wheels roll forward.

Because the Supreme Mage knows that everything that must happen will eventually come. Unless a major crisis breaks out and the world is on the verge of destruction, she will choose the best answer from countless endings.

Temple mages and superheroes essentially do the same thing, but the former is unknown. Their enemies are not evil scientists or lawless super criminals, but alien creatures hiding in the dark dimension.

“Welcome to Karma Taj,” the Ancient One repeated.

She sat on the chair, set out the tea set and made a pot of tea for Sean. A light mist was rising, and the young man was wearing a suit, sitting opposite him slightly abruptly.

“Are you interested in magic and souls?” The Supreme Mage took a sip of slightly hot tea and asked softly.

Sean pondered for a while before replying: “I am not eager to find powerful power from magic, I just want to see the world and the universe from another angle.”

Gu Yi’s eyes moved slightly. She stared at the young man in front of her. Her eyes were enough to see through the illusions of the world. She peeled off layers of flesh, flesh and organs, peeled off the outer skin, and got a glimpse of the true self deep in her heart. After a long time, she revealed a light of surprise. .

The current Supreme Mage just peered at Sean from the soul level. He was not a mind controller with strong spiritual power like Charles, but the strong fluctuations emanating from the soul magnetic field were enough to prove that this young man’s mind and will were nearly perfect. It is flawless, like a solid and stable line of defense. Even if the mage uses various attacking spirits to shake the soul with exquisite means, it is estimated that it will be difficult to break through this layer of defense for a while.

“Sean Sipers, you are the most potential human being I have ever met… Your body seems to contain a huge universe. The terrifying power full of destruction and violence is far beyond the reach of everyone else.” Imagine.”

Gu’s face was solemn, and she could feel that some strange power that was difficult to understand prevented her from continuing to pry into the other person’s soul. The hazy white light obscured everything, hiding the young man’s true self in darkness.

Sean smiled faintly. He naturally knew what the Supreme Mage was talking about. The terrifying energy comparable to a supernova explosion, once fully released, could destroy a planet almost instantly. Even the great Mage in front of him might not be able to stop him. footsteps.

Seeing that the young man didn’t want to say more, Gu Yi stopped asking. Her curiosity was always focused on magic and truth. Everyone will have their own secrets that they are unwilling to share with others and buried deep in their hearts. If they explore deeply, they will only arouse disgust and vigilance.

“The ancient language that activates natural energy and carries mysterious spells has existed since the birth of civilization. A long time ago, mages called this language ‘spells’. If this name makes you feel unrealistic or difficult to understand , then understand it as a ‘program’ and build the source code of the real world.”

When Sean asked about the mysteries of soul and magic, the Supreme Mage did not hide it. In Kama Taj, knowledge can be shared, as long as one has enough ability to understand.

The Supreme Mage spoke in concise language, “We collect energy, obtain it from other spaces in the multiverse, chant spells, construct shapes, and cast spells.”

While explaining, Gu Yi moved his hands to outline seemingly simple lines. As the energy surged in the void, complex and obscure patterns were spliced ​​together, like countless geometric figures superimposed, and formations that shimmered with stars gradually emerged. The last miniature magic circle was completely displayed in front of Sean’s eyes.

Through the perception of his mind, he noticed the trajectory of natural energy, following the lines drawn by the mage, reaching a certain frequency that matched the incantation recited in his mouth, like a mechanical operation, operating through countless dense and tiny gears. Ultimately driving the entire massive machine.

The same is true for mages. They extract energy from the dimensions of the multiverse, use it as a stable energy core, guide it with spells and magic circles, and then form a fixed structural pattern, and then achieve the purpose of controlling energy and using spells – – All of this must be based on a prerequisite. The soul or spirit is strong. Otherwise, it is impossible to drive energy with thoughts. Why not feel the energy fluctuations in the void.

Anyone who wants to step into the door of magic must first be proficient in various ancient languages, such as Hebrew, the oldest Vedic language in Sanskrit, etc., and then perform meditation exercises to sense the fluctuations of his own soul and the dimension of the Trinity. The Mountain Emperor establishes contact to gain the qualification to extract energy.

Therefore, not everyone can become a mage. At least he must have several necessary conditions, a certain degree of language talent, a tough enough mind and will, and finally, break the inherent cognition and look at the world from another perspective.

Sean closed his eyes. With an almost perfect posture, he copied the gesture of the ancient master just now. Between the outlines of the lines, the miniature magic circle was faintly formed. However, before he had time to be happy, the complete structure suddenly appeared with a dull explosion. It collapsed, and a dazzling fire flashed out.

“You have a rare learning ability, but not everyone can control energy. Emperor Weishan is enshrined in the Magic Temple. With your arrogant character, you will naturally not be willing to lower your head and express your piety and belief to the supreme god.” A faint smile appeared on Gu Yi’s lips, and he said softly: “The threshold of the Magic Palace is not high, but only people with humility and sincerity are allowed to pass.”

“There are so many dimensions in the multiverse, why is it that only the trinity Weishan Emperor has become the god of magic?” Sean said in a confused tone.

Gu Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, lowered his eyelids, and said calmly: “Because only the great Emperor Weishan will not refuse the request and call of the mage. He is a trinity of gods, a pure spiritual body incarnation, and the energy of other dimensions, There will be a price to pay.”

“This is the origin of African voodoo sects, medieval bloody sacrifices, and black magic. Fools blinded by desire connect to the dark dimension to summon evil gods and gain powerful power, but they don’t know that the cost is huge and unbearable.”

Sean was thoughtful and glanced at the otherworldly Supreme Mage. He seemed to be drawing dark energy from Dormammu to maintain his own life.

No matter how the Ancient Master did it, the process would not be easy. On the one hand, he had to extract the energy of the dark dimension, and on the other hand, he had to keep his will clear and not be deceived by Dormammu and become his fanatical believer.

This kind of uninterrupted spiritual confrontation may be difficult for even a strong person like Professor Charles to sustain for a long time. However, this supreme mage, who is famous and famous in all worlds, seems to be calm and gentle, with this kind of firmness. His will and deep foundation impressed even Sean with admiration.

“You can stay at Kama Taj for a while, if you’re not busy.” The hot tea on the table was slightly cold, and Gu Qi stood up after finishing the teaching course. “Just treat it as a reward for solving your trouble.”

“Remuneration?” Sean was confused.

“Of course it is to solve the big problem of Mephisto. He wants to use the children of humans and demons to complete the reincarnation ceremony in this world. How can I sit back and watch a hell lord walk in the material world openly.”

Ancient Yi turned to look at the young man, with a child-like cunningness in his eyes, and said with a smile: “And you have a rare free labor. If you don’t use it rationally, wouldn’t it be a waste?”

ps: I heard that some people say that I am short?


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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