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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 192 The Battle of the Strongest

The illusory head is like a huge mountain, with endless dark space behind it. The huge body covers countless dimensions. Countless desolate planets are connected by invisible chains of rules, like a cold world with extinct life.

An unimaginably huge body covers the intertwined infinite dimensions in a terrifying way. It is the ruler of the dark dimension and the supreme enemy of the Supreme Mage, a terrifying existence like an ancient evil god.


Before he was called this name, he was an unknown wizard in ancient times. Later, he accidentally discovered the existence of the dark dimension. In order to obtain the huge energy in it, he was willing to give up his body and wrap it with strong magical flames. After countless repeated attempts, he became the only god in the dark dimension.

The plunder and expropriation inherent in the instinct of life makes Dormammu exhaust all efforts to occupy more planets and provide himself with energy. The huge body condensed by dark energy covers as many dimensions as possible.

Dormammu wants to become the only supreme god that exists in infinite dimensions, collect life planets one after another, and assimilate them into his own original power.

This ruler of the dark dimension has wanted to devour the earth countless times and put this blue planet of life as a collection on his display cabinet, but he has never been able to really succeed. Two supreme mages stopped this terrible plan. opponent.

For this reason, Agamodu worked hard to build an extremely strong and powerful defense line in the material world, using the three major temples as nodes to form a huge and strict magic network to ensure a stable balance between the real world and the dimension. The Ancient One With its own absolute power, it keeps those alien creatures out of the world. No matter demons or angels, they dare not easily cross the thunder pool.

“Human…your soul is so delicious.” The booming voice shook the infinite dimensions, like a cannonball thrown into Sean’s mind, causing violent fluctuations in an instant.

Dormammu’s malicious gaze was locked on the soul that erupted with a strong halo. He had not seen such a delicious snack full of vitality for a long time.

Sean groaned, and the inner flame shook violently. The mental impact from Dormammu almost shattered his soul. Reality and dimensions were connected to each other. The golden torrent in his body surged like a tsunami. In the crumbling soul consciousness, The blazing halo skyrocketed, like a dazzling sun that could not be looked directly at.

The mind and will are intertwined and blended to form a splendid lightsaber, which can cut off the prying eyes in the dark dimension. After so many days in Kama Taj, Sean naturally gained nothing, although there is no magic for the time being. There has not been any great progress, but the deep analysis and understanding of the soul has already been improved many times.

“Unbridled bug!” The angry roar turned into rolling sound waves, and countless overlapping dimensions trembled.

Dormammu’s illusory head was squeezed out like a meteorite, breaking through the invisible barrier between infinite dimensions, as if to crush this humble human being who dared to offend him into powder!

The real world space located in Kama Taj made a “click” sound like broken glass. The endless dark energy bombarded the solid barrier between the material world and the dimension. The sudden and huge changes shocked this holy place. All the mages, numerous barriers and magic circles opened on their own, and the long-ringing bells echoed endlessly.

Gu had a solemn look on his face, and with a flick of his finger, the space seemed to be shattered like a mirror, with fine cracks opening up and intertwining into a fragmented mirror world, shrouding her and Sean in it. Immediately, there was a bright light between the eyebrows, and the flame of the soul was bright and dazzling, like a fiercely burning torch.

“Go back!” The clear voice contained the fury of thunder, and the majestic pillar of lightning and fire was like a heavy hammer hitting Dormammu’s illusory head.

The soul of Ancient One suddenly appeared next to Sean. Compared to the young man burning with golden flames, the Supreme Mage stared more closely. The image transformed into a clear figure wearing a white robe, and his heart and will were melted into a glorious crown. From the crown, streaks of blazing light hung down like tassels.

“Can’t you cause less trouble?” Master Gu Yi complained in his heart.

“It’s not my fault. Who knew a mad dog would suddenly appear.” Sean’s defense echoed in the dimensional space.

When Dormammu heard the two men singing in harmony, a burst of rage surged in his instinctive consciousness, and he almost went berserk. He absorbed the infinite energy of the dark dimension. As he raised his hand and waved it, two heavy desolate planets hit him like stones.

“Ancient One, I will soon drag this planet into darkness. You and your world will become a part of my life.”

The ruler of the dark dimension shouted that he had already arranged several chess pieces. The fanatics who became his followers would destroy the strong defense line of Kama Taj. When the balance between the material world and the dimension is lost, then he The power can be completely released without being suppressed by rules.

“I’m afraid you’re living in a dream.”

The ancient mage raised his left hand, and the majestic energy was extracted and attracted, and melted into a giant ax that shone with blue luster. The seemingly small figure waved his hand, and then smashed two barren stars that fell like meteorites into countless pieces. of gravel!

The sky-holding giant ax made of violent energy carried an extremely terrifying aura, and the destructive aura emanating from it stirred up a shocking wave. The infinite dimensions trembled, as if the entire world would be broken apart in the next moment.

Sean stood aside and smacked his lips secretly. He was worthy of being the guardian of the material world. The power of the Supreme Mage was indeed unfathomable. Even when facing the ruler of the dark dimension, he was not afraid at all.

The illusive head bloomed with dark light, and Dormammu spewed out a beam of destruction as thick as a pillar from his huge mouth. The Supreme Mage was the only enemy who could stop him. If it were not for the existence of the other party, the earth would have been taken into his possession long ago. There is no need to deliberately use dark power to deceive believers.

“Instead of consuming your life and strength, why not join my world, transcend time, and live forever!”

Like a demonic temptation, it was introduced into the depths of Ancient One’s soul. She sneered, and the flames of her soul bloomed, driving away all the temptations of Dormammu.

The Supreme Mage is not a person like Casillas who has a wounded heart and a weak will. She can easily fall into darkness. She absorbs the energy of the dark dimension to maintain the existence of a living form. Such a level of temptation will not be tolerated at all. Cause inner turmoil.

The terrifying energy collision broke out, setting off a violent storm, and the spilled aftermath tore apart the dimensional space. Countless overlapping and intertwined worlds collapsed and shattered, just like the terrifying scene of the end of the world.

“Let’s go.” Gu Yiyan uttered one word concisely, tugging at Sean’s soul consciousness, like a beam of light flashing past, instantly rushing out of the dimensional world and returning to the real world.

His consciousness returned to his body, and a feeling of dizziness hit his heart. Sean shook his mind and regained consciousness after a while. Mage Gu Yi’s face was pale. She put her hands on the table, and there was a trace of blood on her lips, as if she had been traumatized. Quite heavy.

“Ancient One! You thief! Sooner or later you will fall into the world of darkness!” In the mirror space, Dormammu’s violent roar from the dark dimension could still be vaguely heard.

The Supreme Mage’s eyebrows were raised slightly, and a contemptuous smile appeared on his face. It was obvious that he did not take the ruler of the dark dimension to heart.

“I am no longer afraid of death.” She whispered softly.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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