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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 208 Looking Back

In Bucharest, there is only a tiny figure standing among the devastated ruins and shocking huge potholes.

The black sun on his chest became silent and dimmed, and the Sentinel armor shrank and subsided like water. Sean exhaled a breath, with a trace of malaise on his pale face. This was an unprecedented battle, a mental game with Mephisto. , both sides are overdrafting all their will.

One is tortured repeatedly in countless deaths, while the other is overloaded with huge energy output. In comparison, the latter is a little easier.

Thousands of shattering of the body and peeling off flesh and blood directly caused the hell lord to lose the desire to live. The terrifying torture with no end in sight was enough to destroy the iron will.

And all the cells in Sean’s body were trembling, and his muscles were even a little sore. This indestructible and powerful body was like an overloaded machine.

However, it was not all without gain. At least he felt that the glimmering progress bar in his mind seemed to be loosened a little, and the 50% checkpoint moved a small step further.

The explosive growth in the early stage will naturally lead to the slow progress of strength in the later stage. Sean is not surprised by this. As long as he still maintains a steady pace of progress, he will one day reach the expected end point.

Sparks outline the lines, and the circular passage expands to the size of a person. The ancient mage, wearing a wide white robe, comes bathing in the morning sun, and his shiny bald head is particularly eye-catching.

“You Karma Taj mages are all like the police. You wait until the matter is over before rushing over to finish it off.”

Ignoring the young man’s teasing words, the Supreme Mage stamped his foot. With her as the center, invisible ripples spread rapidly to the surroundings. Spider-web-like cracks appeared in the surrounding space, like a huge mirror broken into countless tiny fragments. spliced ​​together.

In less than thirty seconds, Bucharest, which was almost razed to the ground, was shrouded in Gu Yi’s mirror space. She shook her sleeves and placed her hands on her chest like flowers, forming a complex formation. The metal magic weapon glowing with emerald green light seemed to be sensing something, and countless overlapping taboo spells canceled themselves, revealing an oval gemstone with green light flashing.

Eye of Agamodha!

The supreme artifact held by each Supreme Mage has the powerful power to control time and leverage the rules.

A huge ring woven with green light emerged from Gu Yi’s fingertips. She solidified the ruins of Bucharest at this moment, carefully observed it and then removed the mirror spell.

The palm of the Supreme Mage rotates, driving the obscure incantations of the Book of Cagliostro, originating from the power of the Eye of Agamotto, being pulled and moved, and the flickering green light disappears and appears, like countless illusions collapsing. Destruction and rebirth, the cycle repeats.

“Casillas once again broke into Karma Taj and wanted to use the central hall to destroy the three major temples in one fell swoop and destroy the nodes of the material world.”

While casting the spell, Ancient Yi explained to Sean: “He got the protection of Dormammu, successfully escaped my sight, and attacked the London Temple with his minions…”

“You don’t look good.” Sean frowned. He noticed that the Supreme Mage’s aura was low, as if he had just experienced a fierce battle.

“It’s Dormammu.” Ancient One moved the green ring on his palm, and countless spells flickered and appeared, and the cycle continued, as if it would never stop. “I was almost dragged into the dark dimension by Casillas’ forbidden spell. I had a brief encounter with Dormammu and finally got rid of him!”

The Supreme Mage spoke lightly, but from the few words revealed by the other party, one can probably imagine the risks involved. In order to contain the master of Kama Taj, Mephisto connected all the allies that could be united. The vampires and werewolves, fallen mage Casillas and Dormammu, just to successfully implement their great plan.

It’s just that the Lord of Hell ignored one variable. Sean was supposed to be a non-existent person in this game. Unfortunately, he reached a tacit cooperation with Gu Yi and participated in this game.

“Is this the power of the Eye of Agamodha?”

The young man looked at the supreme artifact suspended between the hands of the Supreme Mage. Emerald green light covered Ancient One’s arms like running water, weaving into a ring. As the opponent rotated, time appeared in real form.

Sean seemed to be standing above the long river of time, unaffected. Instead, he observed this shocking scene. The whole world was like a rewinding movie, and someone was slowly dragging the backward progress bar——

The swirling smoke and dust airflow dissipated little by little, and the huge smoke column rising in the air continued to shrink and shrink like chalk being erased.

The shattered matter in the void grew from small to large, until it returned to its original shape, and was annihilated into a puff of dust. Houses and buildings first turned into damaged wreckage, and then repaired and took shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The deep pits and huge holes under your feet are gradually filling up with countless gravel soils crushed into dust by the majestic energy. The huge buildings around Constitution Square, the vehicles parked next to the highway, the dim billboards, all kinds of things. The commercial shops… are all returning to their former appearance at a constant speed in the rotating green ring.

Time, an abstract concept, a parameter that describes the movement of matter or the occurrence of events, is one of the seven basic dimensions in physics… It is manifesting in Sean in a real way that has never been seen before. in front of my eyes.

The flow of time in this area is independent of the entire world, as if someone has picked out a fragment, and the time in Bucharest is slowly flowing backwards.

“This is the power of the Eye of Agamodha.” Ancient One replied.

She and the young people strolled through the restored city of joy. The countless vast dusts were re-condensed into brick walls, rubble, reinforced concrete, and finally cast into skyscrapers and groups of exquisite buildings.

“There is a price to pay for using it.” The Supreme Mage lowered his head and glanced at the alexandrite that was releasing strange power and leveraging the rules of the material world. “Everything has its end. Once the laws of nature are shaken, unexpected changes will occur. “

“No one knows when a small pebble is thrown into the water, and the ripples will cause a huge wave.” Gu Yi stared at Sean’s young face and warned implicitly.

At this time, most of the city had recovered. The Supreme Mage calmly walked into a coffee shop, took out a chair and sat down, his brows full of exhaustion. Thinking about it, activating the Eye of Agamodha is not without cost, especially after the other party fights Dormammu.

“My thoughts are completely opposite to yours.” Sean sat opposite the world’s most powerful mage and said softly: “Only change can bring life. There is no hope in a pool of stagnant water.”

“Everything will naturally be determined by time.”

Gu Yi closed his eyes slightly, the cafe restored to its original state was quiet and peaceful, and the dianthus placed on the table was in full bloom.

His fingers tapped lightly on the table. Through the bright glass window, Sean could truly feel the existence of time. In a strange way, it restored the city that he had half destroyed to its original appearance.

It’s like going back in time, those continuous buildings that fell apart, collapsed and shattered, the Grand National Assembly Palace that was blasted to pieces by strong energy, and Constitution Square that turned into a huge pit…

Everything is restored by time.

As for the dead Mephisto, the vampires and werewolves who were swallowed up by the wave of annihilation, they seemed to be classified by the Supreme Mage beyond the scale of time retrieval, and they did not regain their lives with the restoration of Bucharest.

“It’s time to go back…” The young man leaning on the back of the chair thought to himself.

At the end of this journey, he still has a more distant journey, the dazzling galaxy and the boundless universe, the infinite excitement and future, waiting to be explored.

ps: Yesterday Leslie Cheung’s “Days of Wild” was re-screened, but there was no movie scheduled nearby. I went to a theater far away to watch the 9 o’clock evening show~

For my brother’s sake, please forgive me for not updating until now ( ̄▽ ̄)/


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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