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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 197 Dark World

As night falls and the lights begin to turn on, Sean, who is enjoying the best service at the Hilton Garden Inn, is sitting in a black car driving to a suburban manor, accompanied by a tight-fitting Mordo. This black mage is wearing a suit. His muscular body outlines clear muscular lines, making him a rather intimidating bodyguard.

Six hours ago, Sean arrived at the reserved hotel suite. With his lavish image of spending money like water, he won the personal reception of the hotel manager. This young rich man who looked like a sparkling man, both in his demeanor and in his clothes, showed that he was a wealthy man. Give off the aura of a wealthy person.

The sharp-eyed hotel manager could tell at a glance that the expensive hand-made clothes, the shiny leather shoes, the limited-edition watch on his hand, and the black bodyguards following behind him, demanded the hotel’s best service… All kinds of performances, no doubt All prove that this young man is rich and does not care about the money in his pocket.

So after Sean had a sumptuous French meal, he asked the hotel manager in a rather vague way if there was any place to have fun nearby. The other person was not surprised at all. This kind of rich man is naturally different from ordinary people. Most tourists can satisfy themselves by visiting a few famous scenic spots and taking photos and then uploading them to blogs or social accounts. They need more exciting games.

After receiving the generous tip from the young rich man, the hotel manager quietly exited and made a phone call. About half an hour later, a black Chevrolet parked outside the hotel door. The two parties confirmed each other’s identity and safety, and Sean felt calm. Get in the car. As the engine started, they gradually drove away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and the vast manor standing on the outskirts was clearly visible.

From the car window, you can see a cloud of luxury cars and a rain of distinguished guests. The people who come in and out of this manor are all rich and powerful people. They carry personal bodyguards with them. He is dressed in a luxurious dress, as if he is attending a grand event. The dinner was average. Sean was not surprised by this, with an indifferent expression on his face, waiting for the black car to drive into the manor.

A smile appeared at the corner of the young man’s mouth. He felt a strong dark aura, like night shrouding the vast manor. He flicked his fingers a few times, and a dim light spread over his eyes. , here are some tips learned from the Karma Taj Library.

The original appearance of the manor castle faded away from the horizon. Countless wailing ghosts and gloomy soul fluctuations intertwined and merged, occupying every brick wall. Those strong emotions full of blood, as time went by, gradually transformed into something like evil. Spiritual existence. As his perception continues to amplify, Sean can also see that in the wide space below the manor, obscure graphics exuding a strong aura are twisting and changing. They are taboo magic circles derived from black magic, used to smelt creatures and absorb negative emotions from them. , to enhance the huge energy response, I think this should be the masterpiece of the vampire family.

“What should we do?” Modu obviously sensed all this and asked in a low voice through gritted teeth.

Sean snapped his fingers and said with a relaxed expression, “Of course I want to participate and have a great time.”

Entering the manor, eight heavily armed mercenaries stood in front of the metal fence, handing out a pure white handmade mask to each distinguished guest. One of them had a card reader in his hand, specially used to confirm identity. Sean took out his pocket. The hotel manager handed over his magnetic card and also discovered that there was no signal here. There should be a special communication signal jammer. As long as you enter the main building inside the manor, you have officially entered the shielded area.

After successfully walking into the metal fence and descending to the third underground floor, what appeared in Sean’s sight was a brightly lit corridor with more than a dozen metal doors on both sides. Guests of different levels were led into different rooms. Some regular customers were directly led by the person in charge and walked through the magnificent corridor.

“Mr. Sipers, please.”

Perhaps because of the unfamiliar face, Sean was taken to an elegantly decorated VIP room. The most eye-catching thing was the huge glass window. The seemingly transparent wall was actually one-way to provide more excitement to the distinguished guests. It is said that many big shots like to watch the killing show while pushing their female partners against the glass wall and sprinting wildly, so as to obtain intense pleasure that they do not usually have.

If the guest does not bring a female companion, this service can be provided within the manor. After all, for Carrigan, the most indispensable thing is all kinds of young and beautiful girls. As long as he can afford to pay, beautiful women of different nationalities and skin colors, he You can find them all. For some people, this place may be a living hell, but in the eyes of the rich and powerful, it is a real paradise of enjoyment.

The dark space suddenly brightened. In the huge iron cage below, a giant werewolf with a height of nine feet was roaring up to the sky. It had thick hair, sharp fangs, and an electric shock collar around its neck. It was about to be put into the iron cage. Inside are several burly men, holding shotguns and a Gurkha saber stuck in their waists. If they win this cage fight, they will receive huge bonuses of millions of euros, which come from war-torn areas. Or the elite fighters in poor countries are all a group of desperate outlaws who are not afraid of death.

The bloody and exciting cage fight was just an appetizer. Sean picked up the “menu” with many items on the table. There were all kinds of rich activities on it. Killing games were just child’s play and unimaginable to ordinary people. No wonder there are many People call the inside of this manor a hell on earth.

Mordo stared at the huge iron cage standing in the center of the arena outside the glass window. The inferior werewolf that could not change its body kept roaring. It was injected with a large dose of stimulant drugs in ten minutes to stimulate the beast’s body. The desire to kill, to increase the entertainment of this game.

“How long do we have to wait?”

The black mage couldn’t restrain the boiling impulse in his heart. He looked coldly at the audience watching the cage fight at close range in the center of the arena. These rich people with excited faces were shouting loudly as if they were watching an ordinary boxing match. Shout and cheer as much as you want, especially when the werewolf lifted a huge man into the air and tore him in half, the fiery atmosphere of the arena reached its peak!

The shotgun, which is enough to hunt wild boars, bears and other large animals, roared like thunder. The close-range penetration blasted the werewolf’s chest into bloody pieces. The Gurkha saber, which was shaped like a dog’s leg, slashed hard at this place. On the left leg of a crazy beast, these desperate desperadoes who are not afraid of death know that as long as they can walk out of this huge iron cage alive, they will get a huge bonus that they will never earn in their lifetime. This is what motivates them to sacrifice their lives. The direct motivation to forget death.

The werewolf with strong vitality stepped in front of a bald man. The shotgun blasted, knocking back the mad beast a little, but it still couldn’t stop its mad advance. The fierce impact pushed the tiny human against the iron cage, and the whole body was stunned. The flesh and blood body was embedded with huge force, and scarlet blood splashed out!

The pungent smell of blood hit the werewolf’s face. It roared wildly and raised its hand to tear off the human’s head. This exciting scene directly set off a frenzy of cheers, and everyone in the arena fell into They were in a state of hot madness, and the bloody and brutal killing stirred up their increasingly numb nerves. This indescribable pleasure was simply more refreshing than taking drugs!

“Are we going to continue watching?” Modu’s eyes were red and anger filled his chest.

Sean stood up helplessly, wearing the pure white mask on his face, and a golden light flashed through his empty eyes. He walked to the special one-way glass and gently stretched out his palm to press it.

At this time, there was only the last person left in the iron cage. He threw down the shotgun with all the bullets, and knelt at the feet of the werewolf, humbly begging for the last chance of life, while the audience sitting in the center of the arena shouted loudly With “Kill Him”, the warm atmosphere is accompanied by turbulent sound waves, catalyzing the dark desires deep in everyone’s heart.


With a muffled sound, the reinforced glass in the upper compartment broke, and the fragments splashed out. In the faint light, a tall figure wearing a white mask appeared.

ps: Recently my mind is not clear, my mentality is anxious, and I am not satisfied with what I write~

Readers, please don’t push for more updates. If you really feel slow, just wait for a while. The new author is handicapped and really can’t write so much~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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