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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 216 Hatred and the Giant Man


The heavy and huge isolation capsule fell to the ground. The solid and transparent bulkhead was hit continuously and was smashed open by hammer-like fists. Bronski strode out from inside with muscles all over his body.

The maximum dose of injection test made this small and strong soldier instantly become powerful and tall. The muscles on his body were like bulges of hills. He was extremely strong and full of explosive and terrifying power. Perhaps it was a human experiment. The pain he suffered made Bronski’s mental state unstable, and his whole person was as aggressive and violent as a beast.

This is a side effect of the injection of medicine. During the process, the experimenters will be stimulated to a variety of extreme emotions hidden in their hearts due to the severe pain they endure. This is what Dr. Erkins, the inventor of the super soldier serum, said, “Good people heal.” Good, bad people get worse.”

Originally, after improvements by Dr. Connors, the side effects of the medicine had been completely eliminated. By reducing the dosage of ingredients, it was enough to keep the experimenter’s mental state stable and prevent negative emotions from forming a dark personality. However, Blonsky completed two tasks. A complete experiment at this stage resulted in an emotionally irritable state.

With a bang, Bronski, who couldn’t find anyone to vent to, kicked the one-ton isolation cabin out with a strong kick. The alloy cabin was completely deflated, with a deep footprint imprinted on it.

“The improvement is very good, an enhanced version of the super soldier.” Sean looked down at Blonsky, who was yelling angrily on the empty platform, with a satisfied smile on his lips, “Bring out the red tank and let me see the mutants and super soldiers.” Which soldier is more powerful?”

Dr. Connors, who was standing nearby, nodded and opened the steel fence on the lower level. A strong giant rushed out with a rumble. He was wearing a special heavy iron helmet, and his entire face was wrapped in it, with only his eyes, mouth and nose exposed. , wearing a tough red uniform, looking quite majestic.

He is Red Tank, a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants. His real name is Kain Mark. He is a tall and strong man, nearly ten feet tall. He is extremely powerful and indestructible.

Since the Brotherhood was wiped out by Sean, Red Tank has been locked up in Umbrella’s secret prison, guarded by a talking chimpanzee. Although he has not been abused, he has lost his previous freedom. This time he finally came out and revealed tone.

“I remember you were a dwarf before. It turns out that super soldiers have the advantage of increasing their height.” Red Tank said in a loud voice.

He relied on his strong body to make his way through the world, but he didn’t pay much attention to the solid and strong-looking soldier in front of him.

Blonsky’s eyes were red, and he was trying to control the restless emotions in his heart. The strong man who didn’t know when he appeared was like a red curtain attracting a raging bull, and the violent anger surging in his heart instantly became It became more and more intense, and yellow bones gradually appeared on the surface of the skin, and ferocious spikes appeared on the back, like a ferocious monster.

The muscles in his body were tense, and he shot out like an arrow from the string. He was several hundred meters away in an instant, and he punched out fiercely!

“Hey, your speed is too slow…”

Red Tank nimbly dodged the oncoming punch. Before he could finish his mocking words, a knee hit him. A huge force hit his abdomen, and his strong body, which was usually as hard as steel, also felt a twitch. , Blonsky roared and laughed, hitting his fists like hammers, knocking the opponent who was careless and underestimated to the ground.

“Your fists are soft, are you a sissy?” The disgraced red tank climbed up, his thick arms bulging with muscles, and his small eyes fixed on his opponent, “Let me show you what real power is!”

Bronsky gasped for breath, his chest was like a blower, making a faint thunderous sound. He grinned, and gently scratched his throat with his fingers. His ferocious face was filled with bloody murderous intent.

The red tank swooped down, like an out-of-control violent train, carrying an extremely powerful momentum. The soles of its feet stepped on the ground with a loud rumbling sound, and it rushed straight towards Bronski, who was like a yellow giant!

“There is a monster hiding in my heart! Its name is Abomination!”

Blonsky roared angrily, facing the fierce opponent without fear.

