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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 202 Night is approaching

When Sean and his party entered Bucharest, it was already 6:30 in the afternoon. It turned out that the journey to dawn was not smooth sailing. They did not even complete half of the journey, and the car stalled and broke down on the road. Fortunately, God has provided for this strange team, which is a mixture of Karma Taj Wizard and Ghost Rider. They met a hippie band traveling in an RV. After some unfriendly and cordial negotiations, this group claimed that they were busy trying to stop them. The devil, the guy who saves the world, starts his journey again.

While walking and stopping along the way, Sean did not catch up with Carrigan non-stop. In his words, no matter how anxious he was, Mephisto was always there, and he should at least finish enjoying it before rushing over excitedly. Lunch and take a short break.

Modu has become accustomed to this young man’s occasional lackluster attitude, and it turns out that what the other person says often makes sense.

No one knows what they are about to face. Eastern Europe has almost become the last lair of dark creatures. God knows how many vampires and werewolves will be waiting for them in Bucharest as the end point.

Before a battle, soldiers should equip themselves with ammunition and organize their firearms to prepare for any emergencies that may arise.

Johnny, the new member, had no objection. He was in urgent need of fried steak and butter rolls to fill his hungry stomach. Every time he completed the transformation of Ghost Rider, it was a big burden on his body.

So while Mephisto sent a large army to wait for these guys, they were feasting in a roadhouse, enjoying sumptuous food and wine, and then lay down on a big bed that was not very soft to sleep and spent the whole night. All afternoon.

The vampire elder of Bucharest, Amelia, who is also from the Volturi royal family, stared at Carrigan who had transformed into a hell rot demon with evil eyes. They used the emergency warning from the city hall to evacuate most of the citizens of the city. The child who combines humans and demons has been found. After the clock rings twelve o’clock tonight, the Lord of Hell will get rid of the shackles of the material world and officially descend here!

At such a great moment, they are like a bunch of fools, waiting at the entrance of this city, waiting for two mages?

“Didn’t you say that two powerful mages are chasing you?” The good-looking vampire elder looked sideways at Carrigan. Half of the vampire guards all over Eastern Europe gathered here and waited for six hours, “Please tell me Me, where are they?”

“Who knows, maybe he was frightened and hid after hearing the name of the great master.” Carrigan, who was transformed into a servant by Mephisto, had a ferocious smile on his pale face. He is not afraid of these gangs now. A vampire.

How could the arrogant vampire elders endure such provocation? They always regarded themselves as noble immortals, but when faced with a humble person like Carrigan who only knew how to flatter and flatter, they only had contempt and disdain in their eyes. The sulfurous smell from hell and the dirty body odor made her feel disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

The silver lightning tore through the wind and cut into Carrigan’s pale face as dry as tree bark at a speed beyond the naked eye. Amelia did not think that Mephisto would go to war because of a servant who did not do his job well. The era of dark creatures is coming, and both vampires and werewolves will become the backbone of the rise of this new force.

A weird smile appeared on Carrigan’s cracked cheek, and a small gap was torn diagonally from his forehead to his chin. There was no horrific scene of blood and flesh splattering as imagined. Amelia’s rapier was like cutting through a piece of rotten tree. A cold air suddenly came out from behind, and the vampire elder suddenly lost her vision. The surrounding light dimmed, and then a cold palm rested on her shoulder.

“You cold-blooded animals, have you ever experienced the feeling of body decay?” Carrigan’s cold voice quietly echoed in his ears.

The Rot Demon is a kind of “familiar”-like servant transformed by the Lord of Hell. It can create a certain range of dark areas and has the ability to corrode organic matter. When the pale and rotten arm touched Amelia’s skin, the vampire elder finally felt Feeling a trace of fear, her smooth and delicate white snowy skin, like a tree that had lost its moisture, began to become chapped and wrinkled.

“Enough!” A thick arm knocked away Carrigan’s attack.

The strong man with a wild look all over his body stared at the angry and dissatisfied Rotten Demon and shouted sternly: “Now is not the time for internal fighting. Before the arrival of the great Mephisto is completed, if anyone comes to cause trouble, I will take off his Head! In the name of werewolf!”

This wild man with an open chest and strong muscles is the leader of the werewolves. He once almost overthrew the rule of vampires in one fell swoop and got rid of his long-term slave life. He was called the king of werewolves, Lucien by his fellow tribesmen.

Unlike the vampires, who have many internal factions and families, the werewolves have only one leader, and that is the powerful wolf king Lucien. Now, the two races, which are mortal enemies, have put aside their past hatred and, under the collusion of Mephisto, Join forces.

Compared with the bloody hatred for many years, the temple mages and demon hunters are the real huge shadows hanging over their heads. They retreated from the entire European continent and hunkered down, signing an almost shameful unequal treaty. As long as there are guys who violate the rules, no matter what Whether they are vampires or werewolves, they will be dragged into the sun by those violent elements and exposed to ashes, or they will be nailed to the stake!

Amelia was still frightened, and her dry skin returned to its original state in an instant as the blood surged in her body. She glared at Carrigan fiercely, but said no more.

Hundreds, thousands, and a steady stream of dark creatures have entered this city of joy. They occupy every shadow corner, with the Grand National Assembly Palace of Romania as the center, radiating and spreading to all sides, forming a faint circle.

These vampires and werewolves who have become Mephisto’s minions seem to be following a certain fixed path, splashing pungent blood. It is a massive amount of blood from various livestock, like buckets of red paint poured on the streets. Or perhaps some evil religious ritual is being performed on the house.

If you look down from above, you can see that the blood seems to be pulled by a strange force, gathering in all directions to form streams, outlining countless tiny scarlet threads, as if an invisible big hand is drawing complicated patterns. The huge outer circle covers the entire city. Within it are countless overlapping and intersecting tiny veins, intertwined and blended by blood, like hundreds of millions of geometric patterns being pressed together to form a huge red eye. .

Faintly, Bucharest was filled with the smell of sulfur, and the temperature gradually increased, as if hell had descended on the world.

And outside the city highway, a Ford RV drove slowly, with a complete set of speakers installed inside, playing “voyage voyage”. The deep male voice and the light female voice played a grand music together, standing in the city. The vampire elders and the wolf king on the towering building watched each other drive into Bucharest in such an arrogant manner.

At this time, the daylight is dim, the afterglow is shining, and the soft and warm sunset slowly sinks into the horizon.

Night is coming!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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