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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 190 The universe is so big

The days of study are always short and long. The former is because once you are addicted to it, it is easy to ignore the rapid passage of time in the outside world. The latter is because no matter how hard you work hard, it is always difficult to truly reach the end.

Perhaps infected by the peaceful atmosphere of Karma Taj, Sean lived the most ordinary life in history. He had a regular schedule every day, immersed himself in the vast books in the library, and learned about the origin and development of magic. Temple Mage The establishment and history of the temple, I occasionally have free time to do meditation exercises according to the teachings of the ancient Master Yi, in order to sense the fluctuations of the soul and practice some simple spells.

Due to his unwillingness to establish contact with the trinity Weishan Emperor, it was countless times more difficult for Sean to control magic than for ordinary mages. After several failures, he began to choose to communicate with the invisible door in his body, trying to learn from it. Energy to complete the first step of the mage.

Naturally, such a whimsical attempt cannot be achieved overnight. Today’s magic system has experienced tens of millions of years of development and evolution. Since ancient times, countless branches of witchcraft, sacrifice, divination, etc. have merged into the so-called “occult science” , and finally the previous Supreme Mage Agamotto signed a contract with the magic god Wei Shandi in the dimension to establish a complete system of the Trinity and create three major temples, so that the magic inheritance can flourish and not be shattered by the torrent of history.

Sean’s fingers turned the pages of the book. He was reading a “New Edition of the Universe”, written by an astronomer who had entered Kama Taj. It looked at the stars and the sea from the perspective of a mage. It also recorded the history of the nine kingdoms. Various deeds, such as the war between Asgard and the Frost Giants, the dark elves trying to use a terrible weapon to turn the nine worlds into a huge crisis of chaos and darkness, etc., all kinds of secret knowledge opened his eyes.

Even with the support of memories in his mind, Sean has never had such a clear understanding of the world as he does now. The vast texts in these ancient classics outline a vast and wonderful universe for him.

In the legendary nine realms, headed by Asgard, Odin, the King of the Gods, has gone through countless battles and established his powerful rule. He expelled the dark elves of Vanaheim and defeated the frost giants of Jotunheim. Over the long years, Previously, the reputation of him and his eldest daughter Hela was powerful in the nine realms, and the Valkyrie Legion was invincible, and their glory and authority shrouded the nine kingdoms.

The Midgard World, also known as Midgard, is a place where humans live. In the ancient barbaric period, it was protected by Asgard and was regarded as a backward and remote place by the people of the Nine Realms.

Behind us is Wat Alheim, which is the hometown of the dwarves. They are born with the ability to forge artifacts, and all of them are extremely skilled craftsmen. Mjolnir, the god of thunder, is an outstanding work of the dwarf king.

The underworld of Helm is also called “Hell”. The entire world is shrouded in ice and cold fog, a place of death where life is extinct and only the dead can reach it. The rulers of Asgard regard it as a place of exile for prisoners who have committed serious crimes.

Muspelheim, the legendary land of fire, is a scorching place guarded by the fire giant Sutert.

Through constant reading of books, Sean gradually understood this vast and infinite dark universe. Just in this vast galaxy where the earth is located, there are many different civilizations and races. If you look around, there are more wonderful and exciting places. Brilliant, waiting for him to discover and explore.

Gently closing the thick ancient book, the young man breathed a sigh of relief and murmured: “The universe is so big, I want to see it.”


On the top floor of the towering mage tower, Gu Yi, wearing a wide-sleeved robe, stood leaning on the railing, looking at Kama Taj under the setting sun. Her eldest disciple Modu stood aside, reporting on Sean’s recent movements.

“On the first day, he read “The Key of Solomon”, “The Book of Vision”, “The Supreme Code”…almost eleven books. As you said, his learning ability and talent are indeed outstanding, generally It takes at least half a month for a mage to digest and absorb this knowledge, and he mastered it easily. What’s surprising is that he only studies for eight hours a day, and the rest is spent observing the training of other mages, or interacting with those The hermits chatted and chatted.”

Mordo’s tone was full of inexplicable emotions. He had seen this kind of genius before, such as Casillas, who has outstanding talents far beyond ordinary people, but it is often this kind of person who is most likely to lose his way and step into the darkness. The abyss of dimensions.

When Casillas stepped into this place, he was a poor man with no love and nothing, eager to seek answers from mysterious magic. His own talent, intelligence and pride and stubbornness made him gradually begin to question the Supreme Mage, and was attracted by the Dark Dimension. Bewitched by power, he became a fallen fanatic believer.

“In less than three days, he has mastered the secret of out-of-body experience. Even when he is asleep, he can still perform deep readings. This is almost breaking the fastest record of Karma Taj. There has never been any mage like him. Like him, he is not bound by inherent cognition at all. He easily accepts the truth of the world and the universe and breaks through the shackles of idealism and materialism.”

The more he talked about it, Modu couldn’t help but be surprised. If it weren’t for Sean’s unfamiliarity with magic, he would have thought that the other party was a young mage who had received orthodox teachings.

“I said, Sean Sipers is extraordinary.” Gu Yi didn’t seem surprised.

She rubbed the sandalwood folding fan in her hand. The young man was shrouded in a layer of mysterious fog, making it difficult for herself to see through. Even with the help of the Eye of Agamodha, she could not glimpse the other person’s face from the future images of the long river of time and space. The slightest trace.

And Sean does have the talent and conditions to become a mage. Those long spells, obscure and complex ancient texts, and thousands of complicated formations, any mage who wants to be familiar with them and use them flexibly will have to go through a long period of practice. He practiced repeatedly, but he was different. His strong learning and memory abilities allowed him to easily understand, digest and absorb it, as if he skipped the middle stage directly and reached the last step of use.

“Let him study. At least his thirst for knowledge cannot be faked.” The Supreme Mage said calmly.

“But…” Modo hesitated for a moment, his dark face full of determination, “If he, like Casillas, opened the Book of Cagliostro and learned the secret of the dark dimension, then what? no……”

“No.” Gu Yi interrupted the eldest disciple’s inquiry, and she looked at the library, “Sean is more proud and stubborn than Casillas. He is not willing to bow to the trinity of Weishan Emperor. He chooses How can you surrender to Dormammu if you control your own energy?”

“That young man is the most arrogant guy I have ever seen. Even the gods cannot make him kneel down.”

Mo Du opened his mouth wide and was speechless for a moment.

ps: After a busy day, I can finally sit down and code quietly~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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