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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 218 Falling into the Net

Things developed beyond Sean’s expectations. To put it in a simple way, Samuel Stern unexpectedly subdued Banner, so that the plot he originally expected did not happen as usual.

This rather inconspicuous biological cytology teacher actually made Banner, who had the Hulk hidden in his body, become his prisoner through a trap he had planned long ago. Samuel, who often communicated with him online, Everything about this “Mr. Green” is known.

So he carefully prepared a trap and waited for his prey to run in. However, Banner, who wanted to solve his physical problem, was easily deceived. Even Sean, who was watching everything through Skynet, couldn’t help but sigh. Unexpectedly, Green Before the giant had time to start a battle with the abomination, he fell to the hands of a human with the power of surgery to bind the chicken.

Set the time back to two days ago——

Wearing a baseball cap, Banner sneaked into Grayburn College and met Samuel Stern, a pseudonymous “Mr. Blue”, a biological cytologist who has long been providing enthusiastic help on the Internet at an agreed upon secret location. The teacher basically fit the image he had envisioned before, unkempt, maverick, somewhat neurotic, and seemingly difficult to get along with.

Samuel seemed very happy for his arrival, and his enthusiastic attitude made Banner feel a little uneasy, especially the other person’s burning gaze, which made him feel like he was looking at a guinea pig in a laboratory.

“I’ve been wondering if you really exist…” Samuel was filled with excitement, as if he was one step closer to the Nobel Prize.

He really didn’t expect that a person with such powerful energy in his body would be so ordinary. It was hard to imagine that this body, which was no different from ordinary people, could withstand the impact of a huge amount of gamma rays and still survive.

What a miracle!

Banner smiled shyly, and after making sure no one was eavesdropping nearby, he whispered: “How are you going to cure the gamma rays in my body?”

He completely treats Hulk like a stubborn disease and can’t wait to get rid of it.

“This is not as simple as a picnic in the park. Even if everything goes well and the dose of inhibitory serum is accurately calculated, we still cannot be sure whether you will definitely recover or whether you will only be temporarily stable.”

Samuel made a gesture of tossing a coin and said deliberately: “All this is unknown, and once we inject a little more dose, it will produce a high concentration of toxicity, and you may die from it.”

“The other possibility is that if you don’t do enough, you might be in danger,” Banner added.

Samuel didn’t care about this. He thought he was fully prepared and there would never be any unexpected situations. Moreover, everything he did was not really to help Banner.

“I’m always more curious than cautious, and I never make mistakes, so you decide whether to continue?”

Banner nodded vigorously. He had been waiting for this day for too long. Even if it was not to save Betty, he still wanted to return to a normal life instead of being treated as a monster.

Samuel smiled imperceptibly. He led Banner to his laboratory. There was an operating table placed in the center of the equipment. He asked Banner to lie on it, and then tied his body with restraints.

When communicating with Banner on an encrypted channel, Samuel found a special plant, and the solution extracted from it can reduce the concentration of radiation contained in gamma rays in the other party’s body.

After attaching pipelines to both sides of Banner’s brain, Dr. Stern, who was extremely excited, put the extracted solution medicine into the machine. While operating, he explained: “The hemodialysis machine will penetrate the antidote into your blood.” , but it will only take effect after a complete reaction, now let’s get started!”

When the machine started to operate, Samuel used an electric shock device to stimulate Banner to cause physical pain. His veins popped out while he was tightly tied to the operating bed, his face was ferocious, and a violent voice boomed in his heart!

Banner bit the stick tightly, and his body fell into a violent spasm. The solution decomposed and penetrated into every cell of the body. His eyes burst into a dark green light, and blood vessels were like spider webs, clearly emerging on the skin. .

Samuel observed this phenomenon and felt incredible in his heart. Who could have imagined that this seemingly thin body contained such terrifying power.

Banner struggled hard, and the muscles all over his body gradually swelled, and a ferocious green face appeared, as if a terrifying monster was about to break out of his body at any time, and a shrill and painful sound echoed in the room.

The huge force directly broke the strong restraints. The operating bed could not bear the heavier body and gradually collapsed. Samuel was trembling all over. He looked at the huge green giant and thought in his mind. Full of mixed emotions of fear and ecstasy.

He kicked the machine hard, and the maximum dose of solution was quickly injected into Banner’s body. The green giant was about to break free from the last restraint. His movements suddenly calmed down, and his strong body expanded and changed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Shrunk back to its original size, the ferocious bursting veins slowly disappeared under the skin.

After a brief coma, Banner regained consciousness. The soft shadowless light illuminated his eyes. For the first time, his mind was not swallowed by the Hulk.

Whenever that terrifying monster comes out, it’s like a liter of concentrated acid has been poured into his head. He can only see some fragmented pictures, and harsh and noisy noises fill his ears. Maybe his consciousness is still there, but it’s just a huge blur. Ke’s strength was beyond his capacity, making him unable to carry and control it.

Sweat oozed from his pores, and Banner’s pale face was filled with smiles. He finally got rid of the terrifying monster that was haunting him like a nightmare.

“Thank you, Dr. Stern.”

He sincerely thanked Samuel on the side, but the other party showed a weird smile and said solemnly: “No, I should thank you, Bruce Banner, your body is simply a huge treasure house.”

“I need you to make more contributions to science, Dr. Banner. Your serum can make my research full of infinite possibilities. It has huge potential. The application space of gamma technology is vast. I can develop Antidotes for hundreds of diseases, freeing humans from disease.”

“…Dr. Stern, believe me, this thing is dangerous and cannot be controlled!”

Banner struggled violently and tried to jump off the operating bed, but without the power of the Hulk, he couldn’t resist at all.

“I know its dangers far better than you do.”

Samuel’s eyes were wild. He pushed out a huge iron cage from the hidden room on the other side. Inside was a huge white rat like a monster. The violent pupils were filled with thick green light, and a faint streak appeared in the white hair. Green blood vessels and tendons.

“This is just a first-generation experimental sample. I can use it on the human body to create powerful warriors… Maybe you can’t imagine that someone will pay a lot of money for this! Unimaginable wealth!”

The needle pierced Banner’s skin, and Samuel said in an extremely cold voice: “This is a sufficient dose of sedatives to bring down an elephant. The big guy in your body can’t get out for the time being, so it’s best to Don’t struggle.”

With heavy eyelids, Banner tried his best to stay awake. He saw Samuel pick up the phone, as if talking to a buyer, and vaguely heard fragments of “Sitville” and “S.H.I.E.L.D.” of words.

Immediately, he fell into a deep sleep.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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