With a heavy muffled sound, the two behemoths collided violently. Bronski, who was well versed in fighting skills, exerted force on his feet, bent his body slightly, and directly pressed against the red tank. The veins of his strong muscles burst out, as if they were about to explode. The solid ground dug deep holes.


The sound wave roared and stirred up air ripples visible to the naked eye. Bronsky carried his heavy body weighing 1,900 pounds with both arms and pushed it crazily backwards, like two bulls wrestling, leaving huge footprints on the thick and reinforced ground. The red tank’s eyes glared angrily, and he unleashed all his strength in an attempt to stop his retreat.

Blonsky, who claimed to hate him, swung his fist and hit the red tank in the ribs. With the fighting qualities deep in his bones, he lifted the mutant who was comparable to him in strength into the air and smashed him with a beautiful shoulder. On the ground!

Sean and Connors above are watching this exciting fight, and are evaluating the strength data of both sides. At present, it seems that Blonsky, who has become the abomination, has the upper hand. His combat qualities as a professional soldier, and his gradually clearer thinking ability , making the red tank the passive target.

“I’m going to twist your head off!”

The battle on the lower level reached a fever pitch. The red tank was like an angry bull. The soles of its feet fell heavily on the ground, making a muffled sound and splashing countless tiny smoke and dust. The whole body was like a galloping mammoth, charging towards the opponent. !

Bronski, who had excellent combat awareness, easily dodged. Even though his body became stronger, the soldier’s body skills were still flexible. His eyes were gleaming, and with a roar, he faced the red tank’s continuous offensive and punched hard one after another. Continuously blasting out, the air current surged, but the opponent did not flinch, his fists hit the yellow giant’s head like a hammer!

The two people were like wild beasts fighting each other, engaging in a bloody and cruel life-and-death struggle!

In just tens of seconds, the fists of both parties collided with their bodies dozens of times. The speed of the punches continued to increase, and strong tearing sounds were made in the air. The air flow shook out circles of ripples. In most cases, it was the red tanks. Withstand the opponent’s fierce attacks, occasionally forcefully withstand the crazy offensive like a gust of wind, and fight back unwilling to lag behind.

The fist hit Bronski’s head like a heavy hammer, and a little blood oozed from the side of his mouth. The red tank was not much better. The red uniform he was wearing became tattered, with bruises on his face, chest, and back. He was obviously bruised and suffered a lot from his opponent’s violent blows.

“It’s wonderful!” Sean commented.

Blonsky’s performance is outstanding. His various physical data have not reached their limits yet, and he has great potential that can be tapped. By then, he may be able to release the opponent and compete with the Hulk.

The electric shock collar around Red Tank’s neck flashed, and he looked up. There was a hateful smile on the young man’s face, which made people want to punch him, but out of the inexplicable fear in his heart, he still chose Turn around and leave.

Bronski panted, his fierce eyes gradually regained their clarity, and he grinned. He would never refuse such a tough opponent.

The battle ended, and Bronski was the only one left on the lower platform. Sean landed in front of this powerful soldier, stared into those unruly eyes, and asked, “How do you feel?”

“It’s very refreshing! It’s like my body is young again, no, it’s even stronger than when I was at my peak!”

Blonsky laughed with satisfaction. He felt that blood and fighting spirit were filling every cell in his body. He believed that this young man was indeed the right choice.

“Oh, that’s good.” A glimmer of light flashed in the depths of Sean’s eyes, “This is a transaction. Before you get rewards, you must learn to give.”

A powerful arm suddenly strangled Bronski’s neck. The powerful soldier had no resistance. His muscles continued to bulge, but he was unable to shake the young man with cold eyes.

“Remember this feeling and don’t forget it.”

Bronski, who was as fierce as a beast, saw the sharp light in those deep eyes, and his anger gradually extinguished. After a while, he nodded slowly to express his surrender.

He felt even more terrifying energy fluctuations in this young man’s body, and a golden halo enveloped him, like a blazing sun that was too dazzling to look directly into.

ps: The third update has been completed. I hope there will be more updates this month and get rid of the short name as soon as possible~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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