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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 211 Mr. Blue, Mr. Green

The sky was gloomy, as if a heavy rain was going to fall at any time.

Samuel Stern, with messy hair, carried his briefcase, cursed the damn weather in a low voice, and trotted into the classroom. He was a professor in the Department of Cell Biology at Grayburn College, and was occasionally responsible for teaching students. I spent most of my time in the laboratory, playing with the instruments and equipment.

This slovenly professor of biology has a very perfunctory teaching style. He basically follows the lesson plan for a few minutes and then lets the students read the book on their own. He hates explaining gene regulation, protein science, cell signaling and other knowledge to a bunch of young guys. , and then have to accept endless questions from this group of slow-witted geese who are as slow to respond and think as slowly as an eighty-year-old grandmother.

The answers to those unimaginably simple questions can be found in books. Samuel Stern curled his lips and thought.

He is a well-known weirdo in Grayburn College. He doesn’t like socializing and socializing. He is very popular and has always been a loner. He spends most of his time immersed in some inexplicable research. Especially in recent days, he has strictly prohibited others from doing so. If you break into his private laboratory without permission, you must be responsible for cleaning and other cleaning work.

This caused some teachers to secretly speculate whether Samuel Stern was conducting some ulterior and illegal research in private. Of course, this was just a casual chat among colleagues, and no one would take it seriously.

An unknown independent scholar like Dr. Stern has no fixed source of funding, let alone generous investors, and can only stay in the simple laboratory of the school. The scientific world has always been a very realistic and cruel place. Individual talents and promising research projects are the key to reflecting one’s own value. What is sad is that he has neither of these.

Of course, the talents referred to here are genuine geniuses like Reed Richards and Bruce Banner. After all, people will only pay attention and praise to the first place. As for those who rank in the latter, Who cares?

As the bell rang, Samuel left the classroom ahead of all the students. He quickly walked to his private laboratory – a narrow and old room with various instruments and equipment crowded together. More like a cluttered bachelor pad.

Independent scholars sound very free, but they do not have enough reputation and cannot find investors or large enterprises to provide funding. They live a life of embarrassment and use backward instruments and facilities. Due to limitations of funds and manpower, they can only immersing yourself in low-cost side research will only make you further and further away from the mainstream position of scientists in the long run.

Samuel Stern is a prominent representative among them. He is actually not an unlearned person. On the contrary, he is quite talented in science. However, he has an eccentric personality, is extreme and stubborn, and has a very high self-esteem. He has been kicked out of the research team several times. , and finally could only work as a teacher in an unknown school.

“One day I’m going to let those idiots know that they missed the opportunity to work with a true genius!”

Samuel sneered. He turned on the computer, used “Mr. Blue’s” ID, and entered the encrypted channel. He waited with great anticipation for someone to appear.

He first met Bruce Banner, who goes by the pseudonym “Mr. Green”, two months ago. He accidentally saw on a rather secretive forum that someone asked how to reduce the concentration of gamma rays in the blood, claiming to have met a certain person. Exposed to massive gamma rays and survived.

Many people left messages saying that this is nonsense. It is impossible for anyone to survive the impact of gamma rays and remain unharmed. The rays will enter the interior of the human body and ionize the cells. The ions produced can corrode complex organic molecules. , such as proteins, nucleic acids and enzymes, which are the main components of living cells. Once destroyed, the normal chemical processes in the human body will be interfered with, resulting in massive cell death.

This is the basic content of biology. When the human body is exposed to gamma ray radiation dose of 200-600 rem, human hematopoietic organs such as bone marrow will be damaged, white blood cells will be severely reduced, internal bleeding, hair loss will occur within two months. The probability of death is 0-80%; when the radiation dose is 600-1000 rem, the probability of death within two months is 80-100%; and when the radiation dose is more than 5000 rem, it can cause central nervous system Destroyed, convulsions, tremors, incoordination, lethargy occur, and the probability of death within two days is 100%.

The radiation dose mentioned by “Mr. Green” is far beyond the 100% probability of death. To put it simply, the first second that person is exposed to gamma rays, he will directly welcome the arrival of death. If If someone really survived, it must be a great miracle that is difficult to explain by science.

Out of boredom, Samuel Stern contacted the other party under the pseudonym “Mr. Blue”. After a simple conversation, he gradually believed the words of the “Mr. Green” because all the data and The process is very convincing.

Back and forth, the two parties communicated through secret encrypted channels. Samuel was eager to get the blood sample of “Mr. Green” to complete the research. If he could break through the key problems and make use of gamma rays, he would become a The world’s top scientific figures might even win the Nobel Prize in one fell swoop.

With a utilitarian purpose, he provided academic assistance to Banner, whose pseudonym was “Mr. Green”. On the other hand, the other party also tried to use Samuel to find the real reason why he became the Hulk when he lost control of his emotions. Thoughts, but maintaining a basic sense of caution.

“I want more information.” He called Mr. Green.

Not long ago, Samuel got Banner’s blood sample and conducted a comparison study immediately. With his keen intuition and rich knowledge, he quickly cultivated several experimental samples – small animals injected with diluted serum. Even if the radiation concentration in the blood of the white rats was repeatedly reduced, those poor little guys still couldn’t last more than a few minutes, and they all exploded into a pile of light green flesh and blood fragments.

Several consecutive failures made Dr. Stern, who had a high self-esteem, full of anger. He stubbornly believed that he had received too little first-hand information, so he asked “Mr. Green” to provide more information, such as exposure level and gamma concentration. and cell saturation, etc., but all the experimental data were sealed by the military, and Banner could not get it at all, and because of his inner insecurity, he repeatedly refused the suggestion of meeting “Mr. Blue” directly.

This made Samuel furious. He thought that he wanted to help Mr. Green, but the other party was secretive, which was extremely annoying!

“Idiot! I have to get more blood samples! Experimental data!” He yelled manically, waving his hands vigorously.

If the original experimental information and detailed data were not obtained, then Samuel would not be able to replicate the scene at that time. As for proposing a mature medicine from the serum, it is even more wishful thinking!

“I can help you. Bring the information. It’s time to meet.” Mr. Lan requested again.

Samuel stared nervously at the computer screen. His messy hair and greasy face fit the image of Frankenstein in the movie and TV series.

“Okay.” After waiting for about ten minutes, Mr. Green replied.

Unexpectedly, this time the other party did not reject Mr. Lan’s proposal and chose to agree to meet in person.

Samuel waved his arms excitedly, his eyes twinkling. He seemed to see fame and wealth waving to him, and all kinds of praises came flooding in. He stood on the podium in Stockholm and received the glittering medal. Glowing Nobel gold medal.

On the other end of the network, Bruce Banner, who goes by the pseudonym Mr. Green, has secretly sneaked back to Corvo University in Virginia. He closed the computer silently, thinking of the bitterness and ups and downs of his escape, and his eyes could not help but show deep pain.

After the arrest in Brazil, he understood that the military would not let him wander outside, so even if he took another risk, Banner would have to meet with Mr. Lan to find a way to deal with the gamma rays in his body.

“Betty…” This once high-spirited genius has now fallen into the lowest ebb of his life.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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