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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 2 Campus Storm

Midtown High School, Queens, New York.

The early morning sunlight was warm and comfortable. Energetic young students walked into the school gate in groups, greeting each other playfully. A silver-gray car stopped at the door, and handsome young people got out of the car and passed by. The students all cast their eyes with envy or jealousy. Zhongcheng High School is just a public school that relies on financial funding. Most of the students studying here come from ordinary families.

Rich boys like this who can drive to school in cars should appear in expensive private high schools, which are the first choice for rich people to raise their children.

“Harry.” A boy wearing glasses called.

The handsome young man turned around and found that his only friend in the school was calling him. Due to his excellent family background, Harry Osborn was not popular at Midtown High School. If it were not for the special care given by his teachers, he would He may also become the punching bag of school bullies like his friend Peter.

“Tomorrow the school will organize a trip to the research center of Columbia University, which is really exciting!”

Peter, who looks like a nerd, is very interested in new and weird things.

“Oh, it should be a wonderful trip.”

Harry was distracted, and the young master from a wealthy family followed the red-haired girl in front of him. That was Mary Jane, a beautiful girl who can stimulate young people’s hormones.

“Please give way.”

A voice sounded behind Peter and Harry. The young man in casual clothes looked at the two people blocking the way, his eyes shining with inexplicable meaning.

“…Good morning, Sean.” After Peter saw clearly who the other party was, he quickly pulled his good friend away, as if avoiding the plague.

“This guy bullied you too?” Harry asked curiously.

“No, but it’s best to stay away from him.” Peter shook his head, “I heard that Sean offended some gangsters. Yesterday someone saw a group of gangsters taking him to an abandoned factory in the suburbs.”

After Harry heard this, he turned his head and glanced at the guy. He looked delicate and elegant, but he didn’t expect that he had contact with street gangsters outside the school. It was really surprising.

Sean, who was walking in front, had a smile on his face. He heard the conversation between Peter and Harry. In the past, he was relatively withdrawn and had few friends in school. He was often a loner. Those who The gangsters took a fancy to this and asked Sean to sell marijuana pills for them. The management of public schools was not strict, and young people with rebellious personalities could easily become a regular customer group.

“Sure enough, we have arrived in that magical world with superheroes and mutants.”

Sean looked up at the sun above his head. The warm rays penetrated the clouds and shone on the earth. He clenched his fists, and an unprecedented power surged through his body.

No one would have thought that that bottle of golden potion of unknown origin would cause earth-shaking changes to this human body. Sean could deeply feel that the sun’s rays penetrated into his body bit by bit, just like It was as if he was absorbing the energy from the stars all the time. Although the process was very subtle and slow, the pleasure of slowly getting stronger bit by bit made him extremely intoxicated.

“Spider-Man, Little Green Goblin…who else will we meet next?”

A bright smile appeared on Sean’s face. He quickly accepted the fact of time travel and his new identity. The virtual character fighting system in his mind gave the young man confidence and goals. Since he came to such a world full of infinite excitement, and the possible new world, then he should enjoy everything. Whether he meets those superheroes or encounters terrible enemies, they will become a part of his new life.

Sitting in the classroom, Sean felt both familiar and unfamiliar. The courses for tenth grade students were not too difficult, at least for him who had strengthened his spiritual consciousness. After casually flipping through the textbook, the knowledge seemed like It is like a graphic with a simple structure and can be easily understood and absorbed.

Sean, who was bored, slowly glanced around. There were quite a few familiar faces sitting in the same classroom with him. Harry Osborne, a young master from a wealthy family, was secretly making eye contact with Mary Jane. In the teaser, there was Peter Parker who was immersed in reading a book, the young Spider-Man was just an introverted nerd now, and there was a curly-haired boy leaning against the wall in the corner, who seemed vaguely familiar to Sean.

“Who is that guy?” Sean quietly asked the classmate next to him.

“His name is Dave, Dave Leszewski.”

Ignoring the strange looks from his classmates, Sean finally remembered the name. Dave Leszewski was born in a single-parent family. Like Peter, he was often bullied and blackmailed by his classmates due to his cowardly character. Interestingly, the other party ended up becoming a “superhero” just like Peter.

“In the fighting system, this guy can’t even be considered as fighting against the fifth scum.”

Looking at the wandering curly-haired boy, Sean couldn’t help but curl his lips. If having Xiaoqiang’s tenacious vitality can be regarded as a superpower, then Dave Leszewski, who later became “Kick-Ass”, can indeed do it. Called a “superhero”.

After experiencing the life of a tenth grader in high school for a day, Sean slowly left the classroom. The news that he was being troubled by street gangs seemed to have spread, so everyone seemed to be distant from him. After all, no one wanted to be with the gangsters. If the personnel is involved, he might be expelled from the school.

As soon as he walked out of the school gate, Sean saw a group of people standing in the alley at the corner of the street. A red motorcycle made a roaring sound. The gangster leader was sitting on it, looking at him with evil intentions.

“Wow, you are very lucky. You pretended to be dead and deceived us yesterday! Let’s see where you can escape today!”

The gangster leader, dressed in a hip-hop outfit, looked at the young man with his hands in his pockets and couldn’t help but smile.

He thought he had killed someone yesterday and was frightened half to death. He was almost ready to pack up and run away. But today someone told him that Sean was still alive and well, with nothing wrong with him, and he came to school with a swagger. .

“Boss, this kid doesn’t even have any injuries on his face. He must have gone to a big hospital for treatment!” said another black man with a nose ring.

“What you said is true. It seems that we have to add some new wounds to this kid today!”

The gangster leader laughed wildly and glanced around with fierce eyes. The students at the school gate hurried away for fear of being implicated and getting into trouble.

“Peter, what do you want to do?” Harry pulled his best friend, fearing that the nerd would do something impulsive.

“I’m going to find the teacher, otherwise Sean will be beaten to death. These guys are not good people.”

Although his character is somewhat weak, Peter still has a strong sense of justice and is unwilling to sit back and watch his classmates being beaten and bullied by those gangsters.

“The teacher can’t control these people. Even calling the police will be useless.”

Harry said helplessly that even if the police came to deal with it, these gangsters would only be locked up for two days and would be released soon, and then Sean would suffer even more violent revenge.

While Peter and Harry were discussing, Sean had already walked up to the gang leader, put down his backpack on his shoulders, and had a relaxed look on his face, as if he was not afraid at all of being beaten.

“I’m just looking for you.” The black-haired young man said with a smile.

“Boss, did you hear what this kid said?” The black man with a nose ring laughed.

“Are you looking for us? Do you think you were beaten hard enough yesterday, so you want to experience it again? Hahaha!” The gangster leader laughed wildly, thinking that this kid was beaten stupid by him.

Sean stood there with calm eyes, letting the gangsters laugh. He waited until the other party’s laughter stopped, then slowly said: “Now you have two choices, one is to get beaten up by me, and then get away; the other is It’s up to you to beat yourselves and get out of here.”

“Which one do you want to choose?”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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