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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 209 The Hulk Appears

There was silence on the Potomac River, and stars lit up in the thick night.

As soon as the twelve o’clock bell rang, Nick Fury received an urgent report from Coulson. Far away in Bucharest, Romania, Eastern Europe, an unusually high-energy reaction occurred, approaching the warning level of a small nuclear bomb.

The sudden shocking news made the black director look serious. S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately mobilized a large amount of data and launched a huge intelligence network. The only clue they have obtained so far is a clear photo taken by a satellite, a huge bloody… The red pattern envelops the entire city, and in the center of Syntagma Square, a dazzling light boils violently.

“This is the core of energy release. The strong fluctuations interfere with the picture, so it is not very clear.”

The female commander Maria Hill pointed at the holographic projection. The huge ball of light covered almost half of the city.

“Why did you only get the news now?”

Fury frowned. Logically speaking, if there was a criminal group or terrorist organization secretly planning to blow up the city with a nuclear bomb, they should have gotten the news a long time ago. With SHIELD’s intelligence network, there are almost no large-scale terrorist attacks in the world that can be hidden from the eyes and ears of agents everywhere.

“New York is seven hours apart from Romania, and the local official government doesn’t seem to be willing to involve other forces,” Colson explained.

This middle-aged agent with a sparse hairline has rarely had a quiet day recently. He was assigned to Captain America as his liaison. He can always see his childhood idol, which makes Coulson very happy.

If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to see that he has changed into a brand new suit, and his dwindling hair is combed particularly neatly. If you don’t know the inside story, you may think that this guy has a new girlfriend.

“According to the answer from the Romanian government department, they detected a small earthquake in Bucharest, so they evacuated the city residents. As for the high-energy response, it may be caused by a strong earthquake.”

“That’s nonsense!” Fury’s eyes were stern, and this perfunctory statement had no credibility.

“Sir, we must have the approval of the World Security Council before we can intervene in the political affairs of other countries.” Coulson reminded in a low voice.

SHIELD does not act unscrupulously. All their powers are subject to the supervision of the World Security Council. The reason why Nick Fury can ignore the Department of Defense and the White House is because the United States only occupies one seat on the council, and if you want to issue orders to him, at least three council members must approve it.

“How long did the high-energy reaction last?” the black director asked.

“In less than a minute, after it was photographed by the satellite, the intelligence department immediately sent back the news. Although we asked the technical department to maximize the image, we could only see a blurry human figure at most.” Hill answered in detail. .

On the holographic projection, you can indeed see an invisible shadow at the center of the energy explosion. Judging from the wave trajectory, the energy tide that covers almost half of the city is released from the figure of a suspected humanoid creature. of.

Fury put his hands on the table, and the office was silent. No one dared to make a sound to interrupt the serious officer’s thinking.

Hydra, aliens, or unknown strength… Opponents threatening the security of the world flashed through his mind. Suddenly he turned his head and asked: “Where is Sean Sipers? I remember he disappeared. Been in New York for a while.”

“Eastern Europe, Ukraine.” Hill swiped the screen. “An hour ago, he posted about checking into the hotel.”

“Have you followed him on Facebook?” Fury asked in a slightly weird tone.

“It is my job responsibility to always keep an eye on dangerous people.” The female commander’s expression remained unchanged.

Abandoning the illusion in his mind, Fury denied the crazy thoughts in his heart. He didn’t know why, but he always had a lingering vigilance towards that young man with a bright future.

This feeling is the same as the huge crisis of the secret invasion a century ago. You can clearly feel the danger, but you just don’t know where the enemy is hiding in the dark corner.

Sean Sipers is a ghost wandering on the edge of the whirlpool. He has a good cooperative relationship with Stark Industries. General Ross of the military is his ally, the promising Vice President is also his backer, and the young man himself He is hidden in the shadows, and the public’s impression of him is limited to the dazzling aura of a New York genius. As for Natasha, nothing wrong has been found for the time being.

Even so, Nick Fury still couldn’t erase the doubts in his heart. He believed in his seemingly illogical intuition. This keen perception developed during his years of being an agent had saved his life countless times.

The blind eye covered by the black eyepatch suddenly jumped. The wound that had been healed for many years reminded the black director that he should never let down his guard, otherwise the next time he would lose an eye would not be as simple as just one.

“Send agents from Eastern Europe to Romania as quickly as possible and continue to monitor the situation in Bucharest.” Fury pondered for a long time before issuing the order.

Since the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe has often been in a turbulent stage. After the end of the Cold War, Hydra used that chaotic land as its base camp and secretly colluded with some national forces.

“Sir…” Coulson moved the holographic projection transmitted in real time, “The high-energy reaction disappeared, Bucharest, nothing happened.”


In the first class cabin of the flight to New York, Sean leaned back in his chair and looked through the porthole, his thoughts gathering and scattering like the clouds outside the window.

This trip to Eastern Europe can be regarded as a successful conclusion. He learned from Karma Taj to perceive the soul and explore the heart, which is more precious than mastering any magic. He has seen the true power of one of the infinite stones, and solved it easily. Mephisto, killing a future threat.

The only thing that surprised Sean was that the supreme disciple of the Supreme Mage, Modu, refused to return to Kama Taj and chose to stay in the chaotic and turbulent Eastern European countries. He wanted to establish a new order for the temple and bring the remaining The vampires and werewolves gathered together, so that the dark creatures no longer caused chaos.

Daredevil, who regained consciousness, also joined in. Although Mephisto died, the power of the Spirit of Vengeance did not disappear. He took back the soul taken away by the devil. This devout believer became the new leader of the London Temple. member.

Matt Murdock, who has let go of the past, will seek redemption and solace in the magic hall for the rest of his life, while the other Ghost Rider drove his beloved Yamaha Devil and disappeared at the end of the road, expelling the evil spirit from his body. The spirit of vengeance, Johnny also begins to find his own life.

Before Sean left Romania, he had seen Matt Murdock from a distance, the Daredevil of Hell’s Kitchen, sitting on a park bench, wearing blind sunglasses and a black priest’s robe. He used to be full of enthusiasm. The anger dissipates, leaving only a desire for peace and justice.

The golden light illuminated the clouds, and the young man closed his eyes slightly. He had just received the message about General Ross not long ago. The large-scale arrest operation failed miserably. Even though a powerful and elite team was assembled, But in front of that green beast, no matter how one against a hundred elite warriors, they still looked extremely weak.

Just search the Internet. The terrorist attacks in Rio de Janeiro have been the hottest headlines in recent times. Many witnesses claimed that they saw an eight-foot-tall green giant rampaging through the slums, destroying a large number of buildings and causing serious damage. A major car rear-end accident ended up running into the vast and dense tropical rain forest.

Some people also uploaded the video to the Internet, which instantly received millions of views. In the shaky picture, you can clearly see a green giant roaring up to the sky, with a sound like a frenzy.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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