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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 20 Decay Rate Algorithm

“This is out of necessity… maybe I will succeed!”

Connors was sitting in his office. As long as he thought that most of his life’s hard work was about to be wasted, he couldn’t help but feel angry in his heart. Those bastards in the mainstream scientific community laughed at him as a mad scientist and carried out a doomed experiment. It was impossible for the research to be fruitful. Norman Osborne, who had always given himself funding and funding, also abandoned himself at the most difficult time.

Those who ridicule their physical disabilities, their ugly and distorted faces keep flashing through their minds. The beautiful vision that was originally filled with flowers and honors has been shattered by the cruel reality, and the results of this research have been lost. What else can you do in the future?

It seems that there is a voice that keeps echoing deep in his heart, like the devil in Faust, tempting Connors to take the risk and make that bold and risky decision. Maybe the goddess of luck will come to him and conduct human experiments. The probability of success is indeed very slim, but just imagine living in poverty in the second half of your life, ridiculed and questioned by the academic community…

“I can not be reconciled!”

Connors yelled and swept away the documents on the table with his hand, like a gambler who had lost all his fortune and was determined to make a comeback with the last chance.

He looked at the empty sleeve, and a certain impulse surged in his heart, like erupting volcanic lava, completely defeating the defense line of reason.

Taking out a reagent from the refrigerated cabinet in the laboratory, Connors returned to his office, locked the door, and began conducting human experiments. He held the defective reagent and understood that this kind of risky attempt that was not rigorous enough was almost suicide, but he had no way out. Osborne Industries would soon withdraw its investment and take back the right to use the laboratory. At that time He will have nothing!

“God bless!” Connors prayed silently, then raised his hand to inject the reagent.

Boom, boom, boom.

“Dr. Connors, are you in there?” A sudden knock on the door interrupted Connors’ human experiment.

The one-armed middle-aged man looked a little panicked. He recognized the voice of intern Sean and wondered what that outstanding young man wanted to do with him.

“I’m doing some research, what do you want, Sean?” Connors asked nervously.

“Oh, that’s right. I just talked with Gwen about some research on cross-species inheritance. She said that the research process in the laboratory is stuck on the decay rate algorithm… I have read your published books and all the papers… Can I go in first?”

Sean stood at the door. He knew that Dr. Connors had been conducting research on cross-species inheritance throughout his life, trying to transplant the biological characteristics of lizards into humans so that those with physical disabilities could regain their health.

Unfortunately, this research project, which would shock the world if it succeeded, has been stuck in the biological equation. Dr. Connors lacks an algorithmic formula for the evolution of the decay rate, making it difficult to make progress in the experiment.

The door of the office was opened, and Connors called Sean in. The young boy caught a glimpse of the reagent on the table and was a little surprised. It seemed that his blow to Osborn Industries had made the one-armed doctor also face a life crisis. The predicament has even reached the point where he does not hesitate to use himself for human experiments.

“Do you have any suggestions for my experiment?”

Connors asked perfunctorily. Although Sean was indeed excellent, he didn’t think the young boy had any suggestions.

He has been stuck at this stage his whole life. Even after countless attempts, he has never been able to obtain the correct algorithmic formula for the evolution of the decay rate. Sean is only twenty years old, and his experience in cross-species genetic research is limited. For several months, Connors didn’t think the other party had any extraordinary ideas.

“Dr. Connors, I have read your book before, as well as those papers on cross-species inheritance. This is a great idea. If it can be realized, it will have unlimited possibilities.”

There was a look of admiration and reverence on Sean’s face, and he seemed to be confident in Connors’ research.

The young boy’s sincerity touched Connors. He has always lacked recognition. The mainstream academic community thinks that he is whimsical. No one except Norman Osborne is optimistic about this research project, and the president of Osborne Industries It’s just for business considerations and investment.

“Thank you, Sean, many people think cross-species inheritance is a crazy idea.” Connors’s eyes showed a trace of gratitude. No one had ever said such a thing to him.

Seeing that he was gradually taking the initiative in the conversation, Sean showed a slight smile. This one-armed doctor who has been immersed in academic research all year round is not good at interpersonal relationships and some communication skills, otherwise he would You must be able to see that the words you just said seemed sincere, but in fact they were just false compliments.

“Doctor, I have read your test comparison report and the data… This is the algorithm formula for the evolution of the decay rate that I came up with. Do you think there is anything that needs to be corrected?”

Dr. Connors laughed secretly in his heart. He didn’t think Sean could solve this problem at all. He just saw the enthusiasm in the other person’s eyes and was unwilling to hurt the young boy’s enthusiasm and efforts for science.

He took the book with a series of complicated formulas written on it. He was about to reject it, but was speechless. He looked at Sean, who looked calm, in shock.

“You… are incredible! Sean, you are a genius! A genius in the true sense!” Connors was excited and incoherent. He did not expect that the problem that had troubled him for many years would be solved so simply.

“Doctor, this formula is not perfect enough. I hope you can complete it.”

Sean showed a humble smile. He didn’t want Connors to use this algorithm immediately and then turn into a lizard-like monster due to the conflict between biological genes like in the original timeline.

“But…well, Sean, let me tell you the truth, this research laboratory is sponsored by Osborne Industrial Investment, but this company has encountered some troubles recently. They asked to withdraw their investment and take back the right to use the laboratory. ——In other words, I don’t have that much time.”

There was a look of pain on Connors’ face. Time is his biggest enemy now. Even if success is close at hand, everything takes time to complete.

“Doctor, have you forgotten the original intention of conducting this research? If cross-species inheritance is realized, it can save tens of millions of disabled people, freeing them from physical defects and the strange eyesight of others, and the development prospects are still endless. Here, the cross-fusion of human genes and animal genes is enough for us to take a huge step on the road of evolution!”

Sean’s tone was passionate and his voice was full of contagion, and he described a broad blueprint for the future for Dr. Connors in an extremely realistic manner.

“This algorithmic formula is not perfect yet – it is just the product of a flash of inspiration on my part, and it needs to be completed by someone who knows a lot about cross-species inheritance. Dr. Connors, we can do better, we just need to be patient.” “

The young boy was like a Wall Street stockbroker, constantly following the temptations, which made Dr. Connors’ inner thoughts waver.

“At Osborne Industries…” Thinking of Norman Osborne who was about to give up on him, Connors fell into trouble again.

“Research funding won’t be a problem, trust me, just give me two days.”

Sean made a promise, his young face was serious and firm, as if he had a magical power that made people believe.

Connors looked at the young boy who had brought miracles through his glasses. Although he still had doubts in his heart, he still chose to believe in Sean. Perhaps deep down in his heart, he also hoped to get a perfect match like what the other party described. Experimental results.

ps: Hey, the status has changed. Ahem, readers, why don’t you give me some recommendations and rewards to celebrate?


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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