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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 215 Human Experiment

Bronski’s limbs were tied with restraints, which was a safety net for fear that the subjects would resist the pain of the spinal injection. The entire process requires the experimenter to remain awake and mobilize cell activity, so even local anesthesia cannot be used.

The empty syringe was filled with green solution. The sharp needle pierced Bronski’s skin, inserted deeply into the spine, and injected it bit by bit at a slow speed. As the long needle gradually advanced into the flesh, the green solution also All were injected into the experimenter’s body and began to fuse with his cells. The process was full of intense pain.

The Green Goblin Potion and the reverse-restored Super Soldier Serum do not modify the body in a gentle way. On the contrary, it uses a rough and simple method, causing the experimenter to endure great pain in the process.

You can imagine that when the green solution enters the body, the extremely aggressive agent will forcefully phagocytose the original cells, change the gene fragments, and recombine the DNA chains. In this rough and irreversible process, the test subjects will feel The body was torn apart violently, and the severe pain penetrated into the bone marrow. Without a strong will of steel, it would be impossible to overcome this terrible torture, which was like being in hell.

Sean has full confidence in Blonsky. This brave soldier who pursues strength has no doubts about his willpower. His heart with a strong desire for power was the source of hatred that he once incarnated.

Unlike Hulk, the greater the anger, the stronger the power. The power of Abomination comes from the strong heart deep inside, so it wants to defeat the Hulk and let everyone know that Abomination is more invincible than Hulk. !

After the spinal injection was completed, Bronski’s muscles all over his body became noticeably stronger, and there was a “clicking” sound in his body, as if he was experiencing bone development and growth again. The first part is to transform the physical fitness. Strong muscles represent strength beyond ordinary people. Tough bones mean extraordinary endurance and resistance. When all physical fitness data are improved, a super soldier will be successfully born.

On the display screen of the experimental instrument, the curves representing human body detection data all rose significantly, and the various colored lines symbolizing vital signs were also stable and normal. Dr. Connors was breathing rapidly, and his eyes were shining. The first stage of The success was beyond his expectation. This powerful soldier named Bronsky did have an unimaginable tenacity.

When the other party performed the spinal injection, he didn’t even let out a cry of pain. As an improver of the fusion of the Green Goblin potion and the super soldier serum, he certainly knew that when the entire spine was inserted with a long, cold needle, it would have a negative impact on the human nerves. How much pain.

It’s like the devil destroying the human spirit and will, laughing fiercely and dragging you into hell.

“No wonder you said at the beginning that you would give the maximum dose of injection, but you didn’t expect this experimenter to be so good.” Dr. Connors looked at Bronski who was about to start the second phase and sincerely praised him.

“The potential of human beings is endless, and the pursuit of inner desires is never-ending. There is a fire in his heart, which can either destroy the enemy or burn himself… Why do mortals worship gods? That’s because they all have desires in their hearts and have extreme desires. They long for something but cannot get it, so they have no choice but to kneel at the feet of the gods and pray to the omnipotent god to feel their piety and grant them what they desire.”

Sean’s eyes were calm, and his low voice echoed in Connors’ ears. A slight chill rose in the heart of the high-spirited doctor. This young man who changed his own destiny had an extremely accurate vision of grasping people’s hearts. This can’t help but make people feel… Fear.

“But what happens when he gains power? This person is not like the kind of docile domestic dog that is easily tamed.” Dr. Connors reminded.

Gwen, who is acting as an assistant, is checking various human body data with Dr. Zhao Hailun, calculating the extent of improvement and changes in vital signs. No one will hear their conversation.

“When he opens the door to the new world and sees the power beyond human imagination, Blonsky will understand that even if he spends his whole life, he can’t surpass me.” A faint smile twitched at the corner of Sean’s mouth, looking at the lying The strong soldier lying on the operating bed said, “From now on, he will treat me like a god.”

Dr. Connors nodded blankly. This young man with a gentle appearance always revealed a kind of coldness and indifference deep in his heart, but he didn’t care about it. He was harsh and merciless towards his enemy Sean, but in the face of his partners and subordinates, but still maintained a moderate amount of respect.

No one would like to assist a tyrant. If you want to gain people’s loyalty, you must first show your own reason and warmth. Most people prefer to be close to the warm sun and are afraid of darkness and night. Light is what the human subconscious longs for.

Therefore, Sean has always treated his friends and partners with a gentle appearance, and even his subordinates are quite generous. This is why he has always had a good impression in the hearts of people outside.

Human trials are still continuing. When Bronski’s body indexes have stabilized, two stretched out robotic arms will send the fixed operating bed into the closed isolation cabin. The transparent cabin door is closed and the compartment is closed. Wen immersed himself in working on the workbench. The jet hole of the isolation cabin is opened, and green gas is constantly pouring in from the tiny hole. The second stage is ongoing, vaporization injection. By inhaling the green gas, the cells can fully absorb the pharmaceutical ingredients, completely transforming the body and avoiding disappearance. or degeneration.

The green gas gathered into a thick mist, and Bronsky inside it let out several screams of pain. The complete fusion of cells is a crucial link in this experiment. Without the formation of new and different cell genes, it cannot mean that the experiment is 100% complete. And this step can easily lead to insanity in the experimenter, because it is not only physical pain, but also mental torture.

“For ordinary soldiers, we do not need to use this complete test process. A simple liquid injection is enough for the Department of Defense to get the super soldiers they want.” Dr. Connors explained that not every super soldier has to suffer Such inhuman torture.

The reason why Blonsky did this was because of Sean’s permission. Otherwise, it would undoubtedly be an indirect act of murder to attempt this easily. Almost no one can withstand the severe pain during the experiment.

“If you want to gain strength, you must first endure torture that ordinary people cannot bear. I not only want a super soldier, but to become a qualified fighting dog and a sharp weapon, Blonsky must be the strongest one!”

Sean smiled. The military generals longed for an unbeatable super army, not a powerful individual, so neither Captain America nor the Hulk met their requirements and could not Copying means failure.

But he is different. What he needs is a unique and special existence. If it is just a super soldier, it obviously cannot satisfy his appetite.

As time passed, the green gas became thinner, and in the hazy mist, a strong fist hit the isolation cabin.

The continuous loud noises were like thunder, as if an angry beast was imprisoned in the isolation cabin. The muscles of the arms were tensed, like a bulging hill. Fine cracks gradually appeared on the solid transparent bulkhead, as if it was locked in a cage at the next moment. The ferocious beasts inside will break free from the shackles of restraint and enjoy the pleasure brought by blood and killing.

Sean’s expression remained unchanged as he called the two frightened ladies out. He pushed the joystick, and a large hole opened under the isolation cabin. The heavy and huge isolation cabin fell directly into the wide space below.

It was a huge, circular and empty platform, almost the size of half a football field, surrounded on both sides by thick electric iron nets, like the Colosseum of the ancient Roman Empire.

ps: Today is the first day of the month, so I will save my character~

There will probably be another chapter tonight, if I can write it (〃’▽’〃)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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