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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 191 Dimensional Journey

In the main hall of Kama Taj, Sean and Gu Yi were sitting on the floor. He asked the Supreme Mage about the doubts he encountered in his recent practice. Most of them were secret knowledge in some ancient books. As for magic or soul-level problems, he rarely mentioned them. come out.

Those long and obscure magic incantations and countless complicated formations seemed to have no difficulty at all in the eyes of this young man. He could understand it after reading it once, and then start using it. This kind of jaw-dropping and terrifying talent allowed Modu, who was secretly paying attention, was somewhat suspicious of life.

Even the most outstanding student of Karma Taj in a century, the fallen man who betrayed the Supreme Mage, Casillas may not be able to achieve this level. It can be said that there is no such person in this world. He can learn spells after just one look?

How can this be!

“Modu questions your study progress. He even thinks that you are some evil god or demon, or maybe the carrier body of a mysterious mage.” Gu Yi smiled at the corner of his mouth. She quite understood this feeling. It is always difficult for people to accept it. Things and beings beyond cognition.

“Actually, he guessed right. My real name is Gandalf. I come from Middle-earth and I love hitting people with my staff.” Sean said jokingly.

The Supreme Mage smiled slightly. Of course she knew that this was just a joke made by the young man. The reason why the other party had such a terrifying learning ability and powerful talent in magic must have other reasons.

“Actually, I’m also curious, how did you do it? I know that your soul is powerful, and you have the innate ability to remember things and learn quickly, but magic is different from other disciplines. It was called ‘occult science’ a long time ago .”

There was a look of inquiry in Master Gu Yi’s eyes, and he said softly: “In the American Heritage Dictionary, occultism is explained as ‘the study of the supernatural’. It can also be understood as the secret knowledge of the study and research of mysterious powers. It It is a completely idealistic subject, its origins can be traced back to ancient Egypt, Hebrews, and Greece and Rome. It can be broadly summarized into four parts: cosmology, esoteric psychology, prediction, magic, and many branches and schools, too numerous to count.”

“Such characteristics mean that it does not have a systematic and quick learning method like other subjects. Your mind and will can make you go further and faster in the magic palace, but it will never reach the sky in one step. “

Sean pondered for a moment, considered the words, and then said slowly: “I was inspired by a friend who likes to study machinery. If we regard magic as a machine, then the energy extracted from the dimension can be regarded as It is the core of energy, and the mantra recited is the activation switch. The array model shaped by the mind is the line circuit that guides energy. All the steps are separated and refined. I only need to follow the process step by step. .”

Gu Yi’s eyes flickered, as if he was a little surprised by this answer. After thinking for a while, he shook his head and said: “It’s unreasonable. This subverts the mage’s cognition.”

“The power of the mage comes from the trinity of Weishan Emperor. He breaks the inherent cognition, looks at the world from the soul level, perceives dimensions and energy, and controls it with his mind… Everyone enters the magic palace in a different way, and you How do you refine the steps and then strictly implement them? It’s like you have to specifically measure what a person’s soul is made of, the magnetic field fluctuations emitted, and the speed of the mind’s rotation. These are all impossible to fully quantify. The problem.”

Sean was slightly stunned. Only then did he remember that the reason why he could do all this was because the system master, who had no sense of existence, gave detailed data parameters and then used Skynet’s huge calculations to summarize a set of theories. step.

“It seems that this is also a secret.” Gu Yi smiled casually and asked: “Do you believe that these unknown and illusory things really exist so easily?”

Sean nodded. He didn’t have any cognitive impairment or worldly inherent concepts. Is there anything more incredible in this world than his own existence?

“You came to me today because you probably had other things to do.” The Supreme Mage’s eyes were clear and he could easily see through people’s hearts.

Sean didn’t hide it. He spoke frankly about his intentions. After learning to escape from the body and meditating, his curiosity about the multiverse became even more intense. Only the Supreme Mage can truly travel through infinite dimensions and thousands of spaces. The strongest.

“How do you know that my soul once left my body and traveled through dimensions?” Gu Yi said in surprise.

“I learned from talking to a man named Pangborn that he was once partially paralyzed, and you made him stand up again and even be able to run and jump.” Sean replied.

“I didn’t cure him, I just convinced him that he could walk like a normal person and overcome his inner obstacles.” Master Gu Yi shook his head, “His body functions are intact, so I just made him believe that the power of the mind can drive the body. After all, I am not a doctor, all this is due to his cells and nerves repairing themselves, the key is whether you believe it or not.”

“Sean, you are not a person who sees the world from a hole. You have broken out of the mental prison of your own limitations, so you are born to become a mage.”

Gu Yi stretched out his finger and gently touched the young man’s forehead. The sudden and powerful pulling force caused Sean’s soul to leave the body involuntarily. It was like time was turning, the world was overturned, and it seemed that it was pulled to a height of 10,000 meters in an instant. The world continues to shrink, like a speck of dust floating in the vast universe.

The soul wanders between illusion and reality, weird phantoms flash, and the space is pulled into a warped state. Sean seems to have fallen into a long and endless tunnel, with gorgeous and magnificent light shining, without gravity and gravity, and the boundaries of time and space. It becomes increasingly blurry, with infinite dimensions superimposed and interlaced, like billions of chaotic and complicated lines.

His consciousness and mind have never been so condensed as at this moment. His soul emits a strong light and oscillates with a strange fluctuation, as if it is constantly decomposing and reorganizing, going back and forth again and again, and then everything he sees becomes more and more… Send the truth.

“At the source of reality, spirit will be connected with matter. Thoughts carve out reality. This world is just one of the infinite dimensions…” The voice of the Supreme Mage rang in his ears, extremely clear.

Sean has lost his fixed form. His soul is distorted by the dimensions, constantly pulling and changing. Countless fingers are born from his fingers, like infinite self-divisions. Each one is a fragment of the soul, gradually deriving and changing.

The state at this time can no longer be described in words. Sean sensed everything with his soul. In an instant, he broke through the invisible barrier, and his soul burst out with a dazzling golden light. He escaped from the entanglement and superposition of infinite dimensions and moved to a higher level. overlooking the way.

Just like looking at lines on the palm of his hand, he clearly perceives each world. They really exist, but are difficult to touch. They are like countless pieces of paper superimposed. From the side, it is just a thick line, but from another angle, it is a plane, and only three-dimensional. Only by observing can we get the full picture.

As the soul continued to deepen, suddenly an extremely strong malice struck, and the terrifying existence covering the infinite dimensions cast a gaze at Sean. Just one glance made his heart tremble and rise. Be extremely vigilant.

“I… saw you.” In the spiritual world, it was like thunder roaring and rolling and echoing.

If it were an ordinary person’s soul, it would be shattered into pieces in an instant. Before the Supreme Mage could help, a blazing halo shrouded Sean’s soul, like countless halos superimposed and intertwined, condensed into a dazzling light that could not be looked directly at. Soul flame.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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