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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 217 Banner’s Peeping

A sunny day.

Sean came to the Riverside Restaurant and sat in the outdoor dining area, with a panoramic view of the tranquil beauty of the East Hudson River. The cool breeze blew in his face, giving people an extremely comfortable feeling.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Betty, who was wearing a floral dress, arrived belatedly. The first thing she said when she sat down was to sincerely apologize to the young man. This daughter of a general with a good family education has always been very good. She had a sense of time, but before going out, she sat in front of the dressing table and thought about it for a long time, which led to her delay in keeping the appointment.

Betty understood her father’s thoughts. The father, a powerful general who was always in control at home, hoped to personally select a qualified husband for her. In the past, General Ross looked down on Banner, thinking that he was not manly enough and full of thoughts. It’s science and experimentation.

Before Sean appeared, there was another suitor named Leonard Samson. He was a psychologist and Betty’s colleague at Corvo University. He was quite academically accomplished, but the other party didn’t. Can please General Ross.

Until the last family dinner, her father’s admiration for Sean was beyond words. The general who had a critical eye and strict requirements rarely expressed his attitude in such an unabashed way. This made Betty couldn’t help but wonder what was worthy about that young man. A highlight of admiration?

After a brief contact, Betty found that the other party was humorous, gentle and sunny, without any bad habits or bad habits, and he was also enterprising in his career. Judging from the external conditions, he was indeed an impeccable candidate for his spouse.

After hesitating for a long time, she decided to follow her father’s will and have tentative friendly contact with Sean. Just like General Ross advised, she could not always dwell in the past. Since the major experimental accident, There was no news from Banner, as if he had disappeared from the world.

Time has erased the pain of the past, and Betty is determined to start walking out of the shadow of life.

“I ordered a black forest cake for you, one of the signature desserts here. I believe you will like it.”

Sean didn’t care about Betty’s late arrival. Girls always have some privileges, and being late for a date is one of them.

Chef Evans, who served a bottle of red wine, quietly gave the young man a thumbs up, with a tacit understanding between men in his eyes. This was the second time he served the young man, but the last time he served him The girl who came over was obviously not the current one.

Sean blinked and softly introduced to Betty: “This dessert is called ‘cerealu0026amp;milk’. It looks like a work of art. If you crack it open with a spoon, milk will flow out and overflow the chocolate crispy shell and underneath. The black forest cake is mixed with sea salt, which adds richness and depth to the taste, and the bottom layer is topped with crispy rice so you can enjoy chewing it.”

Betty followed the young man’s instructions and picked up the milk-soaked cake to taste it. The crispy sweetness of the chocolate and the softness of the cake filled her lips. It was indeed a unique dessert.

“It seems that you are very good at food?” She looked at Sean curiously. Not only the food, but also the decoration style of this riverside restaurant was quite in line with her taste.

The interior is filled with soft orange lights, and the roof is dotted with countless small light bulbs. The spacious dining area is like a stage center. You can see stars when you look up. It is filled with simple and modern colors, but it is also full of creativity. Ingenuity.

“No, actually I can only cook Chinese food.” Sean shook his head.

Soon he easily took the initiative in the conversation. This daughter of a general, who was born in a military family and has a reserved and conservative personality, is a typical literary young woman. Apart from her scientific research on biological genes, she lives an ordinary leisure life. Most of them read novels, especially Jane Austen and Agatha Christie.

Sean, who had obtained the information from the general first, naturally chose to make a breakthrough in this aspect. The atmosphere of the conversation between the two was quite pleasant for a while, not at all as embarrassing and cramped as Betty had imagined before.

Not far away, Banner wearing a baseball cap witnessed this scene. This poor genius wanted by the military secretly sneaked back to the Colvo University laboratory in Virginia in order to obtain the information from the original experiment. It was found that all relevant data had been deleted.

With no choice but to agree to the unknown Mr. Lan, he came to New York to meet him in person. Before that, Banner wanted to meet the girlfriend he missed day and night.

Seeing Betty and the young man chatting happily and laughing constantly, Banner naturally felt a sense of loss in his heart, but he had no complaints. If he hadn’t been overconfident and risked and recklessly started human experiments, that change would have changed An accident of his own fate would not happen. Massive gamma rays rushed into his body, causing the terrifying Hulk to be born in his body.

Banner was originally just a smart scientist. His wisdom beyond ordinary people may be the only thing that makes him different from others. Such a well-educated young man with a bright future lost his peaceful life because of an experimental accident. His beloved girlfriend, with his promising future, became a fugitive on the military’s wanted list, living a life of fear and hiding every day.

His spirit is under tremendous pressure. If he didn’t have a way to control his emotions, he might have merged with the Hulk and completely turned into the angry Hulk.

This talented man with a face full of vicissitudes of life has long been tired of this wandering life of running away day and night. This is the direct reason why he is willing to take huge risks to meet that Mr. Lan.

Banner took a deep breath, with a look of disappointment on his unshaven face. He had tried various methods to get rid of the Hulk, and even committed suicide by swallowing a gun. However, even the power of death was deprived of him. After he shot, the The green monster spat out the bullet again.

Taking one last look at the smiling Betty, Banner quietly left, went to the public phone booth on the side of the street, and dialed Mr. Lan.

Now solving Hulk’s problem is the most critical. He has tried many methods, such as yoga to control emotions, meditation, psychological counseling, etc. As long as he controls his heart rate within 200, he will not kill the Hulk. Shout out, and once full of anger, the terrifying monster will roar out and destroy everything!

On the other end of the phone, Samuel Stern, who went by the pseudonym Mr. Blue, was overjoyed when he heard Banner agreed to meet. He grabbed his messy hair and looked at the recently hatched experimental sample – after many Through repeated improvements, he successfully made the animals endure the huge changes brought about by the serum.

A white mouse as strong as a wolfdog was locked in a cage. Its sharp teeth made people shudder. The experimental sample injected with the serum was full of aggression, constantly hitting the steel welded iron cage, and a pair of claws made mottled marks. trace.

“I can get more!” Samuel’s head was filled with thoughts of making a fortune.

If this serum is developed into a medicine and sold at a high price, it will definitely lead to crazy competition. By then, when you have accumulated huge wealth, you can build your own laboratory, just like that young man Sean Sipers, who has achieved fame and success. honor.

Appearing on the cover of Time magazine, becoming the most eye-catching and dazzling presence in academia, entering the White House to receive an interview with the president, the next Nobel Prize winner…Samuel Stern began to think about it.

Of course, the man and woman in the riverside restaurant were completely unaware of all this, but when Banner left, Sean suddenly felt something, and two rotating lights and shadows seemed to emerge in the spiritual world, the small human and the green Giants intertwined and overlapped.

When he turned his eyes, he realized nothing. The illusory light and shadow instantly disappeared, as if it had never existed.

“What’s wrong?” Betty asked, flipping her long brown hair.

Sean smiled and shook his head, but there was a vague suspicion in his heart that Abomination would soon face the powerful opponent it had wanted to defeat throughout its life.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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