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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 219 Hydra surfaced

Sitting leisurely in front of the computer, the ubiquitous Skynet that monitors the world plays everything that happened in Samuel Stern’s laboratory to Sean, like a boring and lengthy movie full of trivial plots.

Dr. Banner, who was on the run, was too eager and made a huge mistake. He believed in strangers and became a prisoner. He should not lose his basic vigilance, otherwise things would be different.

However, the root cause of all this lies in the powerful SHIELD. In other words, it is another hidden force parasitic on that huge organization. They noticed it before the arrest operation in Brazil. Bruce Banner is wanted by the military.

At that time, Banner, who could transform into the Hulk, was still the prey of military boss General Thaddeus Ross. SHIELD had no reason to intervene, and the unexpected experimental accident was full of chance. This means that the chances of successful replication are slim.

Therefore, Nick Fury did not list Banner as a key surveillance target, but Hydra hidden in the dark was very concerned about it. The leader of the last century, Red Skull John Schmidt, because of Dr. Erskine The super soldier serum was born, and the same was true for his mortal enemy Captain America. It seems that General Ross wanted to copy the super soldier, so he restarted the “Rebirth Project”, which led to the emergence of the Hulk.

By association, the super soldier serum developed by Dr. Erskine during World War II still exerts a huge influence to this day. Therefore, Hydra pays special attention to Bruce Banner, hoping to obtain something more powerful than the super soldier from him. For powerful force.

After the end of World War II, Hydra attached itself to the Red Empire, which was about to collapse, and used massive resources to create a group of super soldiers other than the Winter Soldier. They were strong, proficient in various killing methods, and were among the best in the world. Agent, sadly still hasn’t addressed the side effects of being filled with aggressive and violent emotions.

Hydra’s top management believed that the pay was extremely inconsistent with the rewards, so they had to suspend the plan and seal the failed works in cold Siberia. With the collapse of the Red Empire, this secret was also buried.

So when Samuel and Banner communicated online on an encrypted channel under the aliases of Mr. Blue and Mr. Green, the Hydra agents secretly lurking within SHIELD immediately discovered the situation and reported it to their superiors—— This is also the reason why Samuel suddenly became greedy for profit. Someone offered him an unimaginable huge amount of wealth to seduce this stubborn and arrogant biological cell teacher.

“This is a second-generation serum sample.”

As night fell, a bald man in a suit and tie arrived as scheduled. When he saw a potion handed over by Samuel, his eyelids twitched.

“Where’s Bruce Banner?” The bald man asked seemingly casually as he took the potion that shone with dark green light.

“He is now my ladder to the highest point in life. Of course I have to protect him well.”

Samuel snorted. Of course he knew what this bald agent from S.H.I.E.L.D. was thinking. He couldn’t hand over Banner to him easily, especially before mature gamma technology was fully developed. Before.

“This thing still has side effects that are difficult to eliminate like the one you gave me last time?” Sitwell asked.

They initially bought the first-generation medicine extracted from Bruce Banner’s serum sample from Samuel at a high price. As a result, the soldiers who participated in the experiment either exploded into a pile of green flesh and blood fragments, or lost their minds and were extremely injured. Very aggressive and completely uncontrollable.

“I have no way to extract mature drugs from Banner for the time being. The serum in his body is too toxic. The person who is injected will have a violent reaction and become a bloodthirsty and crazy killing machine.”

Samuel lowered his head and grabbed his messy hair. He already had enough serum samples, but there was still a long way to go before he could obtain mature technology.

“This does not meet my requirements, Dr. Stern.” Sitwell’s tone suddenly became severe.

Hydra has no shortage of such defective products. Those high-level figures want more complete and mature products. Of course it would be best if they could get Bruce Banner. These remnants of the Communist Party have ten thousand ways to destroy each other. Brainwashed into obedient tools.

“Instead of wasting time like this, why not leave Banner to me? SHIELD can give you a large sum of money, or set up a special research team led by you.”

The bald agent adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses. If Samuel Stern hadn’t hidden Banner, he wouldn’t have been so easy to talk to. Once the other party loses its use value, sooner or later he will be thrown away as an abandoned child.

“Ha… you can’t afford the price now.”

Samuel sneered. When he got Banner’s first serum sample, these agents belonging to the secret organization came to his door. But things are different now. After seeing the power of the Hulk, he also Just like in the beginning, he followed Sitwell’s advice.

“Bruce Banner is my personal treasure trove. No one can take it away until I have explored all my potential.”

Sitwell looked at this fool who was blinded by temporary gains. The greed in his eyes was clearly visible. It was obvious that Samuel Stern wanted to treat Banner as a gold mine, even if Hydra continued to provide funds. I believe it can’t satisfy his suddenly increasing appetite.

Before the gloomy expression on the bald agent’s face appeared, a big, sturdy dog ​​quietly emerged from the shadows. It looked like it had been burned by fire. It was covered with charred black hair and covered with ugly markings. It was as big as a cheetah, and its saliva flowed from the dripping between sharp canine teeth.

Perhaps no one would have thought that this giant dog that could tear a man apart was just a stray dog ​​that Samuel picked up from the street.

“Don’t think about those crooked thoughts, Agent Sitwell. I’m not a fool. I will completely trust you and the secret organization behind you.” Samuel stopped the giant dog’s pounce and said with a proud smile: “You pay to buy serum potions from me and provide materials that meet the test requirements. When I completely unlock all the secrets about Banner, I will hand him over to you.”

“Dr. Stern, the Jews said, ‘Once a contract is signed, there is no room for negotiation.'”

Sitwell looked at the giant dog that was ready to move. The dark green light was flashing with blood, and it seemed that it would pounce on him at any time and tear him into pieces.

“But the Jews also said, ‘If I can make one more dollar, as long as I have this opportunity, I will never give it up.’ So the way of cooperation has to be changed. Without me, you will never find Bruce.” Banner!”

Samuel laughed twice. He held the biggest bargaining chip in his hand, so he naturally didn’t have to worry about the other party turning his back and being ruthless. Even if the secret organization behind Sitwell could mobilize agents and troops, he also had other trump cards.

The third generation serum potion can give him the key to open the door to the new world.

“By the way, you are not the only buyer of mine. There is a generous customer who spent a lot of money and is willing to provide a group of mercenaries as my test subjects.”

Appreciating the bald agent’s uncertain and ugly face, Samuel laughed heartily. He had long been fed up with the arrogant attitude of the other party’s bossing around, and he was not a mediocre person who would just follow others’ orders.

“Dr. Stern, you will get what you want.” Sitwell forced a smile, and finally glanced at the display racks on the wall of the room. The rows of serums with green light were particularly eye-catching.

The two people, who had their own secrets, had no idea that a pair of eyes was staring at them in the dark, and they could clearly hear all the plots and transactions.

This seemingly simple laboratory was not as safe and reliable as they imagined, at least it could not be isolated from Skynet’s prying eyes.

Gently closing the computer, Sean tapped his fingers on the table. Things seemed to be getting more and more interesting. Dr. Banner, who was originally the most powerful, temporarily lost the terrifying power of the Hulk and was defeated by Samuel Stern. The little man was playing with the palm of his hand, and the Hydra gradually emerged from the water and came into his sight.

“It’s really wonderful.” The young man hidden behind the scenes smiled faintly. He couldn’t help but wonder which direction the incident would take.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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