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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 22 Interesting Conversation

James Wesley returned home, loosened his tie, took off his suit, and prepared to rest as usual.

“Good evening, Mr. Wesley.”

A hoarse voice sounded in the living room. Wesley took out a bottle of milk from the refrigerator, his body trembled, and then he regained his composure.

“I advise you not to hold a gun or try to resist. Mr. Wesley, you are not good at this.” The voice seemed to know what he was going to do.

“Sit down at the table and let’s talk face to face. This is also the purpose of my visit to you.” After thinking briefly, Wesley decided to do as the other party asked. He is a smart man and always knows how to do it. Preserve yourself.

“Who are you?” This somewhat gentle young man with gold-rimmed glasses hesitated for a moment before asking this slightly old-fashioned question.

“It’s not important.” The figure sitting in the darkness said, and a pistol with a cold light stretched out from the shadows and pointed it at Wesley, who was trying to stay calm. “Who you are is the question worth caring about. “

“Mr. Wesley, at the age of twenty-eight, you can buy a duplex apartment in a wealthy area of ​​Manhattan, wear a Piaget limited edition watch on your hand, and wear an Italian handmade tailor-made suit. At the same time, you You still own three properties in Long Island and three in Brooklyn. To be honest, given your age and salary, all this seems a bit unreasonable. You were born in an ordinary working-class family in Hell’s Kitchen, and you relied on scholarships and donations from well-wishers to complete your career. After completing your studies, you became the manager of a trading company. With all due respect, based on your salary standards, it would be difficult to buy this house.”

Hearing his information being revealed bit by bit, Wesley couldn’t help but feel a little frightened. The other party investigated him very thoroughly, not even missing the smallest details.

Looking at the gun sticking out of the shadows and the figure in the darkness, Wesley began to panic. He didn’t know what this guy who appeared out of nowhere wanted to get from him.

“It’s really surprising. You are a young and promising law graduate studying at Stanford University, and the kind man who funded your studies is none other than the famous real estate tycoon in Hell’s Kitchen, Wilson Fisk. But he also has another name that’s even more terrifying, Kingpin.”

“Are you here for Mr. Wilson? Who sent you here? The Russian Mafia, or the Japanese Hand? The Mexican drug cartel?” Wesley’s head turned quickly, and he reported several other Hell’s Kitchens in succession. of gangster power.

“Wow, Jin Bin has quite a few enemies. I told you, you don’t need to know my identity. I came to you to discuss a deal.” A figure poked out from the darkness, his face obscured by Under the hood, his appearance cannot be seen clearly.

Wesley leaned forward slightly, adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses with his hand, and said, “You want me to betray Mr. Wilson?”

This top law student who graduated from a prestigious school has a quick and flexible mind. He knows that he has nothing to attract the attention of others. Only the underworld emperor who rules the underground world of New York will become the target of others.

“Bingo!” The figure in the darkness snapped his fingers and said in a relaxed tone: “It’s not betrayal. No one dares to ignore Kingpin’s illustrious reputation. Most of the people who opposed him were sunk to the bottom of the Hudson River. Go, Mr. Wesley, who is Kingpin’s personal assistant, should understand this better than me.”

“Then what do you want? I’m just a nobody.” Wesley was confused by the other person’s words.

The figure under the hood chuckled twice and placed the pistol in the middle of the table, as if he was not afraid of Wesley taking away the weapon.

“I’m interested in Kingpin’s industry – of course I mean the legal industry on the surface. Hell’s Kitchen is a mixed place. Kingpin established his powerful rule through violent and bloody means, but the Russian mafia and the Japanese The Hand, these forces have always wanted to take back their territory, and soon there will be a war here.”

The figure under the hood looked at the frowning Wesley and said, “I want to kick all these people out, including Kingpin!”

Wesley had a look of astonishment on his face. He almost thought he had met a madman. How could he eliminate Kingpin and all the gangsters in Hell’s Kitchen?

Even the entire New York Police Department couldn’t do it. Kingpin alone had thousands of thugs and villains working for him. If the underworld emperor said that he wanted someone to disappear in New York, That night the man’s body would be dumped into the bottom of the Hudson River.

“You must think I’m joking now, and maybe you’ll still think of me as a lunatic who talks nonsense.” The figure seemed to have guessed Wesley’s thoughts, and then said: “I don’t need your belief, or even your actions. Give any guarantee.”

“I came to see you today and have this conversation just to let you know one thing, Mr. Wesley.”

The figure paused, then said, “Tomorrow night, Kingpin will die, and so will his right-hand man, Bullseye.”

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue, hitting Wesley directly. His brain seemed to be on hold, and even his ability to think was stagnant for a moment.

Is this madman going to kill Kingpin and Bullseye? !

“When these two men are dead, you, James Wesley, as Kingpin’s personal assistant and in charge of his criminal empire, will become one of the most powerful men in Hell’s Kitchen.”

The figure under the hood ignored Wesley’s shock and explained his plan: “The person with the same status as you is Mr. Leland, the financial expert next to Kingpin – if he is willing to cooperate, then, You will take over the industries under Kingpin’s name as soon as possible. As for those businesses involving illegality, I believe the Russian Mafia, the Japanese Hand, and the group of Mexican drug traffickers will be interested.”

“What you have to do is to use the shortest possible time to cleanse yourself, package yourself as a legitimate businessman, a young upstart from Hell’s Kitchen, and then invest in a doctor of genetic biology named Kurt Connors to provide him with research funds. “

Wesley’s mouth opened wide. He looked at the figure in the darkness in a daze, thinking that he had really met a complete lunatic, who was talking unabashedly in front of him about how he wanted to usurp the New York underworld emperor. Property and territory, isn’t he afraid of telling Jin Bin himself?

“You are a smart man, and I appreciate that you did not try to take the pistol away from the table. Otherwise, you should go see God at this time.”

The other party said calmly, but there was a hint of coldness in his tone, which made Wesley tremble.

“Of course, you can also tell Kingpin that there will be a madman who will try to kill him tomorrow and take everything from him.”

That figure always guessed Wesley’s thoughts, as if he could read his thoughts, which made Wesley feel like he was completely seen through by the other party, without any secrets.

“…However, a smart and capable person will never be willing to be inferior to others. You should not just be a personal assistant to a gang boss. Mr. Wesley, you can have a broader future – if If you are really smart enough!”

The figure slowly retreated into the darkness. After a while, silence returned to the room, and there was no sound anymore, as if everything that had just happened was just Wesley’s hallucination.

The underworld emperor’s personal assistant looked at the pistol on the table with complicated emotions in his eyes.

ps: A reader actually gave me a reward, thank you ingヽ( ̄▽ ̄)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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