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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 207 The Old Enemy of the Stark Family

Arlington on the Potomac River, the highest military command institution of the United States, the Pentagon.

On the second floor, known as the “Golden Hall”, in the banquet hall, soothing music with a bright rhythm and beautiful melody was flowing quietly. dignitaries from the military committee were walking back and forth in dresses studded with medals, including the chairman of the committee. Senator Duncan Hunter attended the event together with the Minister of Defense, which shows the importance of this banquet.

The eyes of the two big shots kept wandering around. After whispering reminders from their confidants, they suddenly realized that the real protagonist of the banquet had not arrived. The New York genius who had not been seen for a while was said to have dropped all the work at hand. Take a trip to Eastern Europe.

Congressman Hunter and Defense Secretary Ashton Carter smiled at each other. Just as they tolerated Tony Stark before, these big shots always have great patience for capable and valuable young people, and treat them with great patience. I regard the bohemianism of genius as an interesting shining point.

Of course, the prerequisite for obtaining all these preferential treatment is that you must have outstanding ability or great value to win the praise of big people.

Tony stood at the edge of the banquet and muttered sarcastically: “They used to lick their faces when they saw me, but now they are used to ignoring my existence.”

Pepper held his hand, covered her mouth and chuckled. This was originally a celebration banquet to congratulate Umbrella on winning the order from the Ministry of Defense. Everyone’s eyes were naturally on Sean, who did not appear. As for her and Tony is just a foil.

Originally, Stark Industries was not a member of the invitation list. On the one hand, it had withdrawn from the military industry, and on the other hand… the Ministry of National Defense was not very fond of this playboy.

Every military official who serves as a procurement officer or deals with Tony Stark must possess two basic qualities, which are extraordinary patience and psychological endurance.

God knows how harsh and venomous that bohemian playboy can be. Maybe he will make everything from your dress to your taste in red wine and cigars worthless, and by the way, he will show off his wealth in a very natural way. and luxurious style – but the most annoying thing is that this is not intentional. Enjoying the best things has become a style engraved in Tony’s bones.

If you want to follow his lead and talk about women with Mr. Stark, who supports half of New York’s paparazzi, you are even more wrong. He will talk to you about women of different nationalities and different skin colors. , including the cover models of fashion magazines, popular Hollywood actresses, and even beauties in academia, and elaborated on their skills and charm.

Then there is no doubt that you will start to doubt your life – how barren and boring your life is compared to this kind of gifted person who is born with the blessing of God, possesses countless wealth, a genius brain, and has charming charm.

This is Tony’s purpose, to make everyone believe that he is a unique existence, his light cannot be concealed, and he will always be the focus of people.

But apparently after many twists and turns, this situation has changed. The emergence of a new focal figure has overshadowed Tony Stark’s dazzling halo, so that no one has noticed his arrival until now.

“You beat me without showing up?” Tony was secretly angry, but there was nothing he could do about it.

“The military bosses are all waiting to see your joke.” Colonel Rhodes came over and looked at his aggrieved friend, “You personally said at the hearing that no one can imitate the Ark in another twenty years. reactor.”

Tony couldn’t help but be silent for a moment. This was the reason why he attended this celebration banquet. Even though Stark Industries withdrew from the military industry, its connections and strength were still preserved. When Ivan Vanke’s energy weapon was successfully developed, Pepper Notified myself immediately.

The reason why energy weapons stay at the conceptual level is that one is energy consumption and the other is miniaturization. These are two problems that restrict the conversion of thermal weapons to energy weapons.

But the big Russian man named Ivan Vanko did it. He first successfully imitated the Ark reactor, solving the problem of energy supply and conversion loss, and secondly achieved miniaturization. Although there are still minor flaws such as recoil and accuracy, it has to be admitted. , this is already the prototype of energy weapons.

Based on this, it will be possible to develop laser weapons, ray weapons, particle beam weapons, various high-tech equipment with powerful attack power, capable of long-distance precision strikes, and targeted large-scale killing, and apply them to individual weapons. It’s a matter of time.

The last time he met Sean, Tony warned in an experienced tone, saying that the field of military procurement was very deep and most people should not get involved. As a result, Ivan Vanke’s research results were undoubtedly a wonderful silent ridicule.

“I checked the Russian’s information. His father and my father were collaborators. It’s not surprising that he has the design drawing of the Ark reactor… but he actually succeeded in copying it with only a sketch. This makes me happy. I’m surprised.”

It was rare for Tony to express his appreciation. He had seen the first generation of finished energy weapons. Its structural ideas and energy core were both works of genius.

“But compared to me, it’s still a little worse.” He then added.

Colonel Rhodes and Pepper turned their heads away at the same time. At this time, it was more appropriate to remain silent.

Although the real protagonist of this banquet did not appear, Ivan Vanke, as a weapons designer, made his first public appearance under the leadership of Harry and Sean’s female secretary Yuriko.

Thinking of decades ago, his father was kicked out of the house by Howard Stark in extreme humiliation, and then deported back to the turbulent Red Empire. Because of his identity and background of working for the United States, he was discriminated against and ostracized by his compatriots, and was exiled. Go to Siberia and spend your life frustrated in alcohol and decadence.

All this is given by the Stark family!

He stared at Tony, who was standing on the edge, with a fierce smile on his face. Sooner or later, he would defeat the mustached man. The hatred and shame that the Starks had inflicted on the Vanke family would be repaid twice as much.

The big shots surrounded Ivan and blocked his sight. Remembering the advice of the young boss, the tall and strong Russian man tried his best to appear kinder, restrained his aggression in his bones, and followed these people to greet them. Harry took Yuriko with him and began to chat and laugh with military dignitaries, pushing the atmosphere of the banquet to its climax.

Tony felt Ivan’s hostile gaze, and his heart trembled. Maybe Sean had indeed found a good opponent for him.

“I still have time to travel to Eastern Europe…it’s really enviable.” Stark couldn’t help but laugh at himself.

Since he devoted himself to the cause of promoting new energy sources, he has rarely had extra time to enjoy life. He is usually either in the underground studio, improving the new generation of Mark series armor, or flying around the world with Pepper.

So much so that Tony almost forgot about his previous dissolute life, dropped the busy work at hand, and went on vacation abroad alone. This idea could only be turned around in his mind, and then was dismissed.

“Maybe that’s what Pepper means when it comes to maturity.”

Tony, who was about to leave, suddenly remembered something, walked quickly to Sean’s personal secretary, and lowered his voice: “Tell your boss, be careful about that guy Justin Hammer, although smart people know that at this stage, No one can touch Umbrella, but not everyone is smart enough.”

After saying that, he walked away, leaving Pepper with an awkward smile: “This is Tony’s unique way of showing concern.”

ps: Thank you all readers for your affirmation. You are a newbie. You can make progress while writing and learn lessons to grow~

There is also the big boss who gave the reward, the writer’s assistant has a convulsion, and I can’t see the specific information, so I won’t list it. Well, bow.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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