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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 193 Showdown

“You have to be more careful when entering and leaving the dimensional world in the future. Being targeted by Dormammu is not a good thing.” Gu Yi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and took a deep breath.

That wave of violent energy impact caused her to be harmed by the backlash. Dormammu, supported by the dark dimension, is an almost invincible and powerful existence. Unless the other party rashly enters the material world, the Supreme Mage can find a chance. .

Sean shrugged indifferently. He had already provoked Mephisto, the lord of hell, and now he was targeted by the ruler of the dark dimension. Anyway, he had too many debts to bear. They might have to meet each other in the future to settle the ledger. .

Sooner or later, he will catch up with the footsteps of these veteran strong men and stand on top of the world.

The young man glanced at the Supreme Mage and said with a playful smile: “If the sky falls, Kama Taj and the temple will still hold it up.”

Gu Yi smiled and shook his head, removing the mirror space that enveloped her and Xiao En. The eldest disciple Modu was waiting outside, his dark face full of worry. Apparently, the strange movement just now made the entire Kama Taj feel it. , the dark energy that shook the barrier of the material world triggered the layers of barriers in this holy land, causing a series of chain reactions. Even the three temples in New York, London and Hong Kong were on alert for each other, almost thinking that they were aliens. A precursor to a massive biological invasion.

“Are you okay?” Modu asked.

As a direct disciple of the Supreme Mage, he knows that the ruler of the dark dimension is not an easy character to deal with. The other party has dragged many living planets into the dark dimension and assimilated them into part of his body. It is so huge that it is unimaginable. The body covers the world of infinite dimensions. This terrifying existence beyond human cognition is almost impossible to kill or eliminate. Even the previous supreme mage Agamoduo could only build a strong and strong defense line, barely able to control many people. Mamu stands outside the material world.

This is not the first time the Supreme Mage has fought against Dormammu. A long time ago, Ancient One found a way to absorb the energy of the dark dimension from the Book of Cagliostro, and continued to deduce and improve it. , jumped out of the loopholes in the contract rules, avoided the sight of the ruler of the dark dimension, and extracted huge energy to maintain the life form never decay.

This kind of behavior is tantamount to sneaking into Dormammu’s backyard and stealing his treasures wantonly, which naturally arouses the opponent’s rage. After several confrontations, Dormammu, who cannot truly descend into the material world, finds himself Indeed, there was nothing he could do about the Ancient One except to constantly use the infinite energy from the dark dimension to try to corrupt and seduce this daring Supreme Mage.

“I think the testing from both sides ends here.”

After Ancient One sent Mordo away, Sean stood up. He looked down at the Supreme Mage who was kneeling on the ground and said softly: “I will leave Kama Taj in a while, and before that I will kill Mephisto for you.” The problem.”

“Have you guessed it?” Gu Yi was silent for a moment, then raised his eyes and asked.

“Of course. I’m not so arrogant that I think I can let the master of Karma Taj, the most powerful mage in the world, take the risk of rushing into Dormammu and setting a trap to take me away from the dimensional world. Come out.” There was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of the young man’s mouth, “We are wary of each other. This is the normal way. Although you let me enter and leave the library freely and answered my questions without hesitation… But this can’t hide your Always be wary of me.”

“And I can’t really believe that the great Supreme Mage will favor me. Just like when you faced Dormammu just now, you can trust me with your back. As long as I and the ruler of the dark dimension By joining forces, we can keep you there forever – all of this is of course an illusion, and you deliberately created this illusion! Do you need to pay such a high price to verify your thoughts? “

Facing Sean’s questioning, Gu Yi still looked indifferent and replied softly: “It’s all worth it.”

Even if she rashly confronts Dormammu, the Supreme Mage still does not regret her decision. Her time is approaching and she is about to leave this world. Before that, there will be a qualified successor who will take over the inheritance and mission from her. .

The young man in front of her was the result of her deliberate laissez-faire, but even from the future fragments, there was no trace of him. This made Gu Yi worried. She didn’t know whether everything she did was correct. Will Sean Sipers, a man with unpredictable origins, become the biggest variable in changing the future?

No one can predict the future with complete accuracy. Even the Supreme Mage with the Eye of Agamodha can only get a glimpse of it. The future is changing all the time, and the incalculable “causes” lead to the final “results.”

So the Ancient One needed an answer.

If Sean takes the opportunity to take action when she and Dormammu are confronting each other, then the other party will be left in the dark dimension forever. This was a test and a dangerous trap, but this young man saw through it and exposed it.

“You think you have a chance to win. If I get in touch with Dormammu in advance, great Supreme Mage, can you still be so calm? No matter what the reason is, it is the most stupid decision to rashly hand your life into the hands of others. .”

“At least I made the right bet.” Gu Yi smiled at the corner of his mouth, looked into Sean’s indifferent eyes, and said softly: “I am your only constraint in the material world. As long as you keep me in the dark dimension, even if Kamatai Ji and the three major temples will not pose any unnecessary threat to you.”

The young man shook his head. He and the Supreme Mage had their own thoughts. The current seemingly friendly cooperation between the two parties was actually just using each other. Gu Yi saw him as one of the variables in the future, while Sean did not want to conflict with the most powerful mage in the world, which would not do any good.

Frankly speaking, the Ancient One’s current role in this world can be said to be more important than anyone else’s. Once the protection of the Supreme Mage is lost, the stable balance between the dark dimension and the material world will be easily broken. At that time, heaven and Hell, and Dormammu, who is eyeing him with eager eyes, will all come out like wild dogs snatching food.

On the surface, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers ensure that the planet is not harmed, but secretly, the Sorcerer Supreme maintains the basic order of the material world.

“Sean Sipos, you don’t care about showing your darkness and selfish desires, but why are you so stingy about revealing your inner moral bottom line?” Ancient Yi asked loudly as he looked at the young man who was about to walk out of the hall.

“You know, the great Supreme Mage, most of the human beings in the world, they will be afraid of extremely vicious violent elements, insane lunatics, and inhumane executioners, but the only one who will not be afraid is the good people.” Sean paused. He stepped forward without looking back, “Don’t show your moral bottom line to others casually, otherwise they will take advantage of it and lose their sense of awe.”

“So I want to be the sun of this world, not the beacon of all mankind.”

The tall and straight figure walked against the light and strode out of the main hall of Kama Taj. Only Gu Yi was left kneeling on the spot, frowning thoughtfully.

“How arrogant…” She lowered her head and smiled.

The afterglow of the setting sun casts through the window lattice, coating the Supreme Mage in a white robe and kneeling on the ground with a golden glow, like an eternal silhouette.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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