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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 213

The dinner at the general’s house started at half past six. Sean was wearing well-pressed casual clothes and holding a carefully prepared gift in his left hand – a bottle of Crown Vodka. I believe General Ross, who loves cigars and spirits, will like it; The other hand is holding a bouquet of flowers, white tulips, symbolizing purity and beauty. It must be given to Betty when they meet for the first time, and it will not be too abrupt.

The person who opened the door for him was a tall, elegant young woman with long, smooth brown hair, rather delicate facial features, and a pair of attractive blue eyes, exuding a kind of intellectual reserve. charm.

“Nice to meet you, Miss Betty.”

After entering the door and putting down the gift in his hand, Sean reached out his hand. After briefly introducing himself, he handed over the bouquet of white tulips.

Suddenly called back to New York from Virginia by her father, the general’s beloved daughter seemed a little moody. Since the Banner incident, her relationship with General Ross had become tense.

Due to her good education and social etiquette, Betty reluctantly shook hands with Sean. There was a hint of reluctance in her cold attitude. It was obvious that she also understood the meaning of the presence of a strange young man in such a family gathering and dinner. What are you wearing?

“I know that Miss Betty has a PhD in genetic biology from Corvo University. When Umbrella was first founded, she even extended an invitation to you.”

Sean didn’t care about the girl’s perfunctory attitude, and he didn’t have a hormonal aura. Every woman would be passionate about him when they saw him.

If this happens, just tighten your wallet. As Harry often said, when a beautiful girl with a hot body smiles at you, you must first worry about whether you have enough money. Don’t be complacent about your temperament or handsome appearance, because what attracts them is often your luxury watch or luxury car keys.

If you don’t meet the above conditions, it’s better to be vigilant. Maybe their “boyfriend” will break in at some point and interrupt this seemingly beautiful night of passion.

“I was not in the mood at that time, and I preferred my job as a teacher to doing research.”

Betty was stunned for a moment. Only then did she remember that Umbrella, established by the young man in front of her, had achieved outstanding results in biological research.

“Really? I think any ambitious and ambitious scientist would not refuse an invitation from a powerful scientific research institution.”

Sean’s face was calm, and his attitude towards the general’s beloved daughter was not enthusiastic. “I am not belittling the meaningful and sacred job of a teacher, but as a scientific researcher, instead of spending all my energy and time on teaching and educating people, , why not actively invest in more practical experimental research – when your mind is flexible enough and your thinking is fast enough, after all, you can be a teacher at any time, but to engage in scientific research, the threshold and conditions are higher.”

The young man’s implicitly sarcastic tone made Betty frown slightly. Of course she could understand the meaning. Sean was simply saying that his talent and ability were not enough, so he could only stay in school and teach.

“Oh, I forgot, you are a genius who is sensational in New York.”

Betty snorted coldly. It’s not like she hasn’t seen those high-spirited outstanding geniuses, just like the missing Bruce Banner. If it hadn’t been for a sudden accident, maybe the person sitting at the table for the dinner would not be the young man in front of her. .

“Such a proud genius, what do you think of the future development of the biological field?” Betty asked, perhaps inheriting General Ross’s unwillingness to admit defeat.

“Needless to say, the future must be an era of bioeconomy. From any perspective, the current data and trends show that it is one of the most growing industries, especially with the development of genomics and molecular biology. and the development of basic disciplines, and Umbrella has always been committed to being at the forefront… We have a strong interest in genetic biology, cross-genetic research, cell culture and life sciences and other biotechnology applications, and have established a dedicated The research team… Our ‘Hive’ biological park has started construction and is expected to be put into use by the end of the year…”

Sean talked eloquently, combining the future development trends in the biological field and Umbrella’s planning route, explaining the broad blueprint in his mind. The two of them started a heated discussion as if they were starting an academic debate, no longer limited to Biological science extends to a wider scope.

General Ross, who came out of the study at some point, saw this scene with a satisfied smile on his face. After Banner escaped, in order to keep his daughter away from that dangerous man, he introduced many young and promising elites to Betty. people, but they were all rejected one by one.

Now it seems that Sean had quite a good chat with his beloved daughter – if General Ross could understand the content of the exchange between the two people, he might have a different idea.

“Ahem…” The hands moved to seven o’clock, and the general had no choice but to interrupt the lively conversation between the two.

“Miss Betty, that ends today. You are welcome to visit Umbrella.” Sean shrugged with a smile on his face.

The young man sitting at the dining table did not chat with Betty again as before. Instead, he turned his attention to General Ross. The two men chatted about the future and rise and fall of the country. The laughing old man took the bottle of When the Crown Vodka given as a gift was opened and stimulated by the strong liquor, the atmosphere of this family dinner became more lively.

When the bell rang, it was already ten o’clock. Sean smiled a little apologetically at Betty, helped the lonely and drunk General Ross and sent him back to the room. His steps were steady and did not look like he was drunk at all. He looked like he had half a bottle of vodka.

Out of basic etiquette, Betty sent the young man who was visiting her home outside the door. With the lights flickering in the deep night, she complained a little: “You shouldn’t let him drink so much.”

“This is not something I can decide.” Sean looked helpless.

It is undoubtedly impossible to refuse an elder’s offer to drink at the dinner table, especially with a strong character like General Ross. In less than an hour, the bottle of Crown Vodka was empty, and the other person was still shouting to give up. Betty went to take out the treasure that she had collected for many years and made sure to drink it down.

“But you have a really good capacity for drinking. I’ve never seen anyone drink his father down.” Betty covered her mouth and chuckled.

Her dislike for the young man in front of her gradually disappeared. Because of her inner dissatisfaction, she also disliked Sean. However, through the conversation before the meal and the cheerful chat with her father at the dinner table, , the original bad impression was silently erased.

“I still say the same thing, Umbrella’s door is always open for you.” Sean said goodbye with a smile, and then walked into the night.

Before playing emotional games with the general’s daughter, he had to meet with Bronski. According to the message sent by Yuriko, the brave warrior who pursued power dialed his phone number. Apparently, the other party had already made a decision in his heart. .

Sean is quite curious, can the “Abomination” born from his own hands win against the Hulk?


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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