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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 212 Prelude to a blind date

The black car drove through Fifth Avenue. Lights were already lit up on both sides of the East River. The riverside was lined with high-rise buildings that were like spears piercing the sky.

This is the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the most popular residential area for New York’s rich and famous. It is also known as the “Gold Coast” to the outside world. Many social elites like to buy real estate here to show their wealth and taste.

The military treats senior generals quite generously, and General Ross comes from a famous family in the north, so he naturally won’t worry about money. For ordinary people, it may take decades to buy a residence on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, where land is scarce. It takes a lot of hard work, but for a military boss, this is just a trivial matter.

This iron-blooded general with a tough hand and known as “Thunder” in the Ministry of Defense was born in a traditional military family. Both his father and grandfather had participated in the American war and performed bravely. When he was young, he was ranked first. With excellent grades, he successfully graduated from West Point Military Academy, later married the commander’s daughter, and was quickly promoted to captain, rising as fast as a rocket.

When Ross participated in the first war, he had become one of the youngest majors at the time. As a leader in the battle, he won a great reputation. His brave performance at the forefront also made those criticism rumors disappear. During his military career, he was deeply appreciated by the hawkish generals of the Ministry of Defense for his outstanding military exploits and tough attitude, and he was promoted rapidly until he reached the high position of general.

A black car parked in front of a modern-style duplex villa. Sean, dressed formally, stepped out of the car. It was in the evening, the sun sank into the horizon, and the dim afterglow shone on the earth. He stepped forward and rang the button. The doorbell rang and the servant opened the door. General Ross had been waiting in the study for a long time.

“The military is very satisfied with the energy weapon designed by Ivan Vanke. Compared with its power, the cost is not high, and it is strong and durable enough to be easily put into mass production.”

General Ross is very satisfied with this gift from Sean. He has always advocated the spirit of hard work. Compared with many young people today who only talk and are so arrogant, he appreciates this ally with a gentle temperament and low-key work more and more.

In the beginning, the interest relationship between the two parties was mutually beneficial, but now it has become closer. This young man, who has become more and more powerful, has long been qualified to be on an equal footing with him, so General Ross wants to increase the relationship between them again.

“Technology changes life.” Sean said something similar to an advertisement. “The future will be better. The world is full of infinite possibilities. Energy weapons can change the form of future warfare. I am full of confidence in this.”

The young man’s words deeply resonated with General Ross. He dedicated his whole life to the United States. From a small soldier to the position of General of the Department of Defense, he had unimaginable power. Everything is for the honor of the soldiers themselves and their sense of mission for the country.

“Resources and land will always be the eternal themes of human wars. The old era has passed. A great man said that the world is yours and ours, but in the end it is still yours – Sean, you are like the rise of Si Tucker will create a new era.” The general patted the young man’s shoulder heavily, his tone full of emotion.

“There will not only be energy weapons in the future, we can also have more.” Sean said seriously.

General Ross nodded, opened a bottle of brandy with great interest, and invited Sean to drink with him. The military committee’s presentation meeting did not have much impact on him. It was just that the action plan to capture the Hulk was temporarily suspended. Forced to stop.

This made Ross quite frustrated. He had an inexplicable obsession with the green beast. Unfortunately, the Department of Defense banned the tracking investigation of Bruce Banner. He originally wanted to select an elite soldier from the military and inject him with it. The serum from a failed experiment comes to fight the Hulk.

Bronsky, who had performed well in the previous arrest operations, was a good choice. Unfortunately, it all became a fantasy.

“God bless America,” the general said, raising his glass.

Sean nodded in agreement. He and General Ross are now inseparable allies. In addition, the ambitious Vice President also has a pretty good personal relationship with him. With their cooperation of interests, sooner or later they will weave a complicated story. The network, just like those large enterprises with deep roots, uses intricate exchanges of interests to protect its solid position.

“Do you have a girl you like?” After talking about official matters, the general began to care about Sean’s personal life again, like a kind and amiable elder.

“…When I was in high school, I had a crush on a girl from the next class. She was the cheerleader of the school. She was very beautiful and had a hot figure. But at that time, I often transferred schools, from Los Angeles to New York, and then to Manhattan. At first, I would also There was contact, but then the relationship slowly faded away.”

Sean was making nonsense. Of course he understood what the general meant. Although from the perspective of a marriage of interests, this was undoubtedly an excellent choice. The strong combination between himself and the military forces could make his influence and power stronger. Multiply.

But from another perspective, this is also an invisible shackles. Umbrella has since been branded as a military, adding many obstacles and constraints on the way forward. If you compare it in the long run, the gains outweigh the losses.

“Relationships in youth are always beautiful but short-lived. There is still a long way to go. Choosing a life partner is also a very important step. It is like choosing a partner. Sometimes you have to choose the right person.”

The general’s words are full of reality and utilitarianism. This concept is a common understanding among the upper class. The story of Cinderella and the prince only appears in fairy tales. In real life, marriages with combined interests can sometimes be More reliable than temporary passion.

Of course, Sean has never been interested in this argument. With his current status, there is no need to force himself to do anything. Besides, the general only admires him temporarily and may not really be willing to marry his precious daughter to a playboy. ——With his current bedside partner, he can barely deserve this title.

The general did not pursue him fiercely. He knew that this young man was very independent and would not be easily influenced by his inner thoughts. He also believed that Betty could attract Sean’s attention, so that his daughter could get rid of Bruce Banner. The connection between that dangerous man, the Rose family and Sean has become even closer, and it is no longer just an alliance between interests.

“I’m going to hold a family dinner tomorrow. If you have time, you can come over and attend.” Rose chuckled, “By the way, you probably haven’t met my daughter, Betty, she is my little angel. I will introduce you to him when the time comes, and I believe there will be more topics for you young people to talk about.”

Sean smiled slightly and nodded in agreement, but felt a little weird in his heart. What was going on with this sense of déjà vu that he was being dragged on a blind date for no reason?

The image of a certain Asgardian prince being smashed like a sandbag by the Hulk came to mind…

“Dr. Banner, I was forced.” The young man muttered silently.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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