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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 205 Turning the Tide

Compared with the last fight, Mephisto’s power has almost doubled. Freed from the shackles of the material world, this lord of hell, whose life span lasted for tens of thousands of years, could only use the human body as a carrier to walk in the material world. The world simply cannot exert its own power.

If you want to do something, you have to sign a contract with the Ghost Rider, otherwise once you cross the line, you will incur the thunderous wrath of the Sorcerer Supreme. But everything is different now. Mephisto used the perfect container to complete his own reincarnation ceremony, and surging power surged in this new body.

The hell lord stepped forward, and the white marble exploded. His figure was like a sharp line, carrying ferocious power and smashing towards the standing sentry.

Mephisto has not forgotten how this young guy humiliated him in New York before, and finally let Ancient One destroy a rare incarnation.

Like a violent eruption of a lava volcano, heavy fists pulled the airflow, making a sharp whistle. The empty hall rolled like a hurricane, and all the neatly arranged tables, chairs, and candlesticks were overturned to the ground, leaving a mess.

Sean took a step back slightly, his body sank slightly. The terrifying energy beam cannon blasted out and hit Mephisto’s lava flames. The two violent energies collided, like thunder from the sky stirring up the earth’s fire, and a series of piercing During the explosion, the aftermath rushed high into the sky and almost penetrated the entire Grand National Assembly Palace!

“I have never seen a human being like you…” Behind the young body, a pair of huge bat wings spread out, like spinning knives, constantly attacking the golden figure.

Mephisto approached the sentry who blasted out an energy beam at a terrifying speed as fast as lightning. He did not believe that the opponent could use this violent release of energy continuously.

The air flow rolled like a whirlpool, and the violent energy was like a substantial golden flame, erupting strongly from the body, like a raging and bombarding wave of tens of thousands of tons. The air was compressed, releasing invisible ripples, tearing away all nearby objects. Shredded.

The pair of deep eyes behind the golden visor flashed with sharp light, and then there was a majestic power like a mountain roaring and a tsunami——

Boom boom boom boom!

The energy beam was like an angry wave, like a suddenly expanding light curtain, directly covering the entire hall. Even the treacherous and sophisticated Mephisto couldn’t help but feel a trace of consternation, and then a long-lost fear arose.

Like a ton of high explosives detonating instantly, the dazzling light swept everything, all senses were ineffective, and there was a buzzing sound outside. The Grand National Assembly Palace of Romania, which is listed as the second largest building in the world, was in It collapsed under the violent energy impact, rubble and rubble crashed down like waves, and a plume of thick smoke rose up.

A chain reaction like a tsunami lasted for three minutes. The majestic palace with a height of 275 feet was almost flattened by this strong shock wave. The extremely solid main building began to disintegrate and collapse from bottom to top, spilling over. The energy aftermath even spread to the Constitution Square not far away, and the vibrations on the ground spread throughout Bucharest.

Regardless of the vampires, werewolves, or the black mage and ghost rider fighting them, they all felt a terrifying aura. The moment the explosion occurred, they all stopped in unison.

“How could there be such a monster in the world…” The body like a tattered doll pushed aside the heavy ruins buried above its head, breathing hard.

The blood-red energy was once again drawn over and poured into Mephisto, who had suffered devastating injuries. He was almost killed and his body was healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the huge magic circle covering the entire city continues to operate, Bucharest and hell begin to gradually overlap. In half an hour, the legendary terrifying world full of sulfur smell and lava volcanoes will swallow up the capital of Romania and become a real A city of hell in the sense of the word.

Before that, no one could stop him, unless someone got crazy and launched a nuclear bomb towards this place known as the “City of Joy”.

Directly wipe this city that has experienced tragic wars and foreign rule from the map!

“The vitality is really tenacious.” After breaking away from the falling rubble, the golden flame held up the sentinel, hovering in the air.

“You can’t kill me… Even if the Supreme Mage comes, he can’t stop my great plan at this time.”

Mephisto laughed proudly. He got rid of the demon body in hell, broke the shackles of the material world, and carried all the power in a human body, plus the hell behind him provided continuous support.

Even the Supreme Mage, who claims to be able to rival Dormammu and expel angels and demons, may not be able to do anything to him.

The golden figure in front of him may indeed have terrifying strength, but if he wants to kill Mephisto in a real sense, he may not be able to do so.

“Actually, have you ever seriously thought about why I let you complete the reincarnation ceremony?” Sean looked down at the Hell Lord who thought he was about to win, with a hint of joking in his voice.

“Great Mephisto, what is the best way to solve the problem once and for all?” The young man’s question floated in the night sky, “To the Supreme Mage, you are like an annoying insect, difficult to Eradicate it, but you cannot ignore it, even if you destroy all your incarnation carriers in the material world, there is always no shortage of people in this world who are willing to make deals with the devil.”

“They are willing to sell their souls in exchange for some trivial things from you, but they don’t know that they often pay a heavy price in the end.”

Mephisto’s expression gradually became serious. He couldn’t think of any flaw in his plan. Dormammu and his fanatical believers had restrained the Supreme Mage. The other party would definitely not leave Karma Taj rashly and give Casillas Create opportunities.

Without the many constraints of the Ancient One, the Hell Lord wants to complete the reincarnation and use himself as the coordinate to bring Hell to the material world, so he can proceed smoothly. He has vampires and werewolves as minions to resist the raid of the Temple Mage, as well as the transformation of Carrigan. The Rot Demon, and Daredevil who became the Ghost Rider.

Who else can let himself fall short?

After repeated calculations, Mephisto looked at the golden figure in the air and sneered: “It’s already this time, what’s the point of bluffing?”

Sean nodded noncommittally and called Mordo through the mini headset, “Have you destroyed the energy node?”

“I may need a little more time…”

The black mage is currently locked in a fierce battle with the vampire leader and the wolf king. Even though he is an authentic academic sect of Kama Taj, he can only be at a disadvantage against the two strong men at the apex of dark creatures.

“Where’s Johnny?”

“He doesn’t seem too optimistic either.”

Sean shrugged helplessly. As expected, he still couldn’t place his hopes on his teammates. He said in a deep voice: “Just leave this city within ten minutes!”

“Giving up at the last moment…”

“Shut up! Take Johnny and run!”

A stern scolding interrupted Mordu’s questioning. He looked at the sturdy wolf king Lucien and the extremely difficult vampire leader, and turned around and ran away without even thinking.

“Haha, cowardly humans.” The two top figures of dark creatures mocked.

They did not pursue them. Hell was coming soon. As long as it did not interfere with Master Mephisto’s plan, it didn’t matter if they let these nasty mages go. Anyway, the dark age was coming soon.

After sending a message to two weak teammates, Sean stood on an incomplete and collapsed spire. The black sun on the chest of the sentry armor was slightly dimmed. It seemed that the violent attack just now consumed too much energy.

“Humans, stop resisting needlessly. Things like turning the tide will only appear in movies and novels.” Although there was a trace of uneasiness lingering in his heart, Mephisto remained unmoved.

“Actually, I’ve always wanted to know where my limits are… Thank you for giving me this opportunity.”

As soon as the words fell, a dazzling light suddenly erupted!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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