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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 203 The whole city is an enemy

“I told you, don’t you think there’s something wrong with the atmosphere?”

Johnny pushed his beloved Yamaha Big Devil. He looked around at the streets, which were all closed and deserted. It was so quiet that no sound could be heard nearby.

Sean and Modu looked at each other and smiled as they got out of the car. The latter shook his head and smiled: “The dark atmosphere in this city is just like a dark cloud. Even through magic observation, I can’t see any trace of human beings.” .”

Johnny looked shocked and then shouted: “They massacred everyone?!”

The sudden question made the black mage’s face darker. He turned away and ignored the startled Ghost Rider, and explained: “It shouldn’t be. I didn’t sense that there was a large-scale killing. There were about two people in Bucharest.” With a population of more than one million, if Mephisto launches a massacre, the impact will be too huge, and the Supreme Mage will definitely not ignore it.”

The wind swirled and sent a leaflet to Sean’s hand. It was an emergency evacuation notice. It seems that the vampires used their power to infiltrate high-level officials to send most of the residents out of this capital of Romania. It is located in the center of the Wallachia Plain, with a wide view. The city is also divided by a Danube River. If millions of people suddenly need to be evacuated, it is actually not difficult as imagined.

The young man was curious about what exactly Mephisto was going to do. Through the clear pictures taken by satellite, he could know that the entire Bucharest was covered by a huge formation of blood, with the streets and notable landmarks in the city as nodes. , outlined and woven into a huge scarlet eyeball, in which billions of weird patterns overlap and intersect, blending into complex and obscure weird patterns.

It seems that the hell lord who has been dormant for many years is going to make big news.

The three of them strolled through the long street until the last ray of sunset disappeared. The night came gracefully covered with gauze, and the dark shadows boiled and rioted!

Countless figures were swaying on the rows of buildings or in the street corners and alleys. Their eyes were full of fierceness, and strong malice enveloped the group of three people who stopped.

Strong werewolves clung to the eaves, or hooked their claws on the medieval-style iron lanterns, while on the other side were vampire guards wearing luxurious armors. These handsome-looking, pale-skinned vampires held various cold weapons and relied on their Their speed and strength, as well as outdated weapons that had been eliminated by the times, are enough to unleash extraordinary lethality.

The shadowy enemies were like a black tide, rushing toward the three people isolated on the long street. Looking across, it was boundless!

“Hey, man, it’s time for you to transform.” Sean patted Ghost Rider on the shoulder, “Otherwise, you will be torn apart by werewolves soon.”

Modu on the side did not need the young man’s reminder. He had already pulled out a double-barreled shotgun from behind. The temple prepared a large number of silver nitrate and ultraviolet bullets for him, which were enough to easily kill those vampires hiding in the darkness. Holding a cold firearm in one hand, the other hand used energy to construct a solid buckler.

Johnny on the side released the restrictions on the spirit of vengeance, and the strong hell flames rushed to the top of his head. As the smoke rose, a skull raised its head and roared. The rich evil in this city was almost overwhelming. Ghost Rider is crazy with excitement!

“You go and destroy the energy nodes of the Arc de Triomphe and Bucur Church. I will go to the Grand National Assembly Palace of Romania.”

After long-term study at Karma Taj, Sean is no longer a layman in the Magic Palace. Although he does not recognize this strange and complex huge magic circle, he can at least see a few significant buildings that serve as energy nodes. Among them, located in The core of the Grand National Assembly Palace of Romania is the most important, and Mephitos personally sits in charge.

The raging black tide pressed over, and the shadowy vampires hit the double-barreled shotgun. The exploding fragments scattered into a barrage, directly tearing apart the attacking vampire guards. Those vampires contaminated by silver nitrate bullets howled, and their hearts exploded. The entire body burned to ashes.

Amidst the continuous roars, Mordu tore a way out of the raging tide. After firing the bullets from the double-barreled shotgun, he pulled out the long animal-headed stick from his waist. This was also a powerful magic weapon, and the surging energy twitched. , and smashed away the vampire guards who rushed forward one after another.

The black mage’s eyes glared, and the overwhelming black shadows came from all directions. Sharp weapons came from the darkness like bees’ stings and struck at Mordo’s fatal vitals! A crimson chain writhed like a wild python, whipping away the blood clan guard, neutralizing this vicious attack. He turned over and climbed onto the Yamaha Devil’s Ghost Rider. The skull’s chin bumped up and down, revealing a terrifying smile.

Jie Jie’s wild laughter echoed through the night sky. Johnny was driving the Nightmare Chariot, with obvious flame marks on the tires. The chain in his hand was circling and waving, burning the fierce werewolf that rushed towards him into ashes! He was rushing to the Arc de Triomphe, but an inexplicably familiar aura attracted the spirit of vengeance in his body, just like another one of himself!

Sean, who was standing there, was blocked by a vampire elder. It was Amelia, who had previously had a conflict with Carrigan. This vampire who still had charm and was like a lady stared at the young man and subconsciously licked him. Licking her red lips, her eyes revealed a heartfelt desire.

Logically speaking, she had just drank a glass of pure and delicious “red wine” four hours ago, so she would not be so hungry or even unable to restrain her instinctive impulse. This was not true for someone as tall as Amelia. It is generally difficult to see it on the upper class vampires.

“Are you hungry?” Sean tilted his head and asked with interest.

Amelia twisted her graceful figure and gradually approached the young man. The rapier drew a silver track, like a shining flower, “Be obedient and don’t resist, otherwise you will get hurt…”

The charming voice was quite seductive. Sean’s face was calm and a smile appeared on his lips, “It’s a pity that you are not to my liking.”

Looking behind Amelia, the blood clan guards continued to gather, like a dense swarm of bats, with bloodthirsty eyes flashing, like a group of piranhas that would pounce on them at any time and gnaw them clean.

The young man pressed his chest, and the badge like the black sun suddenly lit up, and then a burst of golden light shone——

Amelia paused and squinted her eyes. After about two seconds, her pupils rapidly dilated, and endless fear spread throughout her body. Before she could even open her mouth to beg for mercy, she was struck by the majestic beam of light that almost filled the entire street. Submerged, the violent aftermath destroyed the houses and buildings on both sides, and blasted the gathered blood clan guards to pieces!

Bricks and stones are flying everywhere, and smoke and dust are billowing!

Hundreds of vampires swooped over, looking at this horrific scene, they were stunned for a moment, and then fled in panic like a flock of frightened birds!

Glancing at the deep ravine created by the blast, Sean smiled lightly, “I like to be more reserved.”

The atmosphere shook, and the golden streamer cut through the night sky and rushed straight to the location of Mephisto, the Grand National Assembly Palace of Romania.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